Top 10 Best Things About School

Most students often consider school to be boring, a waste of time, and seven crappy hours of our lives. However, school most certainly has its positive sides. Without further ado, here are some of the best things about being in school!
The Top Ten
1 Friends

Seeing friends is what makes school awesome. School gives you an excuse to hang out and socialize with your friends. Best of all, in school (unless none of your friends go to your school, or you have no friends in school), you get to see your friends five days a week for nine months. It's awesome! Now, yes, you can see your friends on the weekends, but not for seven hours. And what about the friends that you can only see at school?

Plus, you can't hang out with all of your friends over the weekend, but you can at school. The library and favorite subjects are a close second and third.

2 Leaving It

I can't wait to graduate this year. It felt like forever to be a senior since I joined this website when I was in eighth grade.

Yes! I love the excellent time when school ends and then I get to go on TheTopTens!

Leaving school, oh yes, leaving this place... Years later, oh my god, I miss being a kid.

3 Recess Time

My school cancelled recess because they thought it would be "dangerous". They wanted us to have more time for standardized tests and cramming for them. Damn.

So, like, we have gym in middle school but not recess. Like, what? Recess isn't dangerous. Gym is. I should have had a concussion by now. I have been hit ten times in the head by a volleyball, two times in the face, and I got kicked on the side by accident while doing push-ups. Like, what?

It's the only time when you get to catch up on the latest gossip and hang out with your pals!

4 Girl Students

There is a girl in my class I really like and have for the whole year, and everyone knows I like her because my friend let the secret out. The other day, one of her friends came up to me and said she likes me. I didn't really believe it at first, so I waited a couple of days until everyone was saying it, so I did believe it. So, I went to her and asked if she would be my girlfriend, and she actually said yes!

So now I love girls even more, but really, I only love one. But she is super nice, and she is okay with me being "friends" with her friends.

5 Last Day of School

Today was the last day of school for me. Even if a lot of the people were annoying, with too many projects, and a ridiculously large amount of homework, I'll still really, really miss this year. This year was one of my favorites!

I participated in a lot of fun activities and had many field trips. Sad to see another school year go. R.I.P. 7th grade - 6/10/16

Why isn't this at the top? It feels great when the bus drops you off at the bus stop and you walk or run to your house for freedom. You get two months off! It feels good.

So, you have just finished a long day of school doing classes that you didn't like. Come on! The end of school is amazing. You can relax and spend time with your friends.

If you have school (like me), the end of the day is great.

6 Gym

We don't have a gym room, so we stay outside and sometimes inside and work on something else when it's raining. We love all the games they set up though, like capture the flag.

Has to be the best subject there is. The only subject other than English and math that I am taking every year, no matter what, in high school (going into grade eleven).

Obviously, every grade gym is great. From like grade two or three to twelve (if you take it in high school). Just great.

7 Funny People

In my chemistry class, there are quite a few funny students. One of them pretends to be the teacher and he says, "Raise your hand, who knows the answer?" and I find that hilarious. He also asks other students to write their answers on the board.

There is also another student who makes up funny stories about Russian and Soviet wars and once said the phrase "Deja vu" means the same thing as a battleship. That person is from China and, in my opinion, I think there is a Chinese word that sounds a lot like "Deja vu" that translates to ship. That student also made a prank on the teacher in a team game by naming everyone on the team his name. Then the teacher was asking, "Why are there so many (student's name)s on this team?!" Thanks to these students, from now on, I look forward to going to school. I hope I also have these students next semester.

8 Your Favourite Subjects

I once had last period science with all my friends and the best teacher ever! I never thought that I would be nostalgic for school, but damn, that class was FUN! When we finished our labs, we got to talk.

There was no bull about how the bell doesn't dismiss you. Overall, I had a great time!

Yes, that's why I like school. I have a lot of great teachers and a lot of subjects. I have to say that my favourite subject is science.

Not only do I love the subject, but I also love my science teacher. He's so nice.

Math, science, chemistry, technology time. Oh yes, technology time! I also love to do PowerPoint Presentations, etc. Yeah. I know I will get like, a bunch of hate for this, but I love everything in school! Especially friends and recess, plus math!

9 Graduating

I can't wait to graduate in June. I would rather listen to Big Time Rush or get a job than go to school.

That moment in high school when you're done with it, but you gotta do college.

I'm graduating this year. It'll be so fun. It's a little different because of COVID.

10 Lunch

Lunch is the best thing for me because my lunch time goes for half an hour, and I hate doing work all the time, but on the other hand, I have to do it. Some of my friends are not cool. They love doing work.

But now, I'm friends with cool people because they hate doing work, and they ask to go to the toilet.

I have a nice lunch at the nearby mall with my friends. Then I go to the computer lab and type this, and do some other stuff I like!

Like recess, I tend to eat my lunch in the library and make a little camp at the personal support room to... read.

The Contenders
11 Fridays

Fridays are awesome. The days are less stressful (work-wise), the days are shorter, the school lunches are better than normal, and there's also the fact that you have two days ahead of you once that day is over. I only have one problem with Fridays though, and I only need two words to explain: Rebecca Black.

You work so hard to get through the week, and when you get there, it feels pretty awesome. Two days of relaxation, hanging out, and good times are just around the corner on Friday!

Fridays are awesome because you get to leave school on that day and have a weekend.

12 It Makes You Smarter

For those of you saying what we learn is useless, it's not just about knowing the facts. For example, you may not need to remember all the formulas when you grow up, but doing math develops problem-solving skills.

Yeah, this is right. If we didn't know anything, we would surely be dumb and helpless. Plus, we gotta know math to exchange money.

13 Band


We have these band performances and even a students' Battle of the Bands. The best part? It's not a marching band - it's full-on rock, pop, metal, or whatever genre befits you. Hell, even anime (the One Punch Man OST auditioning song was mad). Our band is a defending champion for three years straight, counting this year, and my position there is lead guitarist and sometimes a vocalist.

The wildest band competition was when we were in a complicated round in which the first band representative to step forward and tap the bell would have to play a song provided by the judges. At that time, it was Van Halen's Eruption, which caused outrage from the audience since it was so hard to play (for them, at least). But, was the best day ever since, as a new member at that time, I got to see our own band win the competition for the first time. And bonus, that was how I earned my first kiss from my fellow bandmate.

14 Teachers

In university, I have a funny math professor, and I always look forward to doing my Zoom class when I have him. Everyone likes him as a professor. He makes concepts easy and fun to remember, and tells us jokes and funny things about anything we are learning.

And when it came to tests and examinations, all I had to do is remember his jokes and his way of doing equations. For example, he said, "On our planet, a1 + a2 is the same as a2 + a1, but if you go to another planet, a1 + a2 may be the same as a1 times a2." He also said, "You treat a function like a machine where there is an input and an output. x is the input, and y is the output. It's like putting oranges in a machine and your output is orange juice. It can't go the other way round. You can't put orange juice in your machine and expect to get oranges. Just like you can't put y as an input and have x as an output." With him, it didn't feel like doing math, it felt more like a game.

I am writing this during the Coronavirus pandemic, and he asked students when the Coronavirus will end, thinking that they would know. Then he made up a virus and according to him, the virus he made up is a deadly virus that comes to people whose microphones are unmuted. And everyone was just laughing their head off when they heard that. He can be mad at times, but he said that because people were unmuted on Zoom by accident. But other than that, he is just fun to be around and I hope I have him again sometime in the future.

15 You Go for Careers

It's not exactly the best thing. It's about as enjoyable as everything else.

School is helping me become a marine/politician.

16 Sports
17 Holidays
18 Bullies Get Expelled
19 Field Days

It depends on the destination. NYC and amusement parks are awesome. The zoo and fire station are boring and for kindergarteners.

Yes, we could go to museums, factories, amusement parks (sometimes), and other fun stuff. And zoos are boring since they don't have canines and felines here, or you can't be close to them. It's for kindergarten and first grade - Roblox connor4808

Depends on what field trip. I had a boring field trip once. Most field trips are fun for me.

20 Vacations
21 Hot Teachers

My science teacher looks exactly like Tina Fey, so that's awesome!

When we have a test, I try to finish as early as possible so I can spend the rest of the time staring at the student teacher.

I'm a girl, and my Social Studies teacher is so hot! He's the reason I love Social Studies. I'm a teacher's pet to him. Also, he's best buds with my Science teacher. They hang out all the time together. They're both guys.

22 You Might Have a Good Education
23 Math

Why do a lot of people hate math? It's one of the subjects that requires you to use your head and not your memory. I mean, history requires you to memorize, right?

Math is great... unless you have a bad math teacher! (Me sadly).

I think I'm the only one who actually likes this subject.

24 Boy Students

Yes! I go to an all-girls school, and I miss boys so much. A mixed school has less drama. Boys just don't care if you like the same guy as your friend. Everything is far more relaxing when a guy is around. I would do anything to change schools.

I got a crush whom I figured out had a crush back on me! He is so cute, and I'm just like wow all the time.

I mean, boys just flock to me. Kinda annoying, but I mean, who doesn't love the extra company?

25 You Can See Your Crush

I have a huge crush on a boy named Arturo, I miss him right now because it's summer vacation. but when I go back and I see him I'm going to run up to him screaming "Oh My God"

Excuse me, I go to an all girl's school, so something's gone wrong if I look forwards to seeing my crush in school!

But I don't have a crush.

Yeah it is so nice

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