Top Ten Things That Are More Annoying Than They Seem

These things are a minor irritation on the surface, but when you're in there, it's a nightmare. Read on.
The Top Ten
Younger Siblings

My seven-year-old younger brother, who is very protective of his ugly stuffed dog named "Shiver," cries at everything. He cried when he got splashed after refusing to get in the swimming pool. He cried when I called him a "weird person." He cried when our mom wouldn't buy him a plastic bowl. The list goes on.

My eleven-year-old younger sister is obsessed with frogs. She screamed and threw a book across the room when it mentioned a dead frog. She carries a stuffed frog named "Padz" everywhere and gets upset if anyone touches him. When will it end?

Every morning, both of them ask our mom to make them "chocolate milky in a spill-proof cuppy." When I am doing my homework, they come into the room and make loud (and very annoying) animal noises. They drive me crazy.

Hot Weather

Hot weather is always terrible. It makes you sweat nonstop, and it makes you feel sluggish and exhausted all day. It's even worse when it's muggy.

Sweat in your hair, sweat in your clothes. The heat gets trapped in your house and in your car, so there's no escape. It also attracts flies, wasps, and - though not many in Great Britain - a lot of mosquitoes in other places.

Why do people say the cold is bad? It's the lesser of two evils.

I live in Florida, and it's terrible! I just want to find a cold, dark place and take a nap for a while.


Insects are so frustrating. I was once at a party with my family, and there were so many bugs, especially mosquitoes. I was constantly bombarded by them, and it got so annoying and itchy that I ended up having a mental breakdown.

After that night, my arms and legs were covered with bites. Next time, I should definitely bring bug spray.

I was once at an airport in Kuala Lumpur, and an insect of a kind I'd never seen fell out of a hand dryer in the lavatory and hit my hand. I couldn't tell whether it had bitten me because I'd just been on a plane, so my hand was half-numb. The air was also humid, even at midnight.

Insects are really annoying, it must be said.


Hours upon hours of hassle and tedious waiting. Airports are horrific places. If only one could show their passport, give their luggage, and get on the bloody plane, we'd all be happy.

Airports are so stressful to get through. I've had some nightmare experiences with flights being canceled or delayed. Just make things simpler and we'll all be happy.

London Underground Trains

The truth is, getting from Lancaster Gate to Paddington Station via the trains means ages of waiting at stations and even longer on the dusty, grimy trains themselves. And it costs you a fortune.

Walking there, though, takes about a third of the time, is a simple trip through some of London's beautiful streets, and is absolutely free. Anyone noticed that?

Oh, how I'd love to walk from Euston Station through London's beautiful streets, but it's just not practical. The grey suit I wear would be black by the time I got to work in central London, and I'd look as though I were going to a funeral. Plus, my heels would break my poor ankles.

Weekends are different, though. I hardly use the tube at all. I can relax!

Lack of Sleep

You think that one night awake will be fine, but by midday, you feel half-dead. It's torturous.

That happens to me a lot, and I'm very frustrated about it.

Things Hiding In the Dark

It's so annoying when you step on a pushpin that you just found on the floor. Need I say more?

Then you realize it's only your Peekaboo doll.

Hairs That You Can't Shave Off

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you can shave all but one annoying little hair, and it drives you crazy hanging around your face, itching like nothing else. Plus, they're incredibly obvious if you look closely. Then, when you finally find tweezers, you still can't get a firm grip on them. Once you do, removing them pulls on your skin like an insect bite. It drives me mental!

Whenever I shave my legs, I always get one little patch that never comes off. Ugh!

Foxes Foxes are small to medium sized animals and belong to the Canidae family along with other animals such as jackals, wolves, and domestic dogs. There are 37 species of fox but only 12 are considered true Vulpes. A fox's prey is small mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs, eggs, insects, worms, fish, crabs,... read more

They mark their territory on your doormat, up the walls, and on the windows of your house. They bring dead mice that they'll never eat into your garden (which I caught one doing red-handed). They make sounds at night like Skrillex has been set on fire, and they drive my dogs mental.

And, of course, there's a stupid song on everyone's lips about them. Cut us some slack, please.

The Newcomers

? Getting a Paper Cut
? Playing Sports
The Contenders
Sports Fanatics
Slow Internet

It makes this site more annoying to use. Messages don't pop up, or I can't load a tab. Slow Internet is awful.

It wastes my time, so I won't build a slow PC because it will make the Internet slower for me.

Expired Food

I am the fussiest person when it comes to expired food. Once, I found my fridge half-empty with nothing left but rotting, molding vegetables, cheese, and the like. It drives me mad.

Being Tall

The world isn't built for tall people. Your bed is too small, and you bang your head whenever you walk through a doorway. Annoying. And ouch.

You get used to it, as I did, but that involves getting used to almost cracking your spine to pick things up. You almost need to put your legs in a vice to fit in small cars and even the longest of beds. And you're always hitting your head on everything.

I can't sit or stand at the front peacefully. I'll always hear the phrase "Move your tall body away!" It's also annoying how every time I meet people, they're like, "WOW! You're tall!"

I know I'm tall, no need to remind me.


I think we can all agree that flies are annoying.

Being Short

If I'm being honest, I have never made it out of the 3rd percentile. Being short is so frustrating - people underestimate you, think you're weak, treat you like a little kid, ask if you have a condition, and say things that make you feel insecure like "Hello, tiny person."

I know people don't mean to hurt me, but why do they care about height so much? I'm a person, just like you are. Why can't we just leave it at that?

My boyfriend thinks it's cute and adorable, but it makes me really insecure, and I hate it.


Some are easy to get rid of, but others aren't, and they leave scars.

I hate them! Everyone's eyes are always on your pimples!

Crowded Places
Being Popular
Dogs The dog or domestic dog (Canis familiaris or Canis lupus familiaris) is a domesticated descendant of the wolf, and is characterized by an upturning tail. The dog is derived from an ancient, extinct wolf, and the modern wolf is the dog's nearest living relative. The dog was the first species to be domesticated,... read more
Leg Cramps at Night
Learning a New Language
Stepping on Lego

Man, it's super annoying and hurts! Well, I don't mind because it was my own.

Banging Your Kneecap On a Table
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