Top Ten Reasons Why Nikki Wong is Nothing Like Rainbow Dash

Nikki is not Rainbow Dash's 6teen counterpart, here is why.
The Top Ten
1 Nikki has Indoor Voice, something Rainbow Dash lacks!

There is no reason for this list to exist whatsoever.

2 Nikki cares less about sports than Rainbow Dash
3 The Wonedbolts are nothing like the Khaki Barn Clones

The Wonderbolts are a group of uniformed pegasus acrobats which Rainbow Dash wants to be a part of. Nikki, on the other hand, doesn't envy uniformity, and considers people wearing the same thing as each other "Clones"

4 Nikki is not too colorful
5 Rainbow Dash never got into an argument with Rarity

Considering how Caitlin Cook is connected well with Rarity

6 Nikki can be DISLOYAL to HER friends at times

Rainbow Dash symbolizes loyalty, so she would never abandon HER friends when they're in need

7 Rainbow Dash does Lead Guitar, while Nikki looks better on Bass
8 Rainbow Dash never snorts when she laughs
9 Rainbow Dash looks Bad with Facial jewelry
10 Nikki is a moron, unlike Rainbow Dash
The Contenders
11 Nikki is a lot saner than Rainbow Dash
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