Top Ten Stupidest Pokemon Names

What is this name? The first time I heard it, I knew it was ugly. I was like, "What does it look like? Is it ugly?" My classmate said, "The ugliest cat you've ever met." Ooh, let me see. When I saw it, I almost threw up. It evolves from a not-so-ugly Pokémon, but it evolves into the almost ugliest Pokémon I've ever seen!
I really thought Purugly would have more supporters, actually. Although the name is stupid, who doesn't love a territorial fat cat who wants all the attention? I personally love the design and concept.
Well, I had a Glameow, and I nicknamed it Meow. But then it evolved into Purugly. It was so ugly, I changed its nickname to Pure Ugly. Then I gave it to my friend.

Yeah, I can relate to this name. I'm quite surprised Krabby didn't get on this list. I mean, it's like the creators were running out of animals to base names off of, and one person was like, Wait, I've got an amazing idea! Let's call it 'Crabby' but with a K! And everyone agreed!
Namer: We're closing down. We need a quick name for a seal Pokémon!
Guy: I know! How about we just change a letter?
Namer: Yo, that is the greatest idea ever!
Oh wow, you misspelled a real animal and made it the name of a Pokémon!

It's literally "trash" and "rubbish" combined. Duh.
Trash, rubbish. He is literally a garbage bag!
It is really stupid-looking. They also gave it a stupid name: Lickylicky. It should never have existed.
This name is totally inappropriate. And the Pokémon is stupid. Nobody ever used Lickitung anyway.

I'm assuming this Pokémon sneezes... a lot.

Back away, it is poisonous.
Wait until there's a brown mushroom Pokémon, then Nosepass plus Foongus plus Squirtle is Mario.

Ah, well. Volt orb. NOT GOOD!
Creator 1: Quick! We need a name for an electric ball!
Creator 2: Idea! Let's call it Voltorb!
Creator 1: WOW! I'm speechless! You're the best!

This reminds me of how some weird parents give their kid a word name, for example, "Paisley," then they ruin it by changing the spelling to something ridiculous like "Payzlee." Who spells "Drowsy" like that? And who wants a Pokémon whose main attribute is being tired?
He makes you drowsy, so call him Drowzee!

When I heard this name, I felt like I was about to fly to outer space because it's too funny! At school, we usually call geography geo. So when I heard the name Geodude, I started to think about a geography dude! The person who said Geodude is part of the earth is correct. Rocks! Minerals! See? It's just a perfect part of our earth!
Wait a minute! Geodude is a geo dude! Geo dude means a dude that is related to or part of the earth.
The Newcomers

Slowpoke was a word before Pokémon.

Were the people who named it feeling crabby, and wanted this Pokémon to suffer the same as them, so they gave it a horrible name?
I sure would be crabby if I was called that.
Probably named that because it's feeling crabby! Oh, how I love to make bad puns.
I would like one more Krabby Patty, please.

Why does such a gorgeous Pokémon have the dumbest name ever? It has 9 tails, so let's just call it Ninetales!
Excellent design, but it has the single stupidest name! It's just the number of tails it has!
Really creative, Game Freak. You have really outdone yourselves this time.

"What should we call the muck Pokémon?"
"I know, Muk."
"You are a genius. Where in the world do you come up with these great names?"
Wow! Creative name! And guess what? It's spelled backward. That's right. It's kill me right now.
What's Muk spelled backward? And let's be honest here, he doesn't look too far from it.

Probably because it's really buff.

Mr. Mime's name is another one of those that felt like Gamefreak couldn't think of a name for it, so they just slapped Mr. in front of the Pokémon's concept.

It's called Sawk because it's a sock puppet. Ahahahaha! *runs before tomatoes hit me*

I know people love this name for a Pokémon. I do too, but let's be real here: It's a really stupid name.

It's Mew number two, which equals Mewtwo. Nothing bad about it, actually.

It is exactly granny and bulldog mixed together. Plus, it looks so plain.

Real original. No one will ever figure this out.

Wow, it's a pine cone. Just take the last two letters off the name and give it eyes, and now it's a Pokémon.
It's just a pinecone with eyes, so take the last two letters off of pinecone to make a Pokémon name!

There is nothing magical about Magikarp, and neither is there anything magical about Magikarp.