Nintendo 64 Games That Should Be On Virtual Console
There are only 21 N64 games on the Virtual Console. There needs to be a lot more.The Top Ten
Conker's Bad Fur Day

This game is so expensive on Amazon. It would be amazing if it came on to Virtual Console.

The Rare titles do have a chance of coming to Switch online when N64 games are added since Microsoft has been helping Nintendo lately
Mario Party 3

Keeping watching Bowser trying to kidnap daisy don't happening punch to to moon
Donkey Kong 64

GoldenEye 007

I've never played it and it looks so cool and it seems like a challange. Something I look for in games, such as the Aztec area
WWF: No Mercy

Perfect Dark

Pokemon Stadium

Jet Force Gemini

Diddy Kong Racing

The Newcomers
? NHL 99

? Super Smash Bros

The Contenders
Mischief Makers


Rayman 2: The Great Escape

Super Mario 64

Star Fox

Wave Race 64

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