Reasons Metallica Isn't the Best Metal Band

The Top Ten
1 Metallica betrayed their fans

This list is messed up.

2 Metallica killed metal

How? Please elaborate.

3 Metallica said "we don't like to be identified with metal anymore"
4 Metallica aren't consistent
5 Metallica have some of the worst albums in metal history

Lulu doesn't count. They are basically a guest star on the album.

6 Metallica's worst songs are terrible

I agree to some extent, Brandenburg Gate is pretty horrible.

7 Metallica are sellouts

Experimentation =/= selling out.

8 Metallica's Lulu Ruined Lou Reed's Discography
9 Their best songs are overrated

Most popular*

10 Lars Ulrich sucks at drumming

Kinda true. James Hetfield is almost good drummer as him.

I disagree! Listen to his drumming in 2018 live performances! He’s really improving!

The Contenders
11 Metallica only have five good albums

Not true, Load is great, it even has my favorite Metallica song on it

12 Kirk Hammett is very overrated
13 Metallica's underrated songs are thrown away

Not a reason against the band but I agree.

14 They ripped off others' songs

I won't say they directly ripped off songs. But I have found a lot of similarities. That may be rip off. Or simply it could be inspiration.

What? They're not Zeppelin?

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