Top 10 Best Minecraft Items

This list has items like swords, bows, wood, crafting table, and any other item in Minecraft that you can think of.
The Top Ten

I noticed that there is no food on this list. I agree that wood is the number one item, but the next thing I go for is food, usually cows.

Although I play on hard difficulty, I can't imagine why anyone would play on normal. Just play creative/peaceful or hard.

Here is my top ten:

Wood (charcoal, torches, handles, crafting tables, chests, beds)
Food (apples, cows, cookies, rotten flesh)
Wool (beds)
Iron (anvil, minecarts and tracks, pistons, compass/maps, buckets, shears)
Redstone (compass, pistons, powered/detector/activator rails, repeaters)
Gold (compass, pistons, powered/detector/activator rails, repeaters)
Diamonds (portals, enchantment tables, ender chests, gold farms)
Obsidian (portals, enchantment tables, ender chests, gold farms)
Sand (glass, TNT)
Sugar Cane (paper, sugar)


Normally, I vote for wood, but think about it. How much have you achieved by getting wood? It may be the most useful item in Minecraft, but it's pretty easy to get. When you find diamonds, it really feels good. And games are supposed to make you feel good. This list isn't all about how useful items are.

Diamonds are the most important mid-game and end-game resource in the game. Yes, wood is the most important start resource, but it soon becomes as common as dirt in mid-game.

It makes me feel so happy when I mine it because I just imagine bragging about it to my friends. I'm like: Yo, dudes, guess what! FULL DIAMOND armor with sword, axe, and pickaxe, baby! I'm so boss! Ya!

Crafting Table

Why are diamonds ahead of crafting tables? I mean, you need a crafting table to make a diamond useful.

Let me list some things that you need a crafting table for:

Enchantment tables
Enchanted golden apples
And last but not least, chests

I mean, how can you make swords, pickaxes, and different stuff like diamond swords without a crafting table? If you don't have crafting tables, you have fewer things to make.

They're out of wood too, but without them, you can't craft in Minecraft. What's Minecraft without crafting?


Pickaxes should be in 4th above swords. You can not only use pickaxes for mining, but they have some decent attack power as well. It's true, however, that swords come in different variations too.

Pickaxes are amazing! I sometimes make them just for fun because they are so good.

Minecraft is about mining, isn't it? Well, you can't mine without a pickaxe! You can't get any tools at all without one! They are also a good weapon! Pickaxes are epic.


Without swords, we can't fight monsters. We can fight monsters with something else, but slower. We can kill animals for food, to defend ourselves. Without swords, it's not Minecraft.

Swords are the best! Wood sword is okay. Stone is good. Iron is great. Gold is really useless. Diamond is really great. Explanation stays all good. I love swords!

Order of swords best to worst:

1. Gold (33 hits and boom it's gone.)
2. Wood (Same attack damage as gold but 64 hits.)
3. Stone
4. Iron
5. Diamond

They all help you live.


My favorite thing to do is build something huge and then explode it. It feels so good.

I mostly use it for entertainment, but it's still an amazing item!

I love building enemy bases and making them self-destruct with TNT.

Enchantment Table

Your armor or sword would look awesome shiny. The enchants are a good addition to the game.


Iron is the second most important item in Minecraft. True, diamonds and TNT are nice, but iron is required for so many things. Iron is used for 29 things. That is huge. And it's not just useless stuff. This includes redstone, doors, blocks, tools, armor, and so much more.

Diamond, gold, and emerald would be unobtainable without iron. Of course, you need wood to get it, but iron is so much more useful and necessary than all this other junk. Enchantment tables number 6? I doubt it.

Iron is great. Somebody said diamond, but the only way to get diamond is iron! Without iron, diamond would be unminable, and it's more useful than diamond because you can make rails with it, iron golems with it, and almost anything else! Diamond is great, but iron helps you get it! Iron is great.


This should be number 1. It's the best if you're down to 1 heart because you can kill from a far distance.

Power V can one-shot someone that has no armor. I've done it before in battle mini-games on Xbox 360.

Enchanted Golden Apple

They should be higher. I mean, they basically make you immortal, although just for a short time.

I've never gotten one in Survival before.

The Newcomers

? Rooted Dirt
? Feather
The Contenders

An easy way to smelt and cook items. After all, most ores are useless without a furnace.

You wouldn't be able to get resources without smelting them.


Without chests, you can only have 27 items that you own.

You can put stuff in chests. Lots of stuff!


A cheap way to light your place. They're not a block, so they're good in mine shafts.


Think about it. Want to get diamonds? You need an iron pickaxe. Want an iron pickaxe? You need a stone pickaxe. Want a stone pickaxe? You need a wooden pickaxe. Want a wooden pickaxe? You need sticks. Want sticks? You need wooden planks. Want wooden planks? You need wood. Want wood? You need a tree. Want a tree? You need a sapling. Want your sapling to grow into a tree? You need a grass block. Want a grass block? You need dirt.

Oh, and you make dirt huts and towers out of it.

How is this so low down? You can't grow anything in Minecraft without dirt! How would you get a good food supply? How would you get wood? How would the world look normal?

Eye of Ender

It's an easy way to get to the End.

Music Disc

No one had put steak on this before now. There were almost no foods, and foods are very important. Most of the stuff you were putting on here is also hard to find, so yeah.


Combined with fireworks, this would be the best transportation up, down, and even sideways!

Such a massive help to the efficiency of the game!

Rare but fun. I use this in creative mode.

Spawn Egg

Especially if you want a zoo! And it is GOLD, not butter.

Golden Pickaxe

Make several golden pickaxes and grind through stone in a fraction of the time for cheaper.

Diamond Sword

I like diamond swords because they are good for hunting. But the only bad thing is when the diamond swords run out of energy, it might take a long time to find more diamonds.

If I were you, I would mark where you found your diamonds. I would not make my mine in a cave far away because you can forget where you found your diamonds. I would make a strip mine near my house so I would not lose the mine where I found the diamonds.

Oh, the best place to find diamonds is at level 12. On your map, it should say Y,63 or 73, but when it says 12, you should turn and start mining to the side. Mine four blocks and keep mining forward until you find diamonds. Well, that's my advice about Minecraft.


Because it's yellow. Oh, and it's useful in your stonecutter.

Shulker Box

I had to add this! What! This has made the game so much better!


"No, diamond is the best ore. I bet you Sky fans, if you were in a mine and there were 64 diamonds and 64 gold ores, you'd go for the gold. That's just dumb."

It would be smarter to mine not just the diamonds but the gold too. But seriously, stop calling it butter!

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