Worst Things to Do In Your Spare Time

I'm messing with you again just for fun though. I may put stuff that everyone does but I'm just goofing off. Okay? If it's offensive, it's your problem! Not mine!
The Top Ten
1 Spend the whole time on Twitter

You can't be on twitter that long! Just too much of it is bad. It's okay if you have 1 or 2 hours of spare time.

2 Gossip about people you don't know

Totally annoying for those watching and it is such a waste of time.

We need to just stop associating with people who do this.

3 Watch porn and masturbate

Fapping makes you complacent, and unable to find the motivation to improve yourself. Fapping also lowers testosterone in men. Please stop fapping!

As a fifteen year old with no money or a drivers license, ya this is good.

4 Show your friends your baby pictures

As I know, you will never get the chance to be around your friends again because you pictures are most likely to be very embarassing and you don't want some people you don't know to spread a rumor about your baby pictures.

5 Watch Big Brother

I like Big rother but I'd rather watch the amazing race or SURVIVOR!

6 Nothing

Doing nothing is boring! I don't wanna do nothing I wanna play video games or watch reality shows screw doing nothing I'd feel so bored! RIGHT?!?!? RIGHT?!?!?

Well, yeah. Duh. Doing nothing is like doing...nothing!

If u breath, your not doing nothing, If u fly,sit,walk,stand,lie,hover or get in sex positions, your not doing nothing, so better.. GO STARE AT WALLS

7 Read a book in the bathroom

This is the most annoying thing to do during your spare time but it's not the worst. It's totally annoying and a waste of time if you ask me.

8 Try to keep saying your first word until your spare time is over

First of all, not many people can remember their first word and second, it gets annoying because it is a dumb baby word.

9 Study
10 Kill yourself

That would waste a few minutes I suppose...but what you do with the rest of the spare time?

I wish you could do it every time you had spare time

The Contenders
11 Constantly send random text messages to your friend

YES now we are talking I do this aboulutely all of the time it is just the best thing to do if you are bored but it ends up making your friend very annoyed

12 Hog the television
13 Homework

Homework is really boring, it isn't fun at all. All you do is think and write. Your teacher doesn't let you rip your homework and throw it in the fireplace, don't do it, come back to school and see what your teacher does if you don't do your homework

14 Listen to Rebecca Black
15 Try to get bored to sleep
16 Ride in an airplane without TV or electronic devices

If you get the window seat, at least you get a good view from 30,000 feet, but if there's clouds, forget it

17 Listen to Justin Bieber
18 Listen to One Direction
19 Listen to metal music
20 Gamble
21 Go to church
22 Sleep

You constantly wake up so don't bother doing it. Also, it's kinda a waste of time.

23 Act like you're stupid
24 Walk in Circles

My mom makes me do this all the time. IT'S SO BORING I HATE IT!

25 Have a sex chat with any of your friends
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