Saddest Fairy Tail Deaths

The Top Ten
1 Mavis Vermilion Mavis Vermillion is a character in the anime and manga series "Fairy Tail," created by Hiro Mashima. She is the first Guild Master of the Fairy Tail Guild and is often seen as a symbol of hope and strength for its members. Mavis is recognized for her tactical acumen, often employing intricate strategies to aid her guild in various conflicts. Her child-like appearance belies her age and wisdom, making her an enigmatic figure within the series.
2 Ultear Milkovich
3 Igneel
4 Ur Milkovich

It was actually a permanent death. No fake outs, that makes it sadder than the vast majority of the deaths in FT.

5 Zera
6 Future Lucy
7 Rita
8 Simon
9 Silver Fullbuster
10 Irene Belserion
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