Top Ten Feelings You Get at School
That happened today. Despite all my best efforts, I couldn't get to sleep until 1-2 a.m. Five hours isn't horrible, mind you, but I just felt so dreadful waking up that I considered playing hooky, and I kept refreshing the school website in hopes of a day off...
Especially during cold winter days when the news says a snowstorm is coming.
Anything to avoid the daily torment that is my life at school would be fine by me.
One time, I almost puked because of this. But yeah, the feeling when you get an A is just amazing.
Yeah, because I'm in this really hard math class. My parents made me take advanced math.
Oh yeah, and the worst part is that no matter if you've taken 100 tests in the last two years, you're still going to be equally scared the 101st time. It's kind of like, "Oh God, I don't want to go through this anxiety all over again," but you don't know how to stop it.
A word of warning for when you get to college: just when you think you can handle the workload and structure your time, that structure breaks down under the increasing demand for work. And that's not even considering the work itself getting harder. You need to be adaptable to the workload and prepared to be surprised.
Some days, every teacher hands out homework, but other days, none of the teachers do. Very strange how that happens...
It always happens that all your essays and projects are due at the same time. And then, what about math homework?
When you think, "I'll pay any sum of money, just let me sleep!"
Joke's on you, I get less than 2 hours of sleep.
Every. Single. Day. Insomnia is the worst.
I have a problem: I keep not doing my homework. I can't concentrate on it no matter how hard I try. I end up doing it at top speed in the middle of class, so that by the time we have to hand in our homework, I have it finished.
I KNOW I have ten hours of homework waiting for me Sunday night. But who cares? That's two days away!
Oh, my irresponsibility...
I DID get it finished though.
This is exactly how I feel right now. "How are you?" "Tired." It's becoming a standard greeting. It doesn't matter if I go to sleep at ten or after midnight, or if I wake up at seven or after noon! And yes, all of that has happened to me so far.
WHY does this happen? It's only been happening to me since junior high started. WHY?!?
This always sucks because I'm always tired until at least 9 a.m.
I recently received one of those grades in English. It offended me to the core, and I still think I deserved higher, but... I digress.
I got a 94 in Spanish, and my teacher had the nerve to say, "Great job." In my mind, 94 is a failing grade. Then again, so is a 98...
I'm Asian. When I get an 89-90% on my tests, I don't mind. It's a good grade. But I do worry about how my parents will react. A grade of 89% is a B, and my Asian parents, like most Asian parents, get disappointed when their kids get a B on a test.
There have been times when all my friends bombed a test, and I got an A. It's a proud feeling, but I try not to rub it in their faces.
I thought I got a C on my math test, but I got an A instead.
I thought I bombed a quiz in math last quarter. Not just like, bombed - like nuclear-bomb-we-almost-dropped-on-North-Carolina bombed.
I ended up getting an A. Yes, I completely messed up a question, but I guess it balanced out? I ain't complaining!
A lot of our tests are submitted online, and the computer automatically grades them. When you get something wrong and there's no explanation for it, it really does frustrate the hell out of you.
When you put all your effort into an assignment only to get tons of points off for random crap, it's so frustrating. Then you look across the room, and the dumbest kid in class is bragging about their grade.
Especially when I have typed out an essay-long answer on my test, and some of them still count as wrong answers. So annoying...
The Newcomers
Just teach us what we will use in real life and in our careers!
Jealousy is a serious problem at my school. Often, it's the popular students and even a few staff members who can't contain their jealous feelings towards successful students.
That happens to me every time in school. My teacher asks me the questions for which I have no answers, but she never asks the ones I actually know. Then, in the parent-teacher meetings, she complains that I don't know anything, and I get scolded by my parents. I hate my teachers!
My math teacher will ask you something, and if you don't know the answer in two seconds, she skips you. So yes, Grandma, school is going well.
Don't avoid eye contact. Make eye contact firmly, and they'll move on to someone who looks like they don't know the answer or isn't paying attention.
I go on TheTopTens in class. I hope my followers aren't secretly my teachers...
This is what I do whenever the teacher isn't looking. I go on TheTopTens.
I've actually never done this. But I have played many card games with my friends.
LOL... So, I was at the board (in math class after a bathroom break). Before the bathroom break, I had just finished a problem. When I got back, instead of doing math, we had this long, boring conversation about one girl who was being rude after she scored a basket (it was basketball, duh). I wasn't part of the conversation at all, so I just stood there at the board, bored...
This is basically how I feel at school every day.
Recently, I've been falling for a guy, and it just killed me when I found out that my best friend has his address and phone number, and they're friends on Facebook and Instagram. I mean, couldn't she have told me this before?
I tell my friend, Is your friend jealous?
He's like, What?
I'm like, It means, is he jealous because you asked her out?
He's like, Maybe?
Yeah, that's how my school is...
This has happened to me many times...
I can only feel this in a dream because I know it will never happen, or I'll get friend-zoned.
Once, my high school let kids out early before winter break. I was like, YES! That night, the school called everyone to inform us that the reason was a threat of a school shooting. That was scary, but the good part was that we started Christmas vacation early!
A great ticket to children's freedom!
I wish I could feel this, but my school is pretty strict about canceling school.
Teachers are major hypocrites!
The usual. I just stare off into space, which is actually rather entertaining.
A.K.A. when I look in the mirror every morning.