Top 10 Weirdest Superstitions

In October, I gave you good and bad luck. So why not some weird to end it?
The Top Ten
Stepping in dog poop

Yes, this is a real superstition that came from France. If you step in dog poop with your right foot, you get good luck. If you step in dog poop with your left foot, it's bad luck. Whether you believe this or not, I don't know, but I think we can all agree that stepping in dog poop with either foot is rather gross.

Once, I stepped in dog poop and I didn't notice. There was a family walking beside us and I thought they did it. But once we were in the car, my sister, my mum, and I knew it was one of us. So we looked at the bottom of our shoes before we entered the house. Turns out it was me.

Double yolked eggs

Most of these superstitions are complete nonsense, but this is the weirdest one of them all. Double-yolked eggs? Seriously? I am going to do this, and since I am male and a virgin, becoming pregnant with twins would be quite the feat. I would be famous!

As stated on the good luck list I made last month, these mean you will become pregnant with twins.

Having a bird poop on you

Not to get all toilet humor-ish, but as gross as it is, if you let a bird do their business on you (or anything you own), it might help you. You're lucky, according to this superstition that originated in Russia. I suspect that it was turned into a meaning of good luck more out of pity for those who have actually had a bird poop on them. That doesn't mean it's a normal superstition.

Once I was at a park and I was pointing up. The next second, a bird pooped right on that finger. Honestly, that bird has ridiculously good aim.

Women eating goat meat

In Rwanda, it is actually illegal for women to consume goat meat for fear that they will grow beards. Since plenty of goats seem to have some facial hair themselves, if you think with the whole "You are what you eat" logic, it actually makes some sense. But still, way too weird.

May dew

For whatever reason, May Morning Dew (or simply "May Dew") was considered sacred by druids. They thought it could replenish beauty and vitality or give them good luck. This resulted in people using it to cleanse their skin, as the druids probably thought they were equally cleansing their souls and faces alike.

This has become less common these days due to products such as Botox, but some Scottish women still do this weird ritual.

Haircuts on Saturdays

This one is of Hindu origin. In theory, not only would you have to wait for Sunday to get your haircut, but you also couldn't get your fingernails or toenails done either, basically because they feared "Planet Shenai," or what we know as Jupiter.

Whistling indoors

If you are whistling a musical tune from your favorite Broadway show like The King and I or Kiss Me Kate, it means you are having fun. I love whistling a good song. Plus, you're enjoying yourself with good luck musically.

As ordinary of a habit as this may be, whistling indoors is thought to summon demons.

Mirrors facing each other

As cool and psychedelic as this looks, the infinite mirrors are actually a gateway for the devil.

Cutting your nails at night

This one comes from Japan, and it's yet another superstition that is a harbinger of death. That could be partly because the instruments that were then the equivalent of clippers could very easily harm you if you were to cut your toenails in the dark. It could also be because of the idea that cutting your toenails decreases your lifespan.

Would you be even remotely surprised if I said I did this? 'Cause I did.

Walking under a ladder

The Newcomers

? Human and animal sacrifice
? Pouring vodka in a lake

Another fishing superstition has its roots in Ukraine. Some people believe if you put vodka into the lake where you're fishing, it will give you good luck and boost your chances of a catch or three. In Ukraine, many people believe in a spirit called Ivan Kupaila, and the vodka is meant to be an offering to him.

The Contenders
The Number 666

I feel like a complete idiot for submitting this twice on your lists, but I think that atheists, Muslims, and so on think we Christians are weird for being afraid of this number. I would have done 665+1 or something, but I don't think that would make the cut. Thanks, admin.

Why does Iron Maiden come to mind whenever I see that number?

Black cats

Okay, before I recap why they have their bad reps, I just want to say I don't believe it myself.

Every superstition is kind of weird, as I don't believe in them myself, but black cats are really weird too. They were thought to be witches taking the form of cats, and they are thought to be harbingers of death if they jump on an ill person's bed. There is much more, I'm sure.

They still don't get adopted as much as other cats (although I had plenty of users and visitors alike testify that they have black cats as pets last month).

Keys on the table

This one is actually kind of disturbing. Putting your keys on the table as a superstition originated in Sweden because prostitutes would indicate their availability by putting their keys on the table. Nobody actually wanted to follow such behavior, so it got dubbed as inappropriate. The kitchen table is now one place where you won't find your keys, at least in Sweden.

As a Swede myself, I can confirm this superstition to be 100% real. My teacher gave me weird looks when I did it once.

At least this kind of makes sense.

Sit on your luggage before traveling

Okay, this is true. I actually consulted a Russian (not joking), and yes, this is a real superstition, although it apparently doesn't necessarily apply exclusively to luggage. Sitting on anything is considered good luck.

Russians believe this gives good luck. I don't know why.

Putting new shoes on the table

I can understand why putting shoes on the table isn't the most pleasant thing, but the fact that specifically new shoes are mentioned is odd.

Sticking chopsticks straight up
Saying "happy birthday" too early
Placing two mirrors facing each other
Bananas on boats

A popular fishing superstition is, if you're going fishing on a boat, NEVER bring bananas on board because it's very bad luck.

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