Top 10 Scariest Minecraft Mobs
I've gotta be honest, they are kinda scary. The look isn't that scary, but they are fully black mobs, which means they might be a bit hard to see at night. If you accidentally make eye contact with one for even a second, they teleport everywhere and attack you. It might be hard to see where they teleport to.
They are still my favorite mobs.
The sound they make when they take damage isn't all that scary, but the noise they make when chasing you is really unnerving. It gets louder the longer it goes on.
The Ghast is, by far, one of the scariest Minecraft mobs. Its sound seems to represent a screaming baby as if it were being attacked or killed. The beast's design itself resembles a pure white entity that takes on the body of a squid.
I saw them in the nether. I saw one, and when I was about to shoot it, another one appeared! And then another one! I ran, and then I got shot by another one right in my face until I panicked.
So I had my iron stuff on and was going through the nether portal. When I got there, I saw a Ghast in the distance. I ran behind a rock and peered at the Ghast. It shot a fireball at me. I swiped my sword, but it did not reflect back. I was like, "OH CRAP!" and it blew a hole under me. I fell 300 blocks down into the lava and died.
Ghasts are extremely hard to kill. By the way, I think my sword is cursed.
They make ghostly sounds that make it seem like they're going to kill anything! They have three heads too. Three is better than one!
That annoying Wither effect - who can survive it? It's a boss with 300 health!
It literally kills every living thing it sees!
A full set of diamond armor cannot save you from the full blast of the explosion. You are never safe anywhere in the overworld with creepers roaming around. The scariest thing, though, is mining in deep caves, where you can barely see anything. If you're lucky, you can hear the creeper's footsteps, but by then, they're already too close.
Today I was playing (25/10/2016), and a creeper spawned right in my face. I screamed like a little girl, and my mom was like, "What's going on?" and I was like, "Nothing, Mom, just a creeper."
That moment when you're mining and you run into a monster spawner spawning spiders, with all the spider webs all over the place! The spider's walking sounds are creepy as well!
You can't go to sleep because mobs are nearby. So you go outside, but you don't see any. You start walking, and then something attacks you from the roof of your house. You scream like a little girl.
Obviously... Who isn't afraid of real spiders?
That end boss, the last one, I saw one in creative mode. It was extremely creepy when it's killed, and it shoots dragon's breath that deals so much damage with so much health.
I am afraid of humongous, terrifying monsters, even though they aren't really. When it charges at you to attack, your life will flash before your eyes. Good luck killing it!
They are so creepy! They look like they're rotting, and their moaning sounds get me every time!
They are terrifying, admit it. Their noises and their rotting appearance are so scary!
The scariest, worst Minecraft mobs. I hate their green flesh and pink meat. How on earth do they stand? They're like cursed pigs.
When I first started playing Minecraft, the first night was horrible. I was killed by them. In creative, they also seem to be saying, "Brains..." Super scary.
Today, I screamed twice because of a baby zombie's groan. They freak me out!
I have a slight fear of silverfish. Whenever I see a silverfish, I immediately think about real-life silverfish. I am petrified of silverfish in-game and off-game. They always make me shiver in terror and fright.
By the way, look at pictures of real silverfish AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Silverfish stone spawns near lava. It looks like cobblestone, but it's harder to mine. I was mining near lava, and I destroyed a block above me. A silverfish fell down and into the lava. Ha! Ha!
Super Hostile has given me a strong fear of these things.
With a bow and arrow, these guys are hardcore shooters.
You need arrows when you're around a skeleton. They've got amazing range.
The Newcomers
The Warden looks really scary, especially in the dark!
I have never seen one, though, and I am glad!
As much as I love the Warden, I won't deny how terrifying he is.
It was night. Minecraft actually said, "Phantoms are dangerous mobs at night, so sleep normal!" And it happened - those green eyes, that flying blue thing - uh, it's creepy.
They attack you when you haven't slept for three Minecraft days. To make matters worse, they fly straight at you while screeching, then bite you! They even look intimidating!
The sounds they make are so creepy! They come down from the sky and bite you, and they are hard to hit.
They can fly and make scary noises. Plus, they throw fireballs.
These green squids shoot lasers at you. There are only a few of them, but they are giant.
This is a newer addition to the game, but it is an extremely dangerous and pretty creepy mob.
Want to know something creepy? The Ravager used to be scared of rabbits, but then Jeb said, "It doesn't fit with the beast's lore."
They live in mines, have tiny legs, and a giant grin. So creepy!
These things are like skeletons, only they live in snow biomes at night. They wear a gray shredded shirt and shoot tipped arrows, like fire, poison, water, ice, and other cool arrows.
These are scary villagers that have risen from the dead!
A skeleton riding a spider? I never thought that would make it into Minecraft.