Top Ten Reasons to Feel Sorry for Lisa Simpson

The Top Ten
As the middle child, she is overshadowed by her siblings

She is somehow similar to her live-action counterpart, Dawn Wiener from "Welcome to the Dollhouse."

When she is trying to be the voice of reason she is called annoying

She's not annoying at all. In the episode called "Lisa the Vegetarian," there were pros and cons about what Lisa was doing:

Pros - Animals being slaughtered for food breaks her heart, which is very sad. Baby animals losing their parents forever is heartbreaking, and I find this very sad too.

Cons - Lisa should have respected other people's opinions and kept it to herself. Homer has every right to be angry with Lisa after she ruined his barbecue party.

She is just speaking up to be the hope and future of Springfield.

Bart annoys her for no reason

Though whenever Bart and Lisa fight, she usually wins. However, Bart annoys her for no reason.

Marge neglects her
Milhouse acts like a pervert to her

Leave Lisa alone, Milhouse, you damn pervert! Can't they just kill him off like they did Krusty the Clown, but for him, keep him dead?

Nelson is a better person for her than Milhouse is. Milhouse is a creep and it's better for him to remain a closeted bachelor.
Nelson and Lisa > Milhouse and Lisa

No one understands how she feels

She never reveals whether she is upset because she does not want to hurt her family.

Other people take credit for her hard work

Every time she brings something valid up to the police force, they ignore her.

Ralph, when Mayor Quimby nearly died.

Terri and Sherri bully her

They're jerks who only pay attention to her when something interesting happens to her.

Terri and Sherri are the worst second graders in the entire school.

Lots of people hate her

This is why Lisa is my favorite Simpson character. She deserves better.

Milhouse and Marge are the worst. Lisa deserves so much better.

Milhouse is mean to her

Like when he got revenge on everyone that wronged him, and Lisa refused to be his queen. He almost shot her if Nelson had not saved her.

Nelson and Lisa > Milhouse and Lisa
Milhouse will wind up just like his father, Kirk. A deadbeat loser, albeit a closeted bachelor.

The Newcomers

? Bart attempted to ruin Lisa's friendship in Summer of 4 Ft. 2
? The fandom only notices the bad Lisa does and not the bad Bart does
The Contenders
In The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase. Lisa didn't want to be in it and they replaced her with a teen bimbo who was nothing like Lisa.

I didn't know that, but I would like to see it.

Bart is a horrible brother to her

I thought I told you to go to bed - Yeah, go to bread.

Milhouse almost shot her

Seriously, Milhouse? Just accept the fact that Lisa thinks differently from you and find someone else! Are you going to shoot every girl who doesn't like you? I hate you, Milhouse. I hope you die.

She wanted to cure world hunger, Bart used it as a prank.
Bart ruined her baby sitting career being the older sibling.
Bart stole the show on Kidz Newz
The females are less silly than the males so they annoy fans
Bart tried to put her in the mail when he was a toddler
Lisa sometimes feels like she was adopted
Lots of the fandom hates her because she's more serious
Springfield doesn't like Jazz
Lisa hated the talking Malibu Stacy being a bimbo
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