Top 10 South Park Fandom Couples

South Park is a TV series that was created in 1997 by Trey Parker and Matt Stone on Comedy Central. Due to the high number of males in the series, many fanfiction writers in the fandom tend to age the characters and pair them up together as yaoi couples. A few heterosexual and yuri couples are also popular, but not as much.

This list will feature all the couples from the South Park Fanon Wiki, operated by JVM, and allow you to vote on who is the best. As of the first posting, the pairings are organized by their placement on the mentioned wiki's homepage. This will eventually be followed by all other child pairings, child-adult pairings, and then adult pairings, pending list approval. If this has changed, it means that it has been voted on by someone.
The Top Ten
Creek (Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak)

Only true fans will understand why this is number one. The characters' personalities fit perfectly with each other. Tweek is helped by Craig, and Craig is helped by Tweek in ways only the other can manage.

Whereas with Stendy, it's just a stereotypical couple. Both characters are great on their own too. Tweek's paranoia and jitteriness make him relatable and funny, as does Craig's personality.

Ever since I joined the fandom, this was probably the first thing I shipped. They have such a healthy relationship. Craig was always there for Tweek when he was stressing out.

They even got married in the future, which I love! They go through break-ups, still get back together. Creek is probably my favorite out of all the canon and non-canon ships.

Style (Stan Marsh/Kyle Broflovski)

They are not officially said to be (canon) gay, nor is their ship. But let's remember that this vote is for fans, and honestly, don't hesitate to vote for the couple you like just because they aren't canon or such.

I am voting for Style because I like the chemistry between them, their friendship, and their understanding. This makes me feel like they would be the most dynamic ship together. I love Creek, but Creek is such a smooth ship that I cannot love it all the time. Meanwhile, Style is pretty damn angsty yet can still be fluffy. It doesn't always go smoothly, and that attracts me in a different way than Creek.

Stendy (Stan Marsh/Wendy Testaburger)

I'll explain my reason why this should be number one. Basically, they are a couple. It's the biggest canon couple in South Park history. It's classic, male x female love. They have been dating longer than anyone else. I mean, sure they've been off, but they know best that they care for each other a lot. They both hate Cartman, and it's cuter than how they were with other guys or girls.

So yeah, Stendy is better than Candy (that one is the worst). So, the bottom line is, Stendy truly is canon, and it's sweeter, and it makes a lot more sense.

Kybe (Kyle Broflovski/Bebe Stevens)

This is not my top, but I think it's cute.

Clybe (Clyde Donovan/Bebe Stevens)

Clybe is so adorable. If it weren't for Stendy, then it would be my OTP.

If it wasn't for the AI episode, these two wouldn't have been on the list.

Kelley (Kenny McCormick/Kelly)

My favorite ship, honestly. Even after the Tammy x Kenny episode came out, I still preferred Kenny and Kelly. No offense towards Tammy x Kenny shippers out there, but I just feel like Kelly saving Kenny from dying is better than Kenny trying to get a BJ from Tammy and dying because of it. Although, sadly, good things always come to an end, and the creators ended things too soon. It was starting so well, especially when Kenny tried to make Kelly less afraid by telling her, "There's nothing to be afraid of, dear." It's just downright adorable and will always be number one on my list.

Tochole (Tolkien Black/Nichole Daniels)

This will always be second on my list. Personally, I think their bond is very wholesome and cute, even if they were set up to be together.

I think the ending of the episode, where they didn't care what others think, made my heart melt a lot. Cartman did a good job making these two meet each other!

This is one of the sweeter couples that I like to support now and then.

Kybecca (Kyle Broflovski/Rebecca Cotswolds)

I loved their chemistry a lot. The way Kyle built up courage to ask Becca out and the way Becca became less shy because of Kyle is so adorable. They were starting to have a great relationship, and the way they ended the episode really broke my heart.

I feel like Rebecca's character was forced to do those things in the last part of the episode. It just isn't fair that they didn't make it last some more episodes before the creators ruined it.

I love this ship, not as much as others, but it's still really cute. Kyle helped Rebecca out of her shell, and all the scenes we got of them together were so cute.

The ending was such a shame, though. But if you check out Kyle's closet, you can see the exact guitar he played for Rebecca, which I find adorable.

Heiman (Eric Cartman/Heidi Turner)

Even though I kind of like Stendy more than the Heiman ship, this would be much better than Candy, where the ship is with Cartman and Wendy. That is one of the worst, if not the worst, in other people's opinions. I still remember most episodes in series 21, and one of my favorites is the one where Cartman and Heidi got back together, with Heidi much fatter and ruder.

Cartman is one of my most hated characters because of his racism, but this ship turned my opinion all around!

If Cartman wasn't a sociopath, these two would be literally perfect together. If the guy ever managed to actually work on himself and go to therapy, they'd probably end up with each other again.

Catty (Eric Cartman/Patty Nelson)

This pairing has so much potential. They can reintroduce Patty and make her a female parallel to Cartman.

Another interesting ship regarding Cartman. The other being Heiman, of course.

The Newcomers

? Bunny (Butters Stotch/Kenny McCormick)

In my opinion, their relationship is really strong, and just Butters and Kenny together in an actual love relationship would be so adorable. Probably, people that also ship Butters and Kenny would agree that their love relationship would work out.

I don't care what other people think of Butters and Kenny in a love relationship. I just care that I like the ship, and that's my opinion, and no one is going to be able to change that!

Kenny and Butters are my favorite characters, and Butters shows a romantic relationship when Kenny is in his Princess costume. I love when they are BFFs!

? Shellman (Eric Cartman/Shelly Marsh)
The Contenders
Dip (Damien Thorn/Pip Pirrip)

This ship is so cute! Now, completely ignoring that Damien set Pip on fire into the sky like a firework, it's cute like this mistreated angel (not really an angel) with a literal demon with daddy issues. Meanwhile, Pip is an orphan.

Plus, Pip was actually talking to and with Damien even when he was an outcast! Now, it was probably because Pip himself is an outcast most of the time, but cute nonetheless! I think it's a cute pairing, an orphan Brit with the antichrist!

It's a common yet overlooked ship. Honestly, I find it very cute, and I believe that it works. It may seem pretty normal. Demon x human ships happen a lot, but this one adds a little more character.

I love this ship a lot, and I believe you might too if you give it a chance.

Butarlotte (Butters Stotch/Charlotte)

Ah, Butters and Charlotte. A ship that I was so attracted by. I really think this ship could've gone better if the boys vs. girls war hadn't happened. Butters and Charlotte really had a connection (literally. They call all the time). I think this ship would've done better than it had shown on the series.

I would also like to add how Butters was disgusted by the fact his friends wanted him to date a Canadian girl in that one episode, yet he decided to put his and his friends' opinions aside to give Charlotte a chance. And the fact that they actually kept calling each other even after the episode was so cute. They really had a connection.

Kyman (Eric Cartman/Kyle Broflovski)

Ok, this ship is most of the time very frowned upon, and I understand why. Hell, even I had a "All Kyman shippers are disgusting!" "Did they even watch the show??" "They hate each other!" "Cartman is antisemitic" phase. I am aware this ship would never be canon, or at least, it would likely be one-sided, on Cartman's side. Even I, a Kyman shipper, do not want it to be canon because I think it would interfere with the story and basically the entire show. But, I still think this pairing can be cute.

Now, Cartman being antisemitic, can a child actually be antisemitic? I know Cartman has done things most children haven't, but he is a child either way. For Kyle, I just like the whole "I hate you" but it's actually "I hate that I like you" vibe, but I don't think he would ever actually like Cartman. Even if I didn't ship this, I think the amount of hate Kyman shippers get is undeserved. There are way worse ships out there, and people choose to rip on one that is a little odd. But I like this pairing and stand by it!

Tenny (Kenny McCormick/Tammy Warner)

I could see the two growing old together. I really wish we got this in more than one episode.

I wish Tammy was used for more than one episode. She had so much potential.

Tim-Jim (Timmy Burch/Jimmy Valmer)

I really liked this ship, even though most people find them as only friends or that it is forced. I find these characters' interactions entertaining and cute.

There are actually very few fan arts and fanfictions with this ship.

This ship is super adorable. I love their dynamic of nobody except Jimmy understanding what his friend means when Timmy yells "TIMMY!"

Hmm… Well, I really have no words for this ship, but I can say that I like this ship and it's cute!

CartCart (Eric Cartman/Eric Cartman)

This is Cartman we're talking about. Who would even think that this ship sucks? Cartman just has a thing for himself. No questions asked. The perfect person for Cartman is indeed Cartman himself.

No offense, but I actually think this ship is better than Heidi x Cartman and Kyle x Cartman. I think it's less toxic. I also think that Heidi deserved someone better than Cartman. She really was a good girlfriend. She'll always be one of my favorite girls after Kelly and Nicole!

It's amazing and canon, the most normal thing I can ever vote for.

Crenny (Craig Tucker/Kenny McCormick)

Crenny is simultaneously overlooked and also not, with the abundance of fanon content from its passionate fanbase (including myself), though it's really not up to par with the other more popular pairings. Anyways, Crenny, of course, doesn't make a lot of sense initially since the show hasn't really shown much interaction between both characters. But regardless, and taking it from the crumbs of their interactions, their personalities fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.

There is a whole paragraph on the fanon wiki on why people ship Crenny, and it has its great points. It's really flexible to work on as a pairing, and even so, I (well, personally) don't see any toxicity in it and the fandom. These are the reasons it's my current OTP. That is all, goodbye!

Bendy (Wendy Testaburger/Bebe Stevens)

I like this ship a lot. They are really close best friends. I just love their friendship so much! They remind me of Stan and Kyle's friendship a whole lot!

They are best friends. This ship makes sense. If Stan breaks up with Wendy later in the future, then Wendy might date Bebe. But who knows?

They have a good friendship, and I can see why people ship them a lot, but I only ever see them as friends.

K2 (Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski)

I personally don't love it as much, but I find this ship so cute. I kind of see it, but not much since they don't really talk much. They aren't as close. But it's cute!

This is so cute. I can't believe it's at number 17! Kenny and Kyle have a great relationship, and I'd like to see that be explored further.

If Kyle wasn't such a toxic friend, this might've actually been good.

ManBearButt (ManBearPig/Scuzzlebutt)
Special K (Kenny McCormick/Timmy Burch)
Jimed (Jimbo Kern/Ned Gerblansky)
Stenny (Stan Marsh/Kenny McCormick)

This is literally my brotp. Stan and Kenny's friendship is so sweet and sad at the same time. I prefer it over Stan and Kyle's friendship since Kyle is a toxic friend.

The most underrated ship, in my opinion. These two don't get enough interaction. I want to see more moments between them.

Big Gay Slave (Big Gay Al/Mr. Slave)
Kendy (Kenny McCormick/Wendy Testaburger)

This is my favourite pairing, hands down. I don't care if it's not canon, it is great to me. If you need something to back it up, then look at its prominence in the fandom.

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