Top 10 Worst Reasons to Hate Nintendo
Having no blood doesn't make a game childish. Sun and Moon doesn't have blood, but it is still not totally childish.
Yes, the stories mainly appeal to kids, but that doesn't matter. Anybody can pick up these games and play them. They are meant to be suitable for everyone. Also, being "childish" doesn't make the gameplay itself bad, in my opinion.
There's a reason why most Nintendo games are rated E. It's rated "E" for everyone, not just kids or any other specific age demographic. All ages can enjoy these games.
So just because they don't try to emulate real life, they are bad? Yes, I understand that the Wii U is underpowered, but as someone who has played several PS4 games, I honestly believe that Mario Kart 8 has the best graphics in all of gaming so far, in my opinion.
So do most gaming consoles.
Because franchises like Mario, Pokémon, and Zelda are popular and loved.
Clearly, this overlooks the Mario & Luigi RPG series.
Most of their games have great stories.
Paper Mario.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.
The Legend of Zelda.
Argument ends.
The PlayStation 4 is literally a sequel to the PlayStation 3.
They're both great!
If all video games were just like reality, I'd have tired of them years ago. It's always refreshing to see something more abstract and creative.
Games don't have to be realistic. They're just games - hello?
Not every game needs to be ultra-realistic.
Actually, their franchises have constantly explored many different genres, especially Mario. Aside from that, their franchises also build upon their previous installments, just like any other video game franchise, in my opinion.
Pokémon Sun and Moon already offered something new instead of the same objectives from previous generations. Whatever! You Nintendo haters have no taste.
People haven't been paying attention to games like Breath of the Wild, it seems.
Having the same mechanics and objectives is not copy and paste. Each generation adds a completely new region to explore, new gameplay mechanics, new Pokémon, and new moves. It's no more copy and paste than any other major video game franchise on the market, in my opinion.
You haters are basically saying that Call of Duty is copy and paste too. Am I right or am I right?
Simplistic gameplay doesn't mean the games won't be challenging and complex. Breath of the Wild's combat system is very simple, but it's the hardest and most complex Legend of Zelda game to date. I keep bringing up Breath of the Wild because it's revolutionary to Nintendo as a whole.
I want to be able to pick up a video game, play it, and learn it easily. I don't like having to take forever to get the hang of a game. Granted, there are still many complex games that I enjoy, and there are also many other complex games I am interested in.
This belief comes from the failure of the Wii U, and now some people think everything Nintendo does will fail. They assume the company can't make a comeback, which isn't true.
The Switch is the fastest-selling console of all time, so they are not dead. It's also sad that people say the Switch was "dead on arrival," but it's not. Who did I hear that from? PlayStation fanboys. Yeah, I thought so.
Explain the 3DS's sales then. Nowhere near as big as the original Nintendo DS, but still very big nonetheless, in my opinion.
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