Best Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon

The Top Ten
Garchomp Garchomp, known in Japan as Gaburias, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Garchomp is definitely the best pseudo-legendary, hands down! With a high Attack stat, STAB, and a good ability, it's a great Pokémon for competitive battling.

If you have it use Swords Dance, you've got one heck of a broken Pokémon! It will slice through many opponents like a hot knife through butter!

Garchomp has a great type matchup and may be the strongest pseudo-legendary. The Rough Skin and Rocky Helmet combo can do tons of recoil damage when your opponent attacks.

Garchomp can detonate and destroy. And don't forget the Tyranitar-Mega Garchomp strategy with Sand Stream - that can be lethal.

Dragonite Dragonite, known in Japan as Kairyu, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Dragonite is easily the best. It can take down Ice-types with Iron Head, Fairy-types with Iron Head, Rock-types with Outrage, Electric-types with Outrage, and Steel-types with Fighting or Fire-type moves if it has any of those.

Dragonite has some of the best stats and can fly and swim.

Multiscale made Dragonite a bulky Dragon. Take this opportunity to Dragon Dance multiple times, then use your new physical abilities to destroy your opponent.

If you have it, use an Assault Vest or Life Orb for a Duke strategy or a Wall strategy.

Come on, guys. Dragonite is awesome because not only is it versatile with the moves it can learn, but it has the best all-around stats of any other pseudo-legendary.

Tyranitar Tyranitar, known in Japan as Bangiras, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Tyranitar was meant to be a wall and heavy hitter. It can withstand strong physical attacks, but what really makes it defensive is the healthy 50% boost in Special Defense after setting up Sand Stream.

Tyranitar may have many weaknesses, but believe me, it can take a lot of punishment and also deal crazy damage with its high Attack stat of 134. Mega Tyranitar gets even more defensive, with 150 Defense and Sand Stream boosting its already high 120 Special Defense. Not to mention, it delivers a powerful blow with its 164 Attack in Mega form.

However, Tyranitar's Unnerve ability ruins the whole set, so stick with its normal ability, Sand Stream. Tyranitar can set up Sand Stream, take a lot of punishment, and then hit harder than its own defense. That's one tough Pokémon I wouldn't want to face. It makes all other Pokémon look like chumps. Yeah, you too, Arceus.

Salamence Salamence, known in Japan as Bohmander, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Its Mega ability will sweep anything. Salamence should be in the top 3 of this list. It shares the highest Attack with Metagross and has the second-highest Special Attack, tied with Goodra. On this list, only Hydreigon has a better Special Attack. Plus, Salamence has moves like Flamethrower and Dragon Claw.

Being a Flying-type that can learn Earthquake is also a big advantage.

First off, even an Ember from this guy would take out Metapod, as Metapod relies on Defense, not Special Defense. Second, its Mega was ranked alongside the likes of Lugia and Mewtwo. Intimidate and Aerilate, combined with Return or Double-Edge, is quite scary.

Metagross Metagross, known in Japan as Metagross, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Metagross is the only genderless pseudo-legendary Pokémon ever and the only pseudo with a catch rate of 3. It's one of only two pseudos that aren't the usual Dragon-type, instead being a Steel and Psychic-type that comes from space.

I first saw Metagross in the anime, but when I played Pokémon Ruby for the first time at age 10, I saw Steven using it, and it wrecked my team during my early newbie days. I fell in love with this supercomputer, and it has been my favorite Pokémon ever since - it's been that way for 10 years.

I can't express how fond I am of Metagross. Its shiny form is the best, its mega evolution is my favorite, and Meteor Mash is my favorite move ever. I know it was more powerful in the past, but I still love this monster and continue to use the non-mega form in competitive teams. Catching and breeding it is a challenge, and I love challenges, so it's the ideal Pokémon for me.


Hydreigon Hydreigon, known in Japan as Sazandora, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Hydreigon was a wrecking machine in Gen 5, but it was downgraded a lot in Gen 6. Well, it was awesome for one generation and still is, just slightly less so.

It still has decent stats and a gargantuan Special Attack that destroys opponents. It lives up to its species: the Brutal Pokémon.

Except for fairies, if this guy uses Nasty Plot, he can sweep with ease. Gen 8 OU.


It took a big hit when it lost its Z-Move, but it's still a good Pokémon. Once again, like Hydreigon, it gets screwed by fairies. Still, Flash Cannon and Clanging Scales give it some very powerful moves.

The one who doesn't fight the weak one. The strongest.

Goodra Goodra is a fictional creature in the Pokemon franchise. Introduced in the 6th gen, Goodra is a Dragon type Pokemon. It is the evolved form of Sliggoo and the final evolved form of Goomy. Classified as the Dragon Pokemon, Goodra is a very slimy, yet affectionate Pokemon, and likes to hug its trainers,... read more

Dragapult is the fastest of all nine pseudo-legendaries. It has the capability of being a decent sweeper, but you should worry about faster Pokémon like Mega Alakazam and Deoxys.

However, Dragapult can and will destroy Pokémon that are slower.

Dragapult can defeat more than half of a team with ease. Its stats are either OP or good in some areas, and it is my favorite Pokémon. It is super fast and has the best signature move of all: Dragon Darts.

Please, vote for this newcomer. With huge speed and great moves, even Dracovish trembles in fear. Plus, it's a cool, scary dragon.

The Contenders
Hisuian Goodra

This Pokémon is way better than the normal Goodra. Its Dragon-Steel typing makes it weak only to Ground and Fighting, meaning that this Pokémon has a very defensive type match-up.

It's easily better than Kalosian Goodra. Shelter is also a very good move. It's weak only to Ground and Fighting, and it covers the former with Water moves like Hydro Pump. Also, it's cute and depressed.

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