Top 10 Funniest South Park Characters

Cartman is so much better and funnier than Kyle I hate Kyle Cartman is the classier of the duo. The reasons I hate Kyle is 1. He's not funny at all he is so boring, 2. Some of his fangirls treat him like he is an actual person but he's not, 3. He is far too overrated, 4. Fans think he is so cute and he acts like it, but he's uglier than a pile of dog crap that was vomited on by a pig, 5. He has an annoying voice, 6. His ugly Jewfro, 7. He whines and complains about everything. And the #1 reason I hate Kyle is because he's mean to Cartman. If Kyle ever killed or beat up Cartman I would get a machete and stab him Kyle is terrible. But Cartman is perfect he's awesome funny, and cool. He's hilarious, man. He likes to be cool and funny and he's really adorable in a way. He is my favorite out of the four boys. Eric Cartman is the best South Park character EVER. WHY IS KYLE EVEN IN THE TOP TEN? HE SHOULD BE AT 1000000.

Lourde - I mean Randy - should so be number one. Trash talking at baseball matches, overexaggerating everything, and failing miserably at everything, and so hilariously OTT. Not to mention he's a world record holder...
Oh come on. How is he not #1? He gave himself testicular cancer by sticking his balls in the microwave just so he could legally smoke weed!
Why is he not number one? Any episode with Randy Marsh as the main character, has me in tears because I laugh so hard.

If you look at the best of butters n the best of cartmen you will know whose funnier
Known to be Eric's sidekick, and a suck up

Who doesn't think Kenny is funny? Whenever he says anything with his cute muffled voice I almost always laugh. His pervertedness and his adult knowledge just cracks me up every time.
As for Kenny, I would vote for him for number one or two on the list. Oops! ", you voted Kenny, congratulation! "
Butters is really cute, too, but Kenny IS the original. Plus, no one can beat that muffled pervertedness that comes out of Kenny's mouth, and all the crazy stuff he does. Kenny for #1~

He is so funny, he very random, he also had a sex change!

Chef's songs about making love even if its totally off topic and has nothing to do with anything is hilarious.
His random songs about making love is so funny. Rip Chef.

He is a loved vocalist for the band Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld but has drawn criticism due to his inability to form coherent sentences caused by his disability.
It is revealed in Season... read more

M'kay... where do I begin? Well, Mackey is the funniest character. He tries to be good, but falls short. He's just a really likeable character.
No one could hate Mr.Mackey, he's funny, and if you don't see that you're lying, Mckay

I wish Cartman wasn't in first place... He is so mean to Kyle. but if he wasn't then the show would definitely be going in a different direction. but I just love Kyle so much... he at least deserves a 4
I honestly can't imagine south park without him, you can't really have Cartman's evil schemes without Kyle trying to stop it, can you?
He is so funny, and just irreplaceable. I love how he never backs down from a challenge and has the best lines and some episodes.

Stan is the voice of reason in the group. He is also really funny and deserves higher.
The Newcomers

Sheila Broflovski sucked. I wish Sheila Broflovski never appeared in South Park. Fortunately that jerk is dead for good
Sheila Broflovski melted when she died once and for all

I love this dude! He is totally sarcastic and hilarious and if they ever got rid of him I would throw myself and anyone with reaching distance off a bridge without
I love this guy, and this is coming from a girl who has Kenny as her favorite character. He's stoic, sarcastic, shows his caring side around Tweek, and hilarious!
He's amazing I like him so much really good phrases also he has the balls to flip people off

Welcome to bad wok can I take order please?
Honestly, funniest character ever

A towel who is addicted to Marijuana, Coke and Crack!
I don't even know whats going on.

Mr. Garrison blames everthing on mr. Hat laugh out loud!
That wasn't very nice of you mr. Hat

He is so cute and jumpy especially in Tweek x Craig! Love him so much
This list is for funny characters. not for crappy man-h0e skanks like him
Not my favourite characters but they are funny especially in Not Without My Anus.

"I'm totally tripping balls..." He might be a minor character, but how funny was he in Dead Celebrities and Fatbeard? Plus, he causes Kyle to stress out, and he's a Jew called IKE!
Ike is the most adorable cartoon character ever. They get his baby voice just right. All the other cartoons just make babies go "Goo goo ga ga! " But Ike is ' adorable and hilarious.
A Canadian born adopted into a Jewish family, Kyle's younger brother
Happy birthday to me,happy birthday to me *blows out candle screen goes black he blinks*