Worst Things to Be Allergic To

The Top Ten
1 Water (Aquagenic Pruritus)

This is very rare, uncanny thing to be ever be allergic to. You are made by a gallon percentage of liquid inside your body. If someone was already growing up since your allergic to it, then I admit you're super lucky! But whenever you begin to reek, you know you can't take a shower. You can try using perfume to clear the stenches away, but perfume is also made of liquid and even a tiny little spray can also huge impact lumps of allergens into your body. It's a horrendous thing to be ever allergic of and I apologize to the people who a diseased by it.

2 Nuts

I would hate to be allergic to peanuts. I love peanut butter. I know a lot of people with a peanut allergy, and it is so hard for them not to be able to eat the things they desperately want. Whenever I hang out with a friend with a peanut allergy, I feel deeply sorry for them having to ask if certain foods have peanuts as one of the ingredients at every restaurant they go. It is very hard, like all allergies are, but this one is very hard.

This is by far the worst allergy. My brother has a peanut allergy, and it totally sucks because I'm never allowed to have peanut butter, some types of chocolate, peanut butter ice cream, and much more. If you are allergic to peanuts, you have to watch every single thing you eat, including cakes, chocolate, ice cream, donuts, etc. I honestly think it is way worse then being allergic to water, but that would suck, too.

3 Milk

Ok, so I'm allergic to milk, but I'm not lactose intolerant. My body is unable to process milk, so eating anything with dairy could make me incredibly sick. If I eat too much, I could die. I hate it so much, ice cream and pizza used to be my favorite foods. It also sucks having this along with IBS and Acid Reflex, along with being allergic to shrimp, beef, and pork. I hate my life.

Ugh I am most likely to be allergic to milk and when you first find out, it like the worst thing that's ever happened! No icecream or anything dairy. But I take this thing so I can have dairy

4 Chocolate Chocolate is a typically sweet, usually brown food preparation of Theobroma cacao seeds, roasted and ground, and often flavored with vanilla.

I am allergic to chocolate. I hate it. I was not allergic to it until about four years ago. My friends, because they know they can play around with me, they always eat chocolate right in front of my face and smile at me. It does not bother me even though I would kill to have some chocolate... Ironic because chocolate would kill me...

I couldn't imagine being allergic to chocolate and I feel sorry for those who are allergic. Chocolate is my all-time favorite food and I would hate it if I was never able to eat chocolate again.

5 Wheat

Because there is gluten in everything these days. It's so hard to avoid and there is no cure if you eat it you must suffer the consequences for three days. At least for me it's three days of pain, discomfort and exhaustion among other gross symptoms

I'm gluten intolerant and my mother has celiac diseases, "it's terrible" NOPE!

Having a gluten allergy is no big deal just a minor inconvenience, most foods have a gluten free equivalent

I'm allergic to gluten, milk, and beef. It sucks. I eat a ton of salads.

6 Bees

I am allergic to bees. I got stung in the neck, the next thing I knew, I was in a hospital bed with an oxygen tank.

This is giving me My Girl references all over again.

It would suck to be allergic to bees, then if you got stung that would really be bad

7 Grass

Definitely sucks. I remember having to walk home from school and my legs being practically numb by the time I got home. And I broke out in hives during a fire drill, it was torturous. Now being older I can control the extent of time I'm outside more but it still annoying

I have this allergy. When I go outside and roll on the grass, I get itches everywhere and start sneezing. Its annoying.

I feel sorry for the people who are allergic to grass that every time they walk on it, they get an allergic reaction.

8 Wasps
9 Sunlight

I watched a video of some girl who was allergic to sunlight. Luckily it's very rare to have this allergy, but I can't imagine how hard it must be to never be able to go outside on sunny days.

Dude never going out in the morning sucks.

That would really suck to be allergic to sunlight then you couldn't go outside

10 Fish
The Contenders
11 Meat

Same, but what about pepperoni, fried chicken and all of those other good meats.

I would love having this allergy.

12 Vegetables

I am allergic to many fruits and vegetables and am anaphylaxis to watermelon and tomatoes which absolutely sucks!

Corn is in everything! Between corn starch, high fructose corn syrup and citric acid(all derived from corn) I literally can only eat whole food items.

Yep. I heard a kid would say they're allergic to vegetables as an excuse to not eat them.

13 Dogs The dog or domestic dog (Canis familiaris or Canis lupus familiaris) is a domesticated descendant of the wolf, and is characterized by an upturning tail. The dog is derived from an ancient, extinct wolf, and the modern wolf is the dog's nearest living relative. The dog was the first species to be domesticated,... read more

Being allergic to dogs makes it difficult to socialize. Seems like everyone has a dog at their house. If it's outdoors it's usually fine. Indoors with a dog that lives there though is a no-go.

14 Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
15 Mold

I am allergic to plant and soil mold, and I live in Kansas so we have droughts then floods then it's really moldy so I have bad reactions to it.

16 Cats The cat (Felis catus) is a domestic species of small carnivorous mammal.
It is the only domesticated species in the family Felidae and is often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from the wild members of the family. A cat can either be a house cat, a farm cat or a feral cat; the latter... read more
17 Perfume

I have a fragrance sensitivity, so perfumes/colognes give me really bad headaches and I will get nauseated from time to time. It sucks going to stores because of the perfume section...

It would feel terrible to ask someone to wash off their scent because it's giving me a reaction. Or worse, to have to stay away from them if they won't.

One whiff and I get a massive migraine immediately. Ditto all scented products.

18 Fruit

I hate these allergies. I can't eat from strawberries to melons, apples, pears, banana etc. Etc. Oh did I mention I'm allergic to grass as well as most types of tree sorts during the pollination seasons aka from march to late october? I'm also allergic to cat hair, horse hair, and I can't be close to hay without getting a runny nose and very itchy eyes as with most of these allergies..

I have Latex Fruit Syndrome- meaning I am not only allergic to Natural Latex, but fruits related to the latex tree. I also discovered I can't eat Mango's or anything related to them.

19 Skin
20 Rodents

Who the hell is allergic to this?

21 Dust Mites

I'm allergic to dust and dust mite, which is EVERYWHERE, more than water. I can't go anywhere without sneezing or getting itchy eyes or skin, it's the worst most annoying thing.

I'm not allergic to dust, technically everyone is, but I'm a bit over that. My dog always rolls around, and already has crunchy like fur, and whenever I pet him, I sneeze and puff.

I'm anaphilactic towards dust mites and dust mites are in EVERYTHING coushiny such as couches. this means I can't have sleepovers because I have a spetial matress and sheets that are dust mit free. and not to mention that I can't even sit on the couch to watchtv without breaking out in itchy welts

22 Latex

How can you even touch latex without getting a reaction? By wearing gloves? Oh wait, some gloves have latex in it.

I know two people who are allergic to this.

23 Eggs

I'm allergic to eggs and my friend is allergic to peanuts, we both have a high chance of death if we eat it. He said that my allergy is so much more annoying because eggs are in almost everything. And I have to agree, everything that is annoying with peanut allergy is the same for eggs, exept that we cannot eat half of everything we want.

My sister's allergic to eggs and I always feel sorry for her, since she's been allergic to it, I couldn't eat many things with eggs in it. We always have to substitute eggs with different ingredients.

24 The Cold

I'm guessing people with this allergy can only live in the desert or by the ocean. Also, it would suck to not be able to enjoy ice cream on a hot summer day and only be able to eat hot foods.

You can actually be allergic to the cold. Just watch the reaction time video. It seems VERY hard to deal with. It's sad that this is possible.

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