Top 10 Best Things About Rain and Wet Weather
The wet weather we often refer to as “rain” is often associated as a bad thing. It’s often considered to be wet, cold, and straight up unbearable for most people. Despite that fact, the rain definitely has its positives.
Since not many people like being wet, rainy days often mean that the streets are less busy and crowded than during sunny days.
During rainy days, the streets are always quiet, and it's much easier to get to places without people in front of you slowing you down and taking your time away.
Exactly - a nice, empty neighborhood is a great spot to walk in, and with soothing rain all around you, it's a good source of inspiration.

Ever wanted to just binge-watch a series or play video games without your parents interrupting you and telling you to go outside and play sports in the sun? Now that the rain has come, your parents will most likely not even bother, as most sports pitches are waterlogged.
So get your hot chocolate out and start binge-watching your TV series or movie marathons, whether it be Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, or Back to the Future (if it's raining, that is).
Staying indoors when it's raining is the best. From my experience, when it's too hot out, I don't feel like doing anything. At least the rain, in some way, gives me motivation to do things.
Also, the sound of rain is very soothing.

Although plants and flowers most certainly need sunlight to grow, they also need the rain to water. It also fills up many important water landmarks such as rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds.
It also provides fish with a much happier environment.
Rain is like a drink to plants in the environment, including trees.
A good balance between sunlight and rain in the atmosphere helps them to grow as well.
Rainwater is one of the most essential things in nature.
It helps plants and crops grow, and it gives many animals water to drink.

The air smells clean and of enriched soil.
You can take the little ones outside with their rain gear on, use a twig or pistachio shell, and have boat races in the rushing street water.
In the aftermath of a rainy day, there's a possibility of seeing a lovely colorful arch in the sky known as a "rainbow".
The flowers are usually much more colorful, and so is the landscape and other plants around you.
The sun always seems more beautiful than ever when it comes out through the clouds after a good rain.
On hot summer days, you have to wear t-shirts and shorts, which aren't the most comfortable pieces of clothing.
On rainy days, you get to wear a comfy raincoat, a fluffy parka, and tracksuit pants, which makes it almost seem like you're in bed.
You've never been in a more comfortably warm place as you have indoors when it's raining.
With the heaters on, you would most likely stay warm and be in a room-temperature room.

Since no one in the family can be bothered to go out in the rain, they mostly spend time together having fun, such as playing board games and watching movies.
Since you can't be bothered to go outdoors when it's raining, it's always good to use the time to increase productivity and work on school assignments that you have to hand in the next day.
It would even get you busy doing creative stuff such as writing stories and drawing pictures.

Depending on your views, playing and jumping in puddles can be very fun, just as long as you're wearing rain boots.
Even though you don't want to go outside, it is still fun to get dirty by rolling around in the mud and getting other people wet.

Nothing is more beautiful than seeing a foggy landscape full of wet and windy outdoors.
It may sound and look brutal, but that's also what makes the rain much more interesting.
I like the aesthetics of it and the scent of the outdoors when it stops, especially in November or October.
Rain is very beautiful and calming. For whatever reason, some people find rain depressing.
The Newcomers

Whenever it rains, I always want to go outside and run around in it.

I love it when it's cooler because at least I can put something on to keep myself warm if needed.
And hopefully puts out wildfires. Huge ones happen too often these days.
Rainy weather does cool the temperature for some time.

That is very useful. People who are more susceptible to pollen allergies in spring feel much better after the rain washes all that pollen away.