Top 10 Worst Stereotyping Thoughts

The Top Ten
1 Indians, Persians (Iranians), Turks, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, etc. wear turbans and have features that are similar to the Arabs, therefore, they're Arabs
2 Modern Egyptians like to wear Pharaohs, worship Egyptian gods and goddesses, and other stuff that mostly associates with ancient Egypt, because they're Egyptians
3 People need to bow at Asians with their hands together, as a traditional form of respect, for Asians
4 Egypt's an Arabic country since the ancient times
5 All Arabs are Muslims
6 Asians can't see well because their eyes are small
7 Black people come from African countries, because they're black
8 Arabs wear turbans and live in deserted nomadic Arabian countries
9 Black people like to eat fried chicken, watermelon, purple grapes, etc.
10 All Germans are military-like
The Contenders
11 People of English-speaking countries speak American English instead of their own version of the English language
12 Germans respect, worship, love, embrace, and obey adolf hitler, because he's (to them) a German patriot who sacrificed himself in the name of Germany
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