Top 10 Best My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Songs
If you've found your way here, it's safe to say you're just as enamored with the catchy tunes of the Equestria Girls universe as the next fan. Isn't it incredible how these songs manage to capture the essence of each character and the overarching themes of friendship, resilience, and adventure?Twilight rules! And so do the Mane 5. Has anybody seen Sunset spying on them while they sing? Sorry, Sunset, good mostly wins. And it was the right choice for you to have reformed already.
Sorry, Demon Shimmer. Looks like the Magic of Friendship is just a little too much for you.
Best song ever! And it's called the Cafeteria Song.
Best Dazzling song by far. Kasumi Evans (no idea if I spelled her name right) is amazing as Adagio Dazzle. You can really feel how evil this song is, and I love it!
I love the Dazzlings' voices! The lyrics are amazing, and the rhythm of the music makes you want to never stop listening to it!
This song is also amazing! I love the Dazzlings and this awesome song by them. We also got to see a bit of the tournament.
Amazing! Sunset Shimmer's part is the best one. But isn't that "Rainbooms Battle"? Besides, the Dazzlings started the song. In My Little Pony Official, only the Dazzlings sing it. I'm so glad that "Rainbooms Battle" is a part of "Welcome to the Show."
I like the Rainbow Rocks movie. If I like that, why wouldn't I like its song that comes before the last song of the movie?
Such an uplifting song! From the lyrics to the vocals and sound effects, everything was amazing!
Acadeca is so cool! It really gets me motivated when I have to do something really hard. It makes me truly believe I can do anything! This is totally the best song!
If my school ever had friendship games, I would pass out papers with the lyrics for our team to sing along to. When I watch the music video, I imagine my friends and me as the characters. I also really love the nightcore version of the song because it's quicker and even more motivatingly bouncy! This is the best My Little Pony Equestria Girls song ever!
This song is great! I love Cinch's voice.
I don't know why, but I love this song.
Sonata has a chance to become good and leave the Dazzlings behind. Come on, Sonata! Your team is gonna make a good song!
EG2 is taking over the list! Anyway, this song is pretty darn cool.
Come on, Sonata! Stop eating those tacos! We have a school to take over. *Adagio makes an evil smile*
Sunset is like all of us - someone who has made past mistakes but wants to fix them and make amazing memories. Sunset Shimmer has completely changed my life. I sing this song every day.
The song's meaning is wrapped up nicely with stunning, yet simple graphics.
This song just makes you love the character even more.
We don't know, we don't know, what's gonna happen. We just know, we just know, it's gonna be alright. So I like this song because of this advice.
I am better than ever after hearing this song.
EG2 yet again! This song is very happy.
The Newcomers
Sunset is not evil when she pushes Rainbow Dash offstage. She was trying to help so the Rainbooms wouldn't show their magic in front of the Dazzlings. Rainbow Dash seems too selfish with all those words. Anyway, this song is fine!
This song is wonderful and very underrated!
A challenge song where Trixie takes down an imaginary opponent by undermining their confidence. It suits her well and sounds great.
I didn't know that this was a full song until a couple of days ago. Anyway, it's a good song, but it didn't have what it takes to be on the list.
Rainbow Dash knows how to keep others from giving up! Good song!
Rainbow Dash really knows how to get people pumped!
Rarity and the rest teaming up with Crystal Prep, making a good song! Wow! This is just too good.
I just let my body move to the music!
To be honest, the real villain in Forgotten Friendship was Sunset Shimmer. I mean, poor Wallflower. I was kind of disappointed at the end of the movie when they only signed her yearbook and didn't really become friends with her or help her make friends. I can relate to Wallflower Blush, and she should be recognized more! I hate when they interrupt this song as if she doesn't even matter. It's rude!
I'm like Wallflower (except I have a sister and my whole family is there). This is a sad song that shows she is alone and has no friends. But in the song "Let it Rain," she already has friends! I can relate to Wallflower. She is like Twilight in Crystal Prep Academy, but instead, Twilight is a dork. A lot of people can be like Wallflower.
This song really captures a part of Rainbow Dash and how free she feels when she flies or runs!
Literally, this song is epic, and Rainbow's voice is epic here.
Wow! It talks about Sunset and Twilight in a thunderstorm. It also happens on a Monday. Love it!
I love this song, and I also love her outfit in it! Applejack is so hardworking. I love her!