Top 10 Strongest Mortal Kombat X Characters

Scorpion is a name in itself. It represents the power he possesses. The undeniable fact about him is that he is such a badass character that others should think twice before fighting him, whether it's Sub-Zero, Shinnok, Raiden, Ermac, etc. His powers are unbelievable, and he has the best Fatality, in my opinion. I just love this character.
Best character in Mortal Kombat. He isn't defeated by anyone, and with him and Sub-Zero being friends in the Mortal Kombat previous story, they are impossible to kill!
He has won and lost, but he has made a great impact on the Mortal Kombat series. The "Get over here!" move is an iconic, popular, and effective technique.

Let me explain why Raiden deserves the spot as the most powerful kombatant ever. Sure, Scorpion has a whole arsenal of weapons, including his chained spears, dual swords, and spiked gauntlets, and he controls hellfire. But just because he is the most iconic and most liked character doesn't necessarily mean he is the most powerful.
Raiden is a thunder god. He can teleport, create lightning traps, and shoot lightning. He controls lightning! I don't want to make this too long, but since he controls lightning, he can conduct as much of it as he desires. He can produce enough to wipe out the entire kombat roster in one go without breaking a sweat. And if that wasn't enough, at the ending of MKX, he possesses Shinnok's amulet, which makes him beyond powerful.

Yes, Sub-Zero (Bi-Han) was murdered by Scorpion, but Bi-Han was a weaker and less intelligent character than his brother. Later, in MK9, Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang) was supposed to kill Scorpion, but he was stopped by the cyber Lin Kuei. Meanwhile, Scorpion took orders from Shao Kahn, and Sub-Zero demanded justice for his brother.
I love Sub Zero. The Grandmaster card is much better than the Scorpion Hellfire card!

Corrupted Shinnok is the hardest boss, in my opinion. Although I'm a skilled player (good but not the best, don't judge), it takes me at least two or three tries to beat him, so overall, he is one of the best.
On the other hand, my favorite character to play with is Scorpion. He is mainly the best player in terms of skill, but only if you know how to use him. I think Scorpion is the No. 1.
Shinnok is the strongest character in Mortal Kombat, from Mortal Kombat 1 to X. He possesses the powers of all Mortal Kombat characters.

I broke Corrupted Shinnok's nuts about 10 times before I won the battle. Still, I really like her.
It runs in the Cage family to beat Shinnok. She beat him at the peak of his power. She and Johnny are easy top 3.
Strong as Shinnok, fast as Kabal, durable like Raiden, and flexible like her parents!

The dude beat Shinnok, and he wasn't even at his strongest. Raiden and Fujin both went up against Shinnok and lost. Easy top 3.
He beat Shinnok and Scorpion and is overpowered. He should be number 1.
Johnny Cage has many awesome moves and powers.

Honestly, he should be higher on this list.

Liu Kang is the main and chief defender of Earthrealm and the first combatant to win two successive Mortal Kombat tournaments. Scorpion only seeks revenge and nothing else. Cassie defeating Shinnok in a single game doesn't make her worthy of the top 10, and including her makes the list worthless. Liu Kang deserves a higher spot on the list.

He has great combo variations and can surprise the opponent with many things. He can be played both offensively and defensively, which is a plus, in my opinion.

The Newcomers

I think Takeda is the best because he can counter even basic attacks. Whenever he comes with greater attack and health than the other two kombatants in the fight (on the enemy team), you feel confused about whether to fight or not, so I vote for him.
Takeda is so amazing with incredible combos and comes with a cool fatality.

She should definitely be on here. I can beat every player with her.
Powerful - I could win quite a few matches with her.
Honestly, she's my favorite character, and I can't beat a game without her!

Sun God and War God work really well for me - still a ways to go with Blood God, but he's really powerful.
His moves are so hard-hitting and powerful. He's like a revamped Shao Kahn.
God. He is a god every single time.

Definitely the strongest character. There's no reason he should be 12th. His X-ray is one of the most powerful, and his attacks are shockingly strong. I want Tremor moved up to at least third.

He has really cool attacks and, in my opinion, looks the coolest.
He has an OP move: Chest Saw. I use that every time and win. They just get stuck there.

Mileena is a clone of Kitana, created by Shang Tsung's sorcery in his flesh pits for Shao Kahn, using Tarkatan physiology. Vicious and evil, she despises Kitana and feels that it is her own right to rule Edenia as Princess in her place. Her fondest wish is to kill her "sister" and claim her existence for her own. Somewhat of an opportunist, she will make use of any chance to seize power that comes into her hands.
Mileena, half Edenian, half Tarkatan, has proven that she is a deadly combination of beauty and beast. She has been shown to fight with brute strength rivaling that of a Shokan, if not surpassing it, and has demonstrated incredible agility and acrobatic prowess. In addition, she possesses incredible speed, making her one of the deadliest kombatants in the whole series. Mileena wields a pair of sai and is able to teleport, roll, and bite opponents with her deadly Tarkatan teeth. Because she is Kitana's clone, she is almost equal in strength to her.

Scorpion beheading him was the wrong idea. It should have been vice versa.
He is the best summoner and necromancer in the entire MK series. How come he is this low? He should be at least top 5.

The final boss in many games and a feared figure in the MK universe. Should be top 5.

The Dragon King and another feared figure that should be at least top 10.