Top 10 Reasons Why Pokemon is Better Than Digimon

The Top Ten
Pokemon Has Better Games

Totally. I've played games from both, and Pokémon just has Digimon beat. And who cares if Digimon and Pokémon's main service is video games? Having a better video game is what matters, not the anime. Plus, anime doesn't need to be dark and filled with death to be good.

I think the many games that Pokémon has can beat the Digimon show and its one crappy game combined. The games offer twisting puzzles and fun times that get kids and adults laughing and determined. Also, the bonds you can make with your Pokémon, and the side adventures you can do in Pokémon X and Y, and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are awesome.

Honestly, I grew up with Pokémon, and I do watch Digimon, but the show just got boring to me.

Digimon is Rip Off of Pokémon

You're right. Both shows are great and each has its differences from the other. Pokemon has a more fun and "childish" plot and characters, even though you'd never want your kid simply throwing a toy away (just look at Banette's Black & White entry). Digimon makes it real with lots of death and lots of dark, bone-chilling villains too.

That's what makes these so-called rivals great in comparison to each other. In the end, it's not about seeing who's best, but rather having a great time watching either show.

The Pokemon

Give Pokémon some credit: at least when they do alternate colors of their creatures, they're just rare equivalents. They aren't treated as separate Pokémon with different names. Digimon, however, did this all the time, such as with BlackAgumon and SnowAgumon (Agumon), Psychemon (Gabumon), Tsukaimon (Patamon), Saberdramon (Birdramon), Icemon and Meteormon (Gotsumon), and worst of all, Gururumon (Garurumon). At least BlackWarGreymon had a unique personality, but the rest are practically throwaways.

Also, as a side rant, people were so quick to call foul with Garbodor when Digimon released their equivalent, Garbagemon, more than a decade earlier with no one batting an eye. How is that fair?

Pokemon Champion Cynthia

I had a crush on her when I was 9, but she really has become an icon of Pokemon. She is the representative of all Pokemon champions. She is the strongest, coolest, and nicest of them all.

She is the best champion, both badass and hot.

The Pokemon Adventures Manga

I read almost all of the books. They are so good and so intense!

But one of the endings upset me because the characters turn to stone. The end was different for each region.

This manga is AMAZING! It is Pokemon, but it has its own characters and gives you their adventures through the Pokemon world.

Yes! People are finally beginning to acknowledge this legendary series!

Pokemon Have Much More Creative Names

I only remember two Digimon without 'mon' in their names, but one still has 'mon' at the end of the first word!

Also, if I have something like a tree Digimon, then it would be called "Treemon." In Pokémon, we have Trevenant.

Pokemon are a lot better. Digimon are ugly and they suck!

Seriously? Why do all Digimon have mon at the end of their names?

Pokemon is Still in America and Digimon is in Japan

And your point is? Digimon tends to hold its anime roots, while Pokemon is very cartoonish. I may be wrong, but that's how it seems.

The Regions

Counting the spin-offs, regions suck... and they aren't even original. They have Town, Sea Town, City, Desert Town, Super Dangerous Volcano That Could Explode at Any Moment But I Don't Care, More Sea, Religious Temple About How an Albino Derp Horse Made the Universe, Legendary Cave/Temple Ruins, Lake, and the same in every region (without counting the same post-game battles).

Digimon is based in Japan and the digital world. I like the real-world base of Japan.

So far, there have been six regions.

The Creators

Game Freak is only alive because of Pokemon, which is good because you don't have to wait 10 years for another good game to come out (true).

Better Acting

I prefer the Pokemon voice actors over the Digimon voice actors. The Digimon English dub sucks!

The Newcomers

? Lucario is Better Than Renamon

The Lucario movie had more heart in it. Lucario knows the feeling of having a loving father figure that just leaves you. Yes, you can say that it was a misunderstanding, but when Lucario realized that, Pokémon took it to a level of emotion we never saw from Digimon.

? Pokemon Doesn't Have Too Many Oversexualised Characters
The Contenders
Theme Song

Yeah, they did sort of take the theme and slightly change it until season 4, but that first theme is just as iconic as the Pokémon theme.

Before anyone brings up the point of the repeated D-D-Digimon, it's electronica. Anyone who has listened to EDM or dubstep can't start complaining now.

The Theories

That is because everything is explained in the games or shows. We don't need theories. The creators straight up tell us what's up.

True, there are some amazing Pokemon theories.

They are simply incredible, and Pokemon has some of the best theories out there!

The Movies

Darkrai, Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, Unown. Amazing movies, all of them.

Digimon has just one movie for America, and the other Digimon movies are only in Japan.

Mewtwo Mewtwo is a psychic-type Legendary Pokémon from Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon media franchise. Designed by Ken Sugimori, it made its first appearance in the games Pokémon Red and Blue. It was created by Dr. Fuji using gene splicing in an attempt to clone Mew. In the Pokémon games, it's infamously... read more

Mewtwo always wins. ALWAYS.

He is basically immortal. He destroyed a lab and wiped out many by himself. His psychic powers are even stronger than Mew, who is basically the rarest Pokémon ever. He also learned the error of his ways and the value of life. Take that, Digimon. You don't see anyone quoting you.

Mewtwo is a Pokemon. How is it a contender? In fact, Mewtwo is one of Pokemon's most valuable assets.

Um... Alphamon, Omnimon, Dukemon, and all the other royal knights? Even Devimon could take Mewtwo, and he is only a Champion.

Better Fan Base

How can you know whether a Digimon will beat a Pokémon when the way they battle is completely different?

Besides, no Digimon could kill a Pokémon in battle because Pokémon get 'knocked out' or faint when they get defeated in battle.

The Digimon fan base is just so ignorant. They think Digimon like Wargreymon could kill every Pokémon, but they hardly know how strong some of them are. Arceus or Entei could easily beat them in a battle.

They always mention Pokemon in every Digimon article in a bad way or compare it with Digimon, something you very rarely see in Pokemon-related articles.

Human Characters

I like all the different personalities in both franchises, even though I'm kinda biased since I don't really know Digimon a lot (only watched the first season), and I really love Pokémon.

Pokemon Looks Cooler

Pokemon always looks better! Sometimes they are simple, cute, and cool.

But Digimon? They are all stripes with awful weapons and trying to be cuter. Well, they aren't.

Some do. Apparently, you haven't seen all of the Digimon. Beelzemon looks cool, and so do some others.

Digimon Has No Mystery

Yasss queen!

So, ever wondered what the mystery in Digimon was? Me too. There are lots of mysteries in Pokémon, like why Brock likes girls so much and the GS Ball.

Pokemon Has a Better Storyline

Well, both yes and no.

Digimon does have an overall plot and ending to each series, with even characters growing up. That's a con for Pokémon. But Pokémon has the better world and lore, and when they do very story-based arcs, they do better than Digimon. The last few generations of Pokémon have had heavier storylines. The only things I think Pokémon has done wrong are not having the characters grow older and not having deeper storylines. Digimon has more meh characters, while I love most of those in Pokémon. Pokémon wins for me in the end.

Squirtle Squirtle, known as Zenigame in Japan, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise. It was originally conceived by Game Freak's character development team and finalized by Chaniah Pantry. It is a squirrel-turtle hybrid. It is a starter Pokémon and evolves into Wartortle which... read more
Some Digimon Sound Annoying
The Pokemon are Cuter

There is a stupid monkey that sounds like 1960s songs in Digimon. At least Pokemon are adorable!

Most are cuter, but that's because most have a simpler design.

If I had to choose between Agumon and Trubbish (a Pokémon made of garbage), I'd pick Trubbish.

Digimon are Over-Designed

Look at Digivolutions. All they are is a bunch of animals with guns, swords, armor, and other weapons. How uncreative is that?

Ash is Better Than Anyone in Kanto, Red

Ash is simply a better protagonist. He has goals, he's loyal to his friends, he genuinely wants to help and befriend Pokémon, and of course, he has flaws.

Charizard Charizard, known in Japan as Lizardon, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise. Created by Ken Sugimori, Charizard first appeared in the video games Pokémon Red and Blue and subsequent sequels. They have later appeared in various merchandise, spinoff titles and animated... read more

Charizard should be higher on this list. He makes everything so much more awesome.

Agumon sucks, and Charizard could destroy Digimon for days.

Jirachi master.

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