Top Ten Nicest South Park Characters

The Top Ten
Butters Stotch Leopold "Butters" Stotch is a fictional character in the animated television series South Park. He is voiced by series co-creator Matt Stone and loosely based on co-producer Eric Stough.

Yes, I said that Stan was my favorite character in South Park, but before that, I loved Butters (I still love Butters). When I first saw South Park, I fell in love with Butters. I really loved Butters' very own episode when his parents did not even ground him.

He is so innocent and nice. Even when he does things as Professor Chaos, like switching a bowl of soup, it is still innocent. I would really want to be friends with Butters, Stan, and Kenny.

Probably the only South Park kid who's fully nice, although in later seasons he's kind of a jerk. Considering his home life and all the craziness in the town, it's not much of a surprise!

Kenny Mccormick Kenneth "Kenny" McCormick is a main character in the animated adult television series South Park, along with his friends Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, and Eric Cartman.

I know Kenny can be selfish, but then one episode came out of the blue. This episode was about Kenny and his siblings being sent to a foster home after Eric Cartman was declared the poorest (which is my favorite part because I really hate Eric Cartman). Kenny's sister is crying in her bed when Mysterion pops up and says something along the lines of, "Some things happen that they don't realize because they don't know what comes first, and no matter what you do, no matter where you go, I will always be here."

After a while, Eric Cartman is teasing a poor kid who can't defend himself with 41 "yo mama" jokes that end in fireworks. Meanwhile, Kenny's sister is about to get beat up by a female bully until Mysterion shows up, beats up the bully, and takes his sister up a pipe on the wall to escape.

Later, Mysterion paints question marks all over a room and leaves a note that says, "Go look in the fridge." So they do, and they find a blue ribbon drink in the fridge. If you've watched this episode, you'd know the drink is a sign that alerts the police, leading to the foster parents being arrested. This allows the siblings to go back home, while Eric Cartman gets arrested for harassing the poor kid (I think).

Kenny does die at the end, but still, Kenny is a hero in this episode.

Chef Jerome "Chef" McElroy was a cartoon character on the Comedy Central series South Park who was voiced by soul singer Isaac Hayes.

Chef is just a nice, calm, chill adult in the show. Chef is very nice to the kids and more reasonable than most adults in South Park. He's just a nice and friendly character who gives the kids advice.

I miss him in the show, to be honest. It's honestly sad how he got killed off when his voice actor stopped voicing him.

He's very caring, always trying to help the boys.

Liane Cartman

She lets Cartman get away with almost everything. The only person who could have caused Cartman's behavior is probably his unrevealed dad.

It's hard to believe that she was once a hooker, and that the Hitler-worshiping psychopath, Eric Cartman, is her son!

She gives out cookies. She may not be the nicest person, but she's nicer than all the other characters.

Kyle Broflovski Kyle Broflovski is a main character in the animated television series South Park. He is voiced by and loosely based on co-creator Matt Stone.

While I do think Kenny is the nicest kid in South Park, I believe Kyle is a close second and gets too much hate. Kyle isn't perfect and does bad things, but outside of a few exceptions, he almost always has genuinely good intentions, even if he gets too emotional sometimes.

Kyle is shown to be a caring and compassionate kid and isn't fake in the way Stan sometimes can be. Even when Kyle can be a jerk or does something bad, he usually realizes and tries to make it right. He learns from his mistakes. He's also one of the only kids, along with Kenny, who has saved Cartman's life with no ulterior motives despite the way Cartman treats him.

He is also the nicest to Kenny out of the main four and the second nicest to Butters (who is overrated on this list) after Kenny. While not as good as Kenny, Kyle is still my pick for second nicest.

Stan Marsh Stanley "Stan" Marsh is a main character of the animated television series South Park. He is voiced by and loosely based on series co-creator Trey Parker. Stan is one of the show's four central characters, along with Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, and Eric Cartman.

Stan's definitely my favorite. He should go in between Butters and Kenny. Despite his cynicism, he is generally one of the nicest guys you'll find.

Stan should be number one. Just look at what Butters did to Lisa Burger in The Hobbit.


Pip is pretty good to be nice, even though he's hated by the main group (Cartman, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny). The saddest episode was when I found out Pip lost his parents and his sister treats him badly. I expected Pip to be 1st, but I was wrong.

There is nothing wrong with being French. They are messing around with Pip, which I don't really care about, but Pip didn't do anything wrong. I think Pip is very kind to others. I think Pip deserves to be in second place, but Butters hits the top. This is my opinion, so please don't get mad at me.

Jesus Christ
Mr. Mackey Mr. Mackey is a recurring character in the animated adult television series South Park. He is the guidance counselor at South Park Elementary, best known for saying "m'kay" at the end of most of his sentences. He also serves on the City Council as head of Public Health.
Timmy Burch Timmy Burch, a wheelchair-using character with a cognitive disability on the TV series South Park.
He is a loved vocalist for the band Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld but has drawn criticism due to his inability to form coherent sentences caused by his disability.

It is revealed in Season... read more

The Newcomers

? Big Gay Al

A nice character that somehow has fewer votes than Eric Cartman.

? Martha Speaks Martha Speaks is an American-Canadian children's animated television series based on the 1992 children's book of the same name by Susan Meddaugh, about a talking dog named Martha (voiced by Tabitha St.
The Contenders
Craig Tucker Craig Tucker is a fictional character in the animated television series South Park and is a member of the boys' fourth grade class. Craig's most distinguishing physical feature is his blue chullo hat topped with a yellow puffball. One of his traits is his compulsive tendency to flip people off, usually... read more

Craig is given a bad rap as a troublemaker kid, but despite sometimes coming off as rude to some people, Craig hasn't really done anything that bad, unlike a lot of the other kids. There were a few moments of Craig being a jerk (like beating up Kyle in "South Park is Gay"), but he is still shown to be a really good boyfriend to Tweek and is very patient with him.

He isn't overly nice but is still one of the more chill regular kids and is helpful towards his friends.

How did that rogue get on the list? Just kidding, I love this kid to bits. He's nice to Tweek. That's just so cute to watch, even though I don't really care about Tweek. Still, he's better around Craig. But still, how did Craig sneak into the list? Must've been Feldspar, I guess.

Randy Marsh Randy Marsh is a fictional character in the animated television series South Park. He is the son of Marvin and Grandma Marsh, the half-brother of Jimbo Kern, the husband of Sharon, and the father of Stan and Shelly. He first appeared in the Season One episode, "Volcano", and is voiced by Trey Parker... read more
Wendy Testaburger Winifred "Wendy" Testaburger is a fictional character in the animated television series South Park. She is best known for her on-again, off-again relationship with her boyfriend Stan Marsh, and being more intelligent and mature than most children her age, which is utilized by her activism and feminism... read more

Yes, guys, Wendy is really nice. It's just with Cartman she's not, which is obvious because Cartman treats her like trash.

Wendy is probably one of my top favorite girl SP characters. She is just so pretty and tough!

She sticks up for herself, and I love that!

Jimmy Valmer James "Jimmy" Valmer, is a fictional character from the American animated television series South Park. He is voiced by Trey Parker. He is physically disabled, requiring forearm crutches in order to walk. His disability is confirmed to be cerebral palsy but it is also rumoured to be muscular dystrophy... read more
Tweek Tweak Tweek Tweak is a recurring character in the animated adult television series South Park and is a student at South Park Elementary. He drinks lots of coffee, which causes paranoia and jittery muscle spasms. He made his first appearance in the Season Two episode, "Gnomes".

His vote should be higher. He literally held an RPG and aimed it at people just to save his friends, despite his intense twitching and anxiety. Tweek rarely swears and is nice to people. He's a literal precious innocent bean.

Tweek is a pretty nice kid. He hasn't done over-the-top things like a lot of the main kids (I still put two of the main kids higher on my list). Tweek hasn't really done anything wrong. He's mostly just a very anxious but still nice kid.

He's very cute, from his attitude to his cute messy hair! Hopefully, he won't find being on this list too much pressure.

Bebe Stevens
Clyde Donovan

Clyde, like Tweek and Craig, doesn't come off as overly nice and is often ranked lower on niceness lists. Honestly, Clyde is one of the show's nicer minor characters. Clyde is a little dense, but not mean like other kids can be.

Clyde is nicer than Cartman. Cartman has committed some monstrous acts and has influenced Butters to do the same. Butters and Cartman need to move down. Move Clyde, Tweek, Craig, and Kyle up.

Clyde is nice to everyone except when disagreements are in the air.

Mr. Hankey
Towelie Towelie is a recurring character in the animated adult television series South Park. Towelie is a talking towel who was genetically engineered by Tynacorp, in order to allow him to make people as dry as necessary depending on the situation. He is usually seen either appearing out of nowhere to give... read more
Ike Broflovski Ike Broflovski is a recurring character in the animated adult television series South Park. Ike is Kyle Broflovski's adopted little brother from Canada.
Karen McCormick

She never bad-mouthed anybody and she loves her brothers very much. Also, in the Casa Bonita DLC for Fractured but Whole, she constantly begs everyone to stop fighting and doesn't want anybody to get hurt. Her vampire/goth outfit is very cute.

Not much to say about her other than she's Kenny's nice and naive little sister. One of the only truly pure characters.

She's so cute! Her voice is also very adorable! She is very lucky to have a good brother.


Satan seems pretty chill in the South Park universe, but he didn't get a lot of votes.

Parallel Universe Eric Cartman

Saved Cartman, Stan, Kyle, Stan's Uncle, and Dan from falling into a trench and dying in lava. Too bad Stan shot him, though.

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