Top Ten Stupidest Things Donald Trump Has Said

I try to avoid politics, but let's face it, this man's a dumba**. At least Cruz will beat him. One of these items, it's just the way he said, you'll be able to to figure which one I'm talking about.
The Top Ten
1 We need to build a wall over the Mexican border.

No, that would be an example of how awful the future is going to be. If I don't commit suicide and stay healthy, I'll be living into the 2080s. I want the future to be a time to look forward to, not a time of racism and evil people like Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is stupid all the way. My family and I hate him. He'll most likely start World War 3 a week after he gets into office. Also his hair is 100000000000% fake. Yeah this is coming from someone who hates Trump, Cruz, and 99.9999999% of Republican politicians.

2 I am running for president
3 We need to restrict Muslims from entering the U.S

I am sorry but what is wrong with people like me this is my most hated stereotype

4 My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars.

Well to him, it is a small loan. A billionaire. Let's face it, what is a small loan to you? Few hundred? Well to some really poor child, that is a fortune. So now I guess you're the monster, eh?

If my father gave me that kind of money, I'd actually be grateful for it and not brag that a million dollars is a "small" loan in my book.

Life must have been really hard for Trump then.

5 China Loves Me

I don't think anybody loves Donald Trump.

6 China
7 Laziness comes from blacks

He needs to put the past in the past. slavery has since been outlawed if you haven't noticed in the last 200 years

All most blacks care about is slavery. they need to realize that the future is better but no they want to break down thomas jeffersons statue cause he owned slaves before. we need history

8 My hair is natural
9 I told Hilary Clinton to be at my wedding, and she was.
10 Please raise your right hand

Why can't oaths be sworn with the left hand? From now on, I will always swear my oaths with my left hand for all I care.

The Contenders
11 I was alive when 7/11 happened

This was almost a funny a slip-up as when Obama said he had visited 57 different US states.

No, he wasn't! The first 7/11 store opened in 1928! LOL

Trump probably meant 9/11 not 7/11.

12 Our president doesn't have a clue. I would say he's incompetent, but that's not nice.
13 Make America great again

More like make America HATE again

14 I could shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters

It depends on the reason.

15 Obama founded ISIS
16 The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.
17 You know what would be great? If we did fireworks at the White House in Washington D.C. for the Fourth of July!

*sigh* this is the president we voted into office

18 I am not a racist. I am the least racist person you will ever meet.
19 Fake news
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