Top Ten Bad Habits and Other Things that Can Deteriorate Your Mental Health
The development of bad habits can be often be subtle and addicting, and most of them can be not only consequential to physical health, but they can also impact our overall mental health. Our mental health and physical health is determined by our routine. Especially in the time where the majority is stressed, and you're looking forward to improve your mental health, we present the following habits you should eliminate, (or at least put them in moderation.)This is more common among teens and young adults. Yes, you may have some negative thoughts circulating in your mind, and that's perfectly normal for everyone. However, if you continue to allow yourself to have those negative thoughts, it may become a habit, leading you down a downward spiral that becomes difficult to overcome, thus impacting your overall mood and mental health.
Ah yes, negative thoughts are extremely bad for one's health overall. I used to have thoughts like this before, but I stopped having them.

We often spend hours scrolling on Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, and Instagram, plus watching YouTube videos as a primary source of entertainment. Sure, getting likes and fame is pleasurable, but it is actually detrimental to our mental health.
Those likes you get barely mean anything. Unless you are famous, try quitting social media for a week and see how many people miss you. I guarantee most people will forget you after some time.
Normalizing platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter has indeed plagued our society heavily. I'm not saying it's all just bad people in today's world, but rather poor choice guidance and normalization by society.
If you want ways to communicate remotely, pick platforms specifically dedicated to that, such as Skype or iMessage. I can highly predict society would be better off in that fashion.

Drugs and alcohol are addictive but are often used as a shortcut for alleviating stress and depression, as well as an escape from reality. They come with countless consequences for both physical and mental health in the long term. Drug abuse is never a good habit. If you are stressed and considering recreational drugs as an easy way to get rid of your anxiety, seek help.
Probably should be first. It's such a sick scheme.
I feel like this deserves to be higher than 10.
Yes, it's good to help and meet people's standards, but if you make an effort to help people while sacrificing your valuable time and resources, you may eventually put yourself under stress and pressure. Sometimes, it's better to prioritize yourself, listen to your gut, and learn how to say "no" in some situations.
I've learned over time that you should be generous, but that doesn't mean letting people take advantage of your generosity.
Overall, be a nice person but don't let people exploit you.

The habit of sleep deprivation is often caused by social media addiction and being disorganized, which explains why you have difficulty sleeping. I used to fall victim to this habit but managed to fix it with this technique: don't use any electronics for two hours before bed. Read a book instead.
Another solution for those with unstable sleep schedules requires some willpower. Skip a day of sleep and pull an all-nighter, and during the day, try not to crash before your desired time (let's say 7:30 PM). Personally, this method worked for me.
Alternatively, you can cycle your sleep schedule one hour forward per day, from 5:00 AM to 6:00 AM, and so on to your desired time. It takes longer than the first method but suits those who tend to get sleepier throughout the day.

A lack of exercise can drain not only your physical health but also your mental health. Even if you're not in the mood, try exercising for at least thirty minutes or more a day. Even light to moderate exercise, such as jogging around the neighborhood, helps.
Trust me, you'll get a huge boost of energy, motivation, and overall health, and you'll eventually build up discipline once you develop the routine. The sheer benefit of exercising improves you in the long run.
Exercising helps release stress and endorphins.

I had a friend who would drink from sunup to sundown, and it killed him.

This is a problem that many people struggle to deal with, me included, and it's sadly due to a lack of motivation. Waiting it out by turning to other "less important" activities such as watching YouTube videos as an escape from your anxiety can actually do worse, pressuring you into worrying about your work and leading to stress.
If you need to do it, do it now. You have the will. Setting a proper routine and small but achievable goals is also effective in ridding yourself of procrastination.

It's understandable why people tend to isolate themselves, especially in this pandemic. While introverts may love the feeling of being isolated, it can actually be detrimental to our mental health, leading to anxiety and, in severe cases, depression.
As social beings, we must interact with people, such as family, from time to time. Texting and video-chatting may be good, but it's better to interact in person. Just remember to social distance.

Many people on the internet act like watching this stuff is normal. It really shouldn't be treated this way. I assume they say this because they don't want to feel embarrassed. Deep down, it still causes a sense of guilt and self-hatred.
Think of it this way: the industry is exploiting you for views and potential money while corrupting your mindset from your natural, unique self. It's not too late to become a better person. Try abstaining from it if you ever feel like garbage. Participate in NNN coming up very soon. Sure, it's an internet challenge, but it does have its benefits.
The Newcomers

The news typically spreads a lot of negative thoughts, but the mental toll it takes is rooted in poor choices of news sources. Negative news is reported because humans have an inclination to do good and make informed decisions, which should be the ideal perspective on the media. Some people believe that anything negative will distress them, whether it affects them or not, and that is when a break is necessary.
Of course, taking a break is necessary, but in the long term, it's not convenient. Would you avoid all kinds of news in exchange for ignorance? Instead, you should change your perspective and treat the news as a source of information. Check your sources for any bias, and verify your facts when necessary.
If you get your news from social media, it's very likely to take a huge toll on your mental state, as it's specifically targeted to you. Sadly, that's what most people fall into.
Mistakes are a pet peeve for some, and you're more likely to achieve something if you are careful about it. Having this mindset is good for some, and it's always satisfying to put your skills to the best.
However, the habit of not making mistakes can also impact your health negatively, putting you under stress due to high expectations of yourself. It's better to ease up, accept mistakes, and learn from them. Remember, we are human. None of us are perfect, and we all make mistakes at some point.

Ah, junk food, one of the things that makes you unhealthy. It's good to eat fast food once in a while, but not when it becomes a habit. Eating junk food can deprive not only your physical health but also your mental health.
Fried, processed, and sugary foods make you more prone to depression, and they have little to no nutritional value. Try sticking to healthier alternatives such as vegetables and fruits, and at least decrease your intake of junk food.

Smoking will not only damage your lungs but will also affect your overall mood and mental state in the long term. We all know the effects of smoking, right? Smoking is one of the most addictive substances, and it's not easy to escape this addiction, sadly, and it's an overlooked problem in teens.
If you've fallen into this addiction, it's better to seek similar but better alternatives (such as replacing a cigarette with chocolate when you have the urge). If you can't control it, seek a therapist or at least someone else to help you.

Playing video games is generally normal and can be rewarding. Unfortunately, for some, that's where the addiction starts, known as gaming disorder.
If your life seems too involved in video games and you can't control it, you might be risking your responsibilities. This may be fine for kids and those with a dedicated gaming career, but if you're a typical adult and it's affecting your life negatively, definitely seek help.