Top 10 Most Deadly Diseases

I Like How You Said CORONA
Really? I'm not saying I want to have coronavirus, even though if I did I most likely would not even have symptoms but higher than TB, the damn PLAGUE, and cancer? come on man!-Joe Biden, and no I would never support Joe Biden
Yo Listen Stewart Stop Complaining This Is His List So Stop

14,636 have died from COVID-19 and 2,157,108 have been confirmed to be infected by it so, yes it has to be above cancer, Ebola, the plague, and all the others.
Coronavirus over cancer, HIV/AIDS, ebola, tuberculosis, bubonic plague...? C’mon now.
This is worse than coronavirus think about it

Above Corona - Unnamed Google User Remade
The pneumonic form is considered the deadliest biological weapon, due to its mobility and mortality rate. Examples of the mortality rate in San Francisco there was a small outbreak, it infected 121 and killed 119, that's over 98%! But that was bubonic form.
Number 7? You out of your mind bro? This is way worse than coronavirus
Just so you know, coronavirus is less lethal than the flu now...
Big Alcohol & Big Tobacco sleeps with the enemy
Food Poisoning is curable with artificial intelligence
food poisoning is a international national security concern/issue/problem, 500 thousand-million deaths annually occur from food poisoning, scientists & artificial intelligent scientists can end the food waste food poisoning paradoxical dilemma
Fact : Heart disease is the leading cause of death each year (feel free to look it up). So heart disease is factually #1, so why is it at #14?
Vote it up! It actually is responsible for 1/6 of human deaths.
Ulcers are curable with artificial intelligence
Strokes are curable with artificial intelligence

it is challenging to date having asthma, its like a prison for your lungs, you cannot ever escape it because you are a eternal prisoner
with artificially intelligent 3D Bioprinters asthmatics will have millions of backup lungs for the rest of their life/lives, & other species with asthma will have new lungs to/too due to the artificially intelligent Bioprinters mass producing trillions of organs nonstop continuously, & with new lungs means there has to be new international initiatives in regards of containing & controlling pollution
Epilepsy is curable with artificial intelligence
How is ALS at the bottom of the list and coronavirus is #1!? COVID-19 mostly kills only vulnerable people but ALS kills everyone who gets it.