Top 10 Things Pokemon Genwunners Say

Genwunners don't bash newer incarnations. They ignore the franchise.
False. Just because he's your favorite doesn't mean the rest must follow or die. My personal favorite is Cinderace, and that's OK.
Charizard is the second most underrated Pokémon ever (after Delphox).

*Rayquaza and Mega Mewtwos enter the room, wreck Mewtwo.*
Mewtwo is not the strongest. Genwunners probably hate "Mega Evolution" and other features like that, but a Mega Mewtwo X/Y or Mega Rayquaza could whoop Mewtwo to the ground.
Sorry to break it to you, but Mewtwo can't beat the Diamond/Pearl trio.
I am mostly into Generation I, and this is false. Arceus is.
I'm from the first generation of Pokémon, but all generations have had weird Pokémon. I know about Muk and the egg Pokémon. I thought Gloom was weird with the drooling, some Pokémon looked like a Pokéball, and there were two with magnets. Do you want to enter a cave full of Zubats? But I know and remember the first-gen Pokémon more, and I'm just learning the new ones nowadays.
New weird Pokémon are dumbed-down versions.
The new starter designs look ridiculous.
HELLO! Gen 1 had Nicki Minaj, a rock with arms, literal crap (Grimer), and EGGS, for crying out loud!
Actually, they rarely know about the existence of subsequent generations. Or maybe I'm salty because Gen 5 is my favorite.
Well, they did, but it also had some of the best designs, like Hydreigon and Haxorus.
Haxorus is an insane dragon that Gen 1 didn't even dream of.
Pokémon is too popular, but Nintendo and Game Freak have been making more out of the Pokémon gaming franchise after Generation One, which is the weakest of all Pokémon generations. I can hear the Genwunners berating me now.
I admit the games are getting stale nowadays, but Pokémon is a juggernaut of a franchise that will never end.
*Laughs* Yeah, and Pikachu was just the BEST, most overpowered starter ever!
Yeah, and these inanimate objects are combined with creatures (e.g., Scizor) to make them insanely powerful.
"Pokémon just became inanimate objects!"
*Oddish, Gloom, and Vileplume enter.*
Fight me, because I like to protect all non-Gen 1 inanimate objects from those Genwunners.
I personally don't like the Gen 1, 2, or 6 games, but I do like the Pokémon in those generations. I wish the games would be pixelated again but not too old-looking like Gen 1 and 2. Maybe like Gen 5.
Yungstirjoey666 - bugs and glitches? I suppose you don't really like retro games.
Dude, I can keep up. Just show me any Pokémon, and I can name it. Genwunners are pathetic.
Who said you had to memorize them?
Neither can I, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the newer gens.
The Newcomers
The best Pokémon game is Pokémon: Diamond & Pearl. It's very smart, deep, witty, addictive, and sharp.
That is a biased opinion. They are all good, but my personal favorite is HeartGold and SoulSilver.
Why ignore Platinum?
It's better than both Diamond and Pearl combined!
Pikachu is the only one of my top 5 favorite Pokémon that is from Gen 1. (It's my favorite.) So that is an insult to my other 4 favorite Pokémon: Incineroar, Decidueye, Primarina, and Piplup.
I'm sorry to leave you thinking that. It's just that, well, Generation 1 (aka Kanto) is the only Pokémon generation that I like less - and I mean much less - mainly because it's the most underwhelming. Generation 5, which is on par with Generation 2, is far better in my opinion. My favorite and the strongest Pokémon generation is Generation 4.
Yeah, and Gen 1 had the most glitches. Also, Gen 1 did not have IVs, EVs, or natures either. It only had 5 legendaries. Yeah, I know, too many legendaries can be a bad thing, but the legendary ideas in Gen 1 are some of the worst compared to others. The bird trio is just upgraded Pidgeys, and Mewtwo is good but isn't the best.
Jynx got two episodes banned for being in them.
Ludicolo? BROCK, a main character, had one, and no episodes were banned. So there.
Who in their right mind would like Jynx?
Genwunners don't understand trading or evolving with different methods than usual.
Yes, I evolved my Eevee into Umbreon by leveling him up with max happiness at night.
I'm a guy, and Fairy is one of my favorite types. Don't judge me.
Pokémon was really just a '90s fad... until Pokémon Go was released.
People who use the word Genwunners are, I'm guessing, bitter moaners who just didn't grow up in the days when it was more popular. Remember the card banning in schools? That wouldn't happen nowadays. Back then, everyone wanted the shiny card that you can now just buy on eBay.
Don't touch my favorite Pokémon, Umbreon!
No, it's literally a silly opinion.
That wouldn't be the case if Genwunners weren't cyber bullies.
Almost all of the Pokémon from Gen 5? Holy crap, will you just leave Oshawott alone?
I miss surfing on Kyogre outside of battle. Alpha Sapphire was great.