Funniest My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Episodes

Some of these, honestly, had me cracking up on the ground.
The Top Ten
Lesson Zero

Oh. My. God! This episode is so funny and psycho! Look at Twilight - she is so @#$%! Just because she can't find a friendship problem, she turns into a crazy maniac and tries to create a BIG & WORSE problem! Twilight fans must be shocked when they watch this!

I love the part in which Twilight goes absolutely crazy about her work. I love the clock is ticking, and when she laughs maniacally. I just love seeing her Twilighting. I laughed so hard that I couldn't breathe.

Twilight's insanity. First off, she makes a Jeff the Killer face. Priceless. And her warped theme in the episode is also funny. A must-see.

Rarity Investigates

This is one of my FAVORITE episodes! It's so funny! It's also the first episode where Rainbow and Rarity actually spend time together as the main characters (well, besides Sonic Rainboom). And Rarity is the BEST detective! She is so funny as a detective! LAUGH OUT LOUD! It's just great!

It was funny when Rarity was wearing this old-time outfit and flirting with the guards. And also when Rainbow Dash was like, "I'm so DEAD! They are going to kick me out of the Wonderbolts! Blah blah blah."

Hilarious episode. Love Rarity in it. Love Rainbow Dash.

MMMystery on the Friendship Express

I love this episode! Pinkie Pie is amazing! It was a shame when Twilight Sparkle came in and made it a bit boring. Not to be rude, but Twilight just doesn't understand Pinkie's sense of humor. Twilight made the middle of the episode a bit dull and turned it into one long, boring lesson.

What can I say? Pinkie gets her rare occasion to have an episode, and she took the cake with this one.

This is one that I don't get why so many analysts hate this episode. It's fantastic!

The Saddle Row Review

Rainbow Dash: "Only Twilight can make a dance remix about sweeping! I mean, how lame is that?"
Applejack: "Yeah, it wasn't even catchy!"

Back to the boutique:
Twilight: "Sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep!"
The Mane Six: "Sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep!"

This is one of the best episodes!

This should be in the top 10! One of the funniest episodes in the whole series! Twilight's dance remix about sweeping is still stuck in my head!

In my opinion, this is the funniest one yet. The humor was just too good, but I guess it's more of a hit or miss.

The Last Roundup

This episode was hilarious! So many funny moments, DERPY (naw but really), and the originality of the episode in the first place!

This is, without question, the funniest. It has Derpy (WHO TALKS!), hilarious moments, and things that have haunted my dreams.

Chimicherry, or cherrychonga? Kumquat, pickle barrel! I remember after watching this episode for the first time, I quoted it for hours.

Party of One

Both a funny and touching episode. Pinkie is a good character, though not my favorite (Rarity for the win).

I loved how this episode showed that people's - or should I say ponies' - emotions can change from things like rumors or lies. Or it could be the fact that Pinkie Pie is my favorite pony.

Pinkamena has returned. We have to call Deadpool to slay this demon.

Maud Pie

From a show where I think I've chuckled maybe twice in the whole series and groaned in agony at the terrible jokes more often than not, I was surprised to find myself legitimately laughing pretty hard at most of the jokes in this episode. I still crack up every time I hear Maud's poem.

One of the best! This is the first episode where Maud Pie appears, and she's one of my favorite ponies in the whole series. Her "enthusiasm" for everything is overwhelming. The episode is mostly centered around Pinkie Pie (my favorite pony. Rainbow is my second), and all in all, it's my favorite episode!

Pinkie Apple Pie

I think there is no doubt that this episode is the funniest episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Bridle Gossip

Even if I don't like this episode, that doesn't mean I don't find it funny. MLP is spot on with the comedy, and Bridle Gossip is no exception. Main example: FlutterGuy.

I love the humor in this episode! The Mane Six having to deal with their curses had me laughing, but I was cracking up at FlutterGuy!

I actually prefer their belief in curses as humor, but Flutterguy is fine.

Slice of Life

I love this episode because you get to see other ponies' lives instead of just the Mane Six's. It is so hilarious!

I love how it shows all the Ponyville citizens and their point of view of what happened ever since the Mane Six became a thing.

The Newcomers

? Power Ponies

Oh, this episode. I simply love it!

The Mane-Iac is one of my new favorite characters. How can you not love this crazy mare? Flutterhulk was amazing, and this is probably the best Spike episode.

The Mane-Iac is truly a maniac.

The last scene, where she's tied up in her own hair and rolling around in it, really freaked me out. I swear I saw her eye twitch.

? Castle-Mania

I was laughing SO HARD during this episode. It's just as funny as any adult comedy TV show.

This is one of my favorite episodes! I LOVE it. It is so funny!

The Contenders
Wonderbolts Academy

The military Pegasus setting was the best. It was, in general, a really clever and characterizing episode that showed Dashie's character.

Why is everyone coming at Rainbow Dash in the comments? LOL. This episode really showed how much Rainbow Dash cares about her friends. She was willing to give up her dream to stand up for her friends. Also, PINKIEDASH?! Loved Pinkie caring so much about Dash. AMAZING EP. 10/10

Hearth's Warming Eve

So funny! Pinkie: "And with me as our fearless leader, what could go wrong?"
*A bunch of snow falls on Pinkie*
Applejack: "Where should I start?"
Like I said, so funny!

Pinkie is so hilarious! Applejack's sarcasm, rock on! Fluttershy jumping into Rainbow! This is getting old. Rarity riding Twilight! Enough said.

"I can think outside the box, so I can also think inside the chimney. Can you think inside the chimney?"

The Best Night Ever

This episode was really funny, especially Rarity's storyline where she is expected to cater to her prince while he acts selfish and haughty. I also think Fluttershy was hysterical in her attempts to capture those animals. When she chased them into the gala and screamed, "You are GOING TO LOVE ME!" I couldn't help but shriek with laughter as the animals went on to destroy the gala as well.

This episode is very funny! There was the cyclops pony, the argument between Rara and AJ in the beginning about ponies wearing clothes, Pinkie's Pony Pokey song, Fluttershy's YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME, Rarity getting angry at Blueblood, the girls ruining the gala, and of course, Celestia loving it all!

All in all, a great episode.

Stare Master
It's About Time

First off: Metal Gear Solid, much? This one is also funny. Not the funniest, OH NO, but a good one as well.

Yes, Twilight freaking out about the future was hilarious!

A Royal Problem
Rarity Takes Manehattan

Rarity episodes are my favorite! She always shines in her episodes, and her dramatic scenes are very funny. She's probably the funniest pony right after Pinkie Pie (actually, I'd say she's funnier than Pinkie because she can be funny without relying on annoying gags). Rarity is a great character in general, definitely my favorite.

Too Many Pinkie Pies

Take the funniest character in the whole series, make about 15 copies of her, and let them all loose on a defenseless Ponyville. Nothing but gold!

Pinkie Pie is my favorite pony and singer! I love this episode! Who wouldn't?

I love this episode! Who wouldn't?

Magical Mystery Cure

All I need to say is that, although the songs here cover over half the song list, they're very memorable (minus Princess Twilight Sparkle).

Rock Solid Friendship
Road to Friendship
Simple Ways

It was hilarious when Rarity tells Spike about how she has a crush on somepony who doesn't love her back and then remarks that Spike doesn't know anything about that.

This episode really shows how great of a voice actor Tabitha St. Germain is.

When Rarity tried to pull off a country accent, it was a total fail!

Every Little Thing She Does
Make New Friends But Keep Discord

Discord was at his best in this episode. The insane number of references was hilarious in its own right, but Celestia's positive attitude at the end about having invited Discord to the gala - despite all the mayhem he caused - was the highlight. Twilight's reaction to Celestia's attitude, and Pinkie Pie absolutely shattering the fourth wall, made this one of the funniest episodes in the series.

Discord's reactions to Fluttershy hanging out with Tree Hugger are hilarious, and the puppet dimension was just gold.

Sonic Rainboom
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