Top 10 Things You Never Get Over

In our lifetime we will go through things that will make us cry and we never forget it.
And this is a list of those things
The Top Ten
1 Loss of a Parent

My parents are still alive and I have a good relationship with them. Sometimes it wakes me up in the middle of the night at the thought that one day they'll be gone. I honestly don't think I could ever get over it.

Since Iv'e been through this I understand the pain of living without parents

2 A Breakup
3 Rape

If You've been through this you'll never forget it

4 Your Best Friend Moving Away
5 Loss of a Pet

People lose pets everyday

6 A Divorce

Yeah you won't forget leaving the one you loved

7 A Near Death Experience
8 Suicide

If you witness on you'll not forget it

9 Betrayal
10 Loss of a Sibling
The Contenders
11 Childhood Bullying/Harassment
12 Abuse
13 Losing Your Memory
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