Top 10 Most Evil Things Eric Cartman Has Done

Agree pure evil if radiohead would've arrived earlier then they might've understood why Scott was crying. Some people think Scott deserved it but I think that they are wrong
I know the creators of South Park hate Family Guy, but do you think Cartman will grow up to be the next Peter Griffin.
I was like what when I found out about this. That was psychopathic right there.
There is clearly no depth Cartman won't sink to.
This shows just how exploitative and manipulative cartman is He fakes sympathy and obedience to make you let your guard down he then gathers ammunition on your personal life and then kablam! He hits you with an emotional bombshell.
He also did it to her live on her show
The Newcomers
Charlie Chaplin used to do it for comedy.
Stan had to trick him into giving up the kidney. And Cartman ended up singing no when he refused to offer the kidney
He even constantly sung the word no happily
Again shows how selfish cartman is
Again he did this to win a bet with Kyle and when proven right proceeded to rub it in his face
All because of her refusing to get him an ipad
Just shows how much of a selfish kid he is
Well that's not shunning her at all. Lol.
Cart man also exposed himself as a complete coward here as when Wendy challenged him he did all he can to weasel his way out of fighting her.
He even tried to make himself innocent and make Wendy look bad, which is why I consider him the worst character in the show.
Wendy pretended to care just so she could have an excuse to hurt him.
Everyone ended up doing it as well so all restaurants in south park were financially damaged
I think that this was more evil than him faking his way into the special olympics becuase he did it to get money he faked touretts just becuase he could with no real reason for faking it
This lead to Wendy being harassed by some of his supporters outside of school
He abused his power as morning speaker to attack students