Top Ten Worst Things About Having Sleep Paralysis

Sleep Paralysis can be extremely frightening. Sufferers are unable to move, feel a sense of dread and a feeling of levitation. I experience this at least eight times a year.

If you suffer with this, you'll know know the symptoms already and will be able to relate / identify with the items. If you suffer with any of these symptoms but are unsure of what's going on, chances are you are experiencing Sleep Paralysis.
The Top Ten
Hearing voices

I had the worst episode last night that I've had in a long time. It sounded like my name was repeatedly being whispered slowly and very closely to my ear. My eyes were wide open but I couldn't move for what felt like hours.

I'm still shaking.

When I have this, I hear children laughing, but not playfully. It's laughter like in horror films, and everything echoes like you are alone in a church.

Being unable to move

I think I've experienced sleep paralysis before. It was when I was about 9 years old, and I remember being in a dream where everything was frozen, as if someone paused my dream. Then everything went black. I was trying to wake up, but I couldn't open my eyes or move at all.

I don't remember any hallucinations, and, as I said, my eyes were closed during this, but it was still scary.

Many times I've just woken after a nightmare. I look around and see all blurry images. I scream for my parents, my lips move but no voice comes out. I try to close and open my eyes but they are static.

I feel like a vegetable! It's really frightening. It's so frightening that once I gain control over my body, the first thing I do is call my folks to put me to sleep. And I'm a teen.

Fearing to go back to sleep

It leaves you exhausted, but the terror you experienced leaves you fearing sleep in case it happens again.

I watched a YouTube video on sleep paralysis horror stories. I remember being so frightened it would happen to me that I didn't want to sleep that night.

Feeling of levitation

This isn't so bad. You feel as though you are floating but your body feels heavy and unable to move. It's not a nice feeling, but not as bad as other feelings mentioned in this list.


Just a really unpleasant, uncomfortable thing sleep paralysis leaves you with.

Being alone
The nightmare beforehand

Very ghostly nightmares or being chased by evil creatures are always the first signs, but you can't tell yourself to wake up.

Feeling that an evil force is in the room with you

I personally have experienced the frightening phenomenon of sleep paralysis several times in my life. This couldn't be more accurate. You feel as if something evil is weighing you down and ready to ambush you at any given moment.

The feeling is quite terrifying, but since you cannot move, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. That is the worst realization in the moment.

Yeah, this is definitely demonic. Every single one of these points! I urge you to seek deliverance from this, but not by natural means. You should seek Jesus. He still casts out demons today. I've seen it. I've experienced it.

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7

Feeling of dread

Beeg: Not talking about "drugs." Most are serotonin precursors or natural calmatives. They help you continue sleeping until REM is complete. They are not addictive.

Feeling that you may be dying, having no control over what's going on.


I often see blurred, faceless figures moving slowly like zombies. Don't laugh! It's extremely frightening!

The Newcomers

? Feeling like you can't breathe
? Waking with a migraine
The Contenders
The coldness

Awful. Feels as though the blood is literally freezing.

Confusion after the event
Can't sleep after watching a horror movie
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