Worst SpongeBob SquarePants Season 9 Episodes
My second least favorite episode because it's a regurgitation of past episodes like the idea of the gimmick of SpongeBob getting fired, the Krusty Krab falling apart without SpongeBob, and SpongeBob only having the ability to cook only Krabby Patties! I only hate it less than Truth or Square because it wasted less of my time. The major plot point of SpongeBob getting fired was treated as a dumb joke! Once again the episode drags which makes it a chore to sit through. The jokes are few and far between and the second half made no sense due to SpongeBob getting kidnapped by the fast food mascots that kicked him out of their restaurants, and they didn't even make a joke out that twist. There was so much filer like SpongeBob somehow making good snail food and Sandy experimenting on her friends and strangers. Pieguyrulz did a better job panning this episode than I could ever do.
Before watching this episode, I went back and remembered all of the Squidward torture episodes and was really sad after seeing him in pain. After watching Little Yellow Book though, I felt nothing but hatred towards Squidward and his actions. After the townspeople hate Squidward for reading SpongeBob's diary, it was just plain stupid. There's NO WAY that the writers could've missed something so confusingly hypocritical. Not to mention that the ending just sucks since Squidward is now seen as worse than modern Patrick. I'd just skip watching this episode again.
There are two scenes in this episode that I hate. The first one is where SpongeBob and Patrick act like babies and the other one is where Squidward keeps crying.
This was some weird fetish episode, I was pretty disgusted watching it and more disgusted that some people would get off to it! -shudder-
Squidward is an adult... IN A DIAPER and there is too much SPIT AND DROOL that makes this one screwed up
It had an interesting concept, AND SANDY DIDN'T TALK ABOUT SCIENCE! YES! THEY BROUGHT A PIECE OF HER PERSONALTY BACK! But other than that, this episode doesn't have many jokes, and the ending is way to predictable and cliched. Also Squidward gets arrested for no reason. YOUR JOKE ISN'T FUNNY WHEN REPEATED SEVERAL TIMES SHOW.
This Episode Would've Been If The Ending Wasn't So Abysmal
This episode was bad, but the end was the WORST!
This Episode Made Me Went Really Mad Because This Is The Worst Episode Of Spongebob Squarepants History Well, Squid Baby And Other Episodes Were Bad And Spongebob You're Fired, But This One Called The Fish Bowl, You Are totally Going To Hate Sandy Cheeks Because Of The Ending When Squidward Wanted Some Ice Cream I Felt Bad For Squidward He Was My Favorite Grumpiest Characters Of All Time, But Sandy Made Me Really Mad So Hard!
Patrick and sandy fall in a ditch squidward just wanted some ice cream and patrick was such a jerk.
Kenny is creepy.
So here is a quick summary.
SpongeBob's favourite moviestar is coming to Bikini Bottom. He is a cat who looks so creepy.
He has puffed out cheeks and fish lips. When ocean animals ask him what he's talking. About, he says "Kenny the Caat."
Later he goes to see Kenny. Then Kenny goes to the Krusty Krab. Kenny rushes to the bathroom so SpongeBob, b ring the creep he is, follows.
Kenny is breathing from an air tank and SpongeBob is shocked. He gets sad and hates Kenny for BREATHING!
Kenny explains to Bob why he is breathing.
So then everything is good to SpongeBob.
Review:This whole season is a joke.
Didn't personally mind this one. But the one part I minded was the one where Sandy stuck a needle in her teeth, then cut them with a saw. For me that is the "toenail scene" of this episode.
This episode is really bad, why did they have to create an episode about a dumb old record book!
That stupid record book made this episode stupid.
This was a decent episode, with a real plot and hardly any stupidity.
This was supposed to be the sister episode to Kenny the Cat
This is a SpongeBob episode? I never heard of this episode
The beginning of the episode was awesome, but later, towards the end of the episode, when SpongeBob went to warn Mr. Krabs, Mr. Krabs was being all jerky and stupid when he said he had a plan! WHAT A STUPID KRAB!
This episode had a lot of good jokes going for it!
It was good at the beginning but at the end there was only 30 seconds at the KK!
Why is this here?
Let me explain: Patrick feels like he really wants to help and change what he perceives as wrong. He also gets comeuppance by the end of the episode. This is funny, has a decent action scene, and for me, feels like classic SpongeBob. It shouldn't be so high.
This was a pretty good episode, it's kinda like a S1-3 idea. But the only problem I had with this episode was Ms. Puff getting arrested yet again. And yes, I know, Demolition Doofus, but still. It's still pretty funny, but it would be better as a pre-movie or post-sequel episode.
The Newcomers
Yes, the picture is the wrong episode. Anyways, this is not the worst episoe in the season, but it's still bad in my opinion. There are so many predictable jokes, like the Gary on the wheel thing, and the montage of Spongebob crashing into the Krusty Krab. This episode also is boring, and made no sense at parts, ESPECIALLY the beginning. This episode is honestly overrated. Please don't kill me.
Since when is Puff surprised about SpongeBob failing? And the fact that she realizes he is nervous? They said that in the first Boating School episode!
This episode is great. I want to watch it again and again and again.
Focus on the road is the weirdest thing in sponge bob, except squid ward in clarinetland
Same I like the action but comedy could be better
How could this be hated? I like all the action
Incredibly boring, more reminisce of season 8.
Even though SpongeBob and Patrick are scared, I didn't really get this episode.
This is a good episode. One of the best in Season 9.
I like this episode it should be lower
This episode is just... What? Mr. Krabs gets married to money, named Cashina? What? There's no reason Krabs should love anyone! However, all of this is just a scheme to get the Krabby Patty Formul by Plank...ton? Yeah, this episode is confusing and it goes on too long. There are a lot of things wrong with this episode, I hate it, and it is clearly unenjoyable.
This weird episode made me uncomfortable for some reason.
Am I the only one who thought this was a great episode?
Why is this so high? It's like a good version of All That Glitters, and I enjoy it.
Evil Spatula=HORRIBLE! This is a complete duplicate of All That Glitters!
All That Glitters Is My Most Hated Episode This Is Basiclly A Better Version
This episode is 2nd worst. The entire opening scene is the creepiest thing in Season 9, not to mention one part is just cruel to Squidward. Then, they go to the Company Picnic. Nothing happens fro what feels like 8 hours, but is 3-4 minutes, and Plankton shows up, and then everyone starts enjoying his more fancy picnic, then comes the entire 40 second long slo-mo "Sally watch out" gag. THIS IS NOT FUNNY. It is weird, and takes up way too much time. Then, Plankton's hologram brakes, and guess what - everything is made of TRASH. Turns out the cotton candy that Krabs ate is TRASH. He ate trash! I almost threw up! Then the episode ends, thank goodness. There are 2 minute long gags in here, both of which are not funny/ and or weird. This episode is HORRIBLE!
It's an all right episode but it definitely pales in comparison to most of Season 11 (Side note: Some criticize that season for being too wacky but that might honestly be one of its greatest strengths).
The High Frutice Corn Syrup Joke might be the one of the worst jokes I have ever heard.
I liked the joke about the penny cab driver, other than that...?
This isn't even Season 9! Although, it is horrible, it just doesn't belong on this list.
This is season 8, AND it's terrible, and creepy and disturbing. I could go on.
This is season 8, Not season 9. But, This episode is creepy and disturbing.
This episode was way more worst worst episode out of season 9 way more stupider than long pants
I don't care for the original song in this episode.
This episode sucks! It's pretty lame and stupid.
This episode was just plain stupid and uncreative. Patrick wanted the "executive treatment," therefore, he dressed like one to try to get it, but then he is mistaken for a businessman and is taken to work. And then they send him to prison because they thought he was a spy, and then SpongeBob doesn't know who he is. Boring and unfun!
This episode is bad, but is it one of the worst? I don't know. Seriously, I just don't understand how you don't recognize someone when they've just put on some extra clothing, especially when they do it IN FRONT OF YOU.
The lines and gags were predictable.
This episode is really stupid. Its incredibly boring and mean spirited. Way too much filler. The is that my daddy joke is so annoying and unfunny. This is one of the most disappointing episodes ever.
Okay, this rips off ripped pants and to SquarePants or not to SquarePants but there is good rumor here
This episode was okay, but it was pretty annoying. I would give this a 7/10.
I can imagine Snellie knowing the feeling of Squidward suddenly having an allergy to her.