Top 10 Thoughts that Will Change Your Life in Some Small Way

The Top Ten
1 Your future self is watching you right now through memories.
2 There is a version of you re-created in the minds of everyone you've ever met.
3 Nightmares are so weird. Your brain is the author, viewer and cinema of a horror movie whose script is being written as you are viewing it.
4 When you look at the sky at night, you look at the past.
5 Teaching is just brains telling other brains how to be better brains.
6 Every hand you've shaken has touched a penis.
7 Maybe all Ancient Greek sculpture are victims of Medusa.
8 When pregnant woman swim, she is a human submarine.
9 Teachers prefer 10+ years-old textbooks to the Internet.
10 For every minute you are angry you lose 60 seconds of happiness.
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