Top 10 Worst Things to Tell Someone Dealing With Problems
Refrain from saying these things on this list. I made this list for everyone so they know what is and isn't the right thing to say to people who have are going through a hard time.Imagine being so dense that you genuinely believe people who are struggling are selfish. This is why many people suffer in silence.
Someone having depression does NOT make them selfish!
As well intentioned as this may seem, it's best to refrain from using this line. Someone with depression can't always snap out of it
At least 'cheer up' may involve compassion, but 'get over it' is callous. Once, when I was at a low ebb, I was told 'Get over it.' I've hated the phrase ever since.
I am honestly at my WITS END with people who think being sad when something happens to them, and actually struggling with depression, are anywhere near the same thing!
Simple answer: They can't
To you, it may not be, but to them, it certainly is.
I don't think anyone's ever said this
Don't tell people with depression to "smile", it brushes off what they're going through
So by that logic, if I lose someone in my family who was very close to me, am I not allowed to be upset because "others have it worse"?
This is what most people say.