Top 10 Worst Mario Games

Mario has been in great video games, but there are some that failed.
The Top Ten
Hotel Mario

Aside from the horribleness of the YTPs and the game's morality on ruining, which contain some of the worst implications I've ever seen, the humor is enough to make the SJW sellouts blush, the excessive voice acting is out of place when it comes from Nintendo, this game doesn't even bother trying to tell us why we're supposed to sympathize with Mario aside from the fact that everyone likes him, and the plot is heavily unfocused. This is not the only worst Mario game ever, but one of the worst video games ever, period. I hope she doesn't even begin to describe this piece of trash.

Mario's Time Machine

This should be #1. While Hotel Mario definitely does suck, at least it's not educational. This game is about taking stolen artifacts back to their certain times and places and there are quizzes involved within the game too. How could anyone have fun with this game? It doesn't even teach you anything because you don't even know where to go or what to do. Also, the quizzes have way too many possible answer choices. This game is unplayable and the most boring game ever created. Do not ever play it!

I feel bad for the child that thought this sounded cool and wasted his money on the game. Then found out it was a historical time machine. Kids have to fill in blanks to papers about history. This is something you would do in history class! At least Mario Teaches Typing told you what to expect.

Mario is Missing!

What does this even have to do with Mario being missing besides all the way in the beginning and the end? And why do we have to return King Kong to New York? Why are we even returning stuff, we should be saving Mario! This game.._.

If you want to save Mario, play Luigi's Mansion instead..

I played the game by curiosity, the plot is strange.. saving Mario because he ate a candy from Bowser, and then, you travel into the time, asking people for stuffs..

I almost forgot this is an educative game.

Basically Luigi (WeeGee Sprite) wonders around the city looking for Mario and asking people questions and borrowing stuff like Money and Tickets. Not my idea of Fun.

Mario's Early Years Pre-School Fun

God! The graphic and sounds are horrible! What was Nintendo thinking?!?! I don't understand how kids can learn from this crappy game. Most pre schoolers don't even play video games!

Nintendo is the greatest video game company ever, but they kinda suck at making educational games. Slapping Mario on the title doesn't make it any more fun.

Worst Mario game in existence and I'm a HUGE Mario fan! Hotel Mario, VB Mario Clash, VB Mario's Tennis and the SNES version of Mario's Time Machine are underrated though. This is inexcusable for a Mario game

Mario Teaches Typing

Yeah it came out in the early 90s, like every kid in the world had a computer back then. Maybe they just wanted to release a game to help kids type because not many kids had computers and I can't remember using them every day in Primary school.

Mario teaching TYPING! Ya gotta be kidding me here. Most traditions of Mario games are saving the princess and epic adventure like super Mario 64, super Mario galaxy, super Mario SAGA, and new super Mario bros.U. PLease Nintendo! Don't do this! It is torcher!

The Mario head is extremely amusing (Funny) but that is as far as Fun and Joy goes... If you like a game with lots of typing and little Fun... Then this is the right game for you.

Mario Clash

Ok, if his sister died, his hatred is legit. But, dude, sue Nintendo, don't make bizarre Mario complaints on some random website. At least take 5 minutes to get your facts right (Toadette and Birdo aren't Peach's sidekicks and no one has ever complained about the coins in NSMB2 hurting their eyes) And, since he's not suing Nintendo, the thing about his sister probably is a lie.

Also, like I said, the guy says you save Peach and Daisy. Yet he knows Mario's voice plays on the Wii menu (his complaint is it's boring? He expected it to be fun? ). That tells me he's played it. Dude, my grandmother probably knows it's just Peach you save. Yet, you've played Galaxy and you think it's Peach & Daisy you save. Three words: Take. Your. Meds.

New Super Mario Bros. 2

It seems cool that the main gimmick is coins. But what are the problems?

1. The Purpose

What Purpose is there to get loads of coins anyway? You never use those coins to buy ANYTHING so I fail to see the point.

2. When's the last time you got a game over?

You didn't because you gained massive wealth and lives.

3. The Bosses

Once again, Koopalings and Bowser. The Bowser fight here is the absolute worst in the series. It's a lazy rehash of the fight from New Super Mario Bros Wii!

Overall Rating: 5/10

Sorry, but I hate this game so much. Here's some reasons why:
1. There are 6 world instead of 8
2. It completely revolves around coins (every block, power up, enemy, etc. )
3. 100 coins still gives you a 1-Up, so you would end up with about 100 lives on the first world
4. The koopalings are exactly the same as New Super Mario Bros. Wii
5. The Bowser battle is copy-pasted from NSMB Wii and is much much worse
6. The plot is unoriginal (obviously)
7. And the main reason is that this game is SO INCREDIBLY EASY. I completed this game in 1 day and only lost 2 lives, both in the Bowser battle.
Not the worst Mario game, but easily the most disappointing by a long shot. I give New Super Mario Bros. 2 a 4/10

Mario Party Advance

Honestly I love this game. Definitely the worst Mario Party out there no doubt about that, but hey, it's pretty good. Some of the minigames were pretty fun and quick as far as I can remember.

The party mode was though fair enough, and don't forget the casino and gadgets

An absolute disgrace to Mario Party. Everyone know that playing boring mini games on a small, cramped screen by yourself is a lot of fun right? No, it's literally the exact opposite.

Princess Peach should've been replaced by Princess Daisy. at least she wasn't as bad as usual due to her more confident role in this game as proven in this game. Daisy is much better, though. and Mario Party Advance is lame.

Super Mario Galaxy

Everyone's yelling about how this shouldn't be on the list or they will end you. I totally agree that this game is fantastic and should not be on this list, and I am 99.99% sure this is here as a joke, since this game is that good and is loved by many, but at least act like everyone is entitled to an opinion! At least be willing to hear someone who doesn't feel the same way about a game that you do, as long as they are being rational and having actual reasons and not unfairly hating it and hating everyone else with an opposite opinion for no reason.

Paper Mario: Sticker Star

I know this game gets way too much hate (you can thank r/PaperMario and Chuggaaconroy for that, even though I respect the latter), but this was pretty much the game that temporarily killed off the Paper Mario series after Super Paper Mario, leading many fans to get turned off from the series as a whole. Gone are the relatable and interesting characters, now we have generic Toads and a crown that never shuts the hell up. The sticker mechanics are also nothing to write home about, as well... and you need them to progress through the story! I actually remember getting a refund for this game in early 2013, it was that bad. And with The Thousand-Year Door getting a remaster next year, let's hope that it breaks the Paper Mario series loose from its dark age (The Origami King wasn't that bad, but still).

The Newcomers

? Super Mario 3D All-Stars

I was considering getting this game upon release as I have always wanted to play Sunshine and 64, but in the end I decided it really wasn't worth it. Yes, you are getting three Switch games for the price of one, but from what I've heard Nintendo did a terrible job at making these games actually enjoyable to its audience. Sunshine apparently doesn't support GameCube controllers, which is kind of ridiculous considering the original Sunshine was released for the GameCube so many people would rather play with one of those controllers instead of the usual Switch ones. Mario 64, while has some touch ups here and there and some textures refurbished, apparently isn't full screen, which kind of defeats the purpose of playing on the Switch. Also, Super Mario Galaxy has touch screen for whatever reason, so do what you will with that. All in all, the games were not improved much from the originals, making it seem like Nintendo lazily slapped together three game titles and sold it for a whooping 60 dollars when in reality it should've costed at the most 30.

? Mario Kart 8

I remember using to hate this game for minor reasons (yet major flaws) that don't make the game... the Mario princesses (re: their one-dimensional, filler clones and their overly annoying voices I complained about too damn much), the roster and the fact that it is not as great as many older Mario games released in the late 20th Century (the Mario Kart games that are older than Mario Kart: Double Dash are actually on par with this game. The educational Mario games make Hotel Mario look like Super Mario RPG which means they are that terrible). - The Ultimate Daredevil

The Contenders
Mario's Early Years: Fun With Letters

The words are spread out, the voice is bad, and the gameplay is garbage

Mario Teaches Typing 2

Ah! What is the meaning of the creepy head! And why does the diobodied horror head call it's self Mario? Again solid enough gameplay, but why gosh the mario head?

It's the same thing as a first one but now with a Mario head saying Oh hello! Welcome to Mario a teachers a typing. I now your gonna be a great typist one day

The only decent thing about this game is the creepy Mario head.

Mario Party 9

There are few features I like about this game. The graphics are good, and also the minigames, but the worst part is the party mode. I mean, what is there to like about party mode? You don't even get to wander around on your own. You are stuck in a car with three other people for the whole game. There is no certain turn limit, which is terrible. That means no last minute traps to play on your friends or relatives. The only power-ups are mushrooms. Most of the power-ups end the game even earlier! You only roll to six? Why don't you get to roll to ten? I mean, it makes sense to roll to six, but Mario Party isn't suppose to make sense! You don't get coins either! You collect stars for the whole game! Oh, what a touch to add on! The only up-side to party mode is the minigames. The minigames are awesome! I love them. They also unlocked all the minigames for you. Well almost all of them. So there is no fun in ulocking them. That means no moment when you scream in joy when you unlock that last minigame. Ok, back to down-sides. You don't go around the board, you just reach an end. Wow! Why! There aren't any orb shops. That was like one of the best parts as well. Orb shops are awesome! But no! The game doesn't want them. Well, at least you get to pick your characters. Laugh out loud! The minigames are better on here than almost any other Mario Party! Well done on the minigames Nintendo!

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash

At first, the title catches your attention the the best. Once you played for a while, it gets boring and boring then pointless. The lack of game-modes makes it unattractive. The graphics only make it pretty good, but you'll find it very terrible to play. After a couple of tries, you'll regret your choice deeply. Mega Ball Rally only depends on AI for your teammates. What I'm trying to say is the higher the difficulity for Mega Ball Rally, the more boring it is. The more it ends quicker. Ace = Ends quickly. Pro = Ends in a while. Expert = Ends very slowly (almost when it reaches 100). Knockout Challenge however makes me wanna keep coming back more to play it only because I have a Gold Mario Amiibo. I'd rather have you play Mario Tennis Open than this. If you're still yearning back to this game because it's the only game you have, you have my deepest, saddest emotions for you because this was mediocre. Also, not to mention the chance shots were decreased (what a shame Nintendo, what a shame). If you're wondering why Gold Mario was in this game but not Metal Mario (the Sliver Mario amiibo), maybe it's because Nintendo got lazy, or in Mario Tennis Open, Metal Mario was already present via scanning the correct A.R code found by typing it on the computer. Jump shot didn't make a difference.

Mario Bros. (Atari 2000)

This is my new most hated Mario/Atari 2600 game! This game makes E.T., Pac Man, Custer's Revenge, Hotel Mario and Mario is Missing some of the best games ever! I would rather play all of the following games listed below:
Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
Action 52
Sonic '06
Hotel Mario
RAID: Shadow Games
and ANY Call of Duty game* (*with voice chat) I still hate Hong Kong 97, Cheetahmen II, The Town with No Name (CDTV) and Desert Bus more, but this is my #5 worst video game of all time!

First, everything is a block, the pipes are blocks, the POW Block is just a bland, yellow block, even the coins are blocks!

Another thing, the non-bonus levels are EXACTLY THE SAME!

Finally, the soundtrack feels like it was recorded with a potato!

Mario's Playschool

How about the Mario franchise gets back to T.V. shows & starts a series called "Mario X' that completely rips off Sonic X?

"Mario X" will always be a crossover, & so will "Pac-Man X".

This game is so underrated & Super Princess Peach shall be top 1.

Mario Kart 7

Mario kart 7 stinks! Where's vs mode?! Why aren't anyone allowed to kill each other in balloon battle? You can bring back the lighting, red shell, spiny shell and bloper back but not the mega mushroom?

All the retro courses had been messed up with the new features! Luigi's mansion is not dark, you can't go in the train tunnel in kalimari desert, the shortcut in koopa beach is harder to go threw, the giant net in maple treeway is gone? , wheres all the people in coconut mall and why are little kids driving cars back and forth in the parking lot just to annoy me?

WHY THE FREAK IS KOOPA CAPE UNDERWATER, which replaces those cool koopa shell lasers with dumb looking cheep cheeps!

THE new characters suck metal Mario is Mario form, lakitu was nice but now mean when you lose and steals 3 coins when you fall of a cliff. Wiggler is gay and has a dumb voice. But honey queen is...! IS...! IS! I hate you honey queen for obvious reasons!

Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels

This is why they're called the lost levels when one of the earlier games were released, the Japanese people thought that some of the levels were too hard for Americans. For the English release, the hard levels were taken out. These levels are known as the lost levels. Later, they were released in America seperate from the actual games. You really can't complain; These levels were made to be impossible.

Oh my... is this game bad?! When ever you want Mario to stop, he doesn't stop! The music was FAR from the original SMB.

Mario's Fundamentals

Just 1 Year before the great Super Mario 64 was realased, Nintendo made a game for you to do whatever you want with the plumber... like play chess or go fish.
One intrusting note through this was the first time players heard the current voice of Mario.

Ok, so someone just copied a whole line from ScrewAttacks top 10 worst Mario games, the whole line, no need to copy, I don't see why you have to...

A bit underrated, considering it was the first time Charles Martinet provided Mario's voice.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Hey, people have to stop hating on the fact that the plot is rescuing Princess Peach from Bowser. That is what you have to do in every single Mario game, so why are you crying over this one? Plus, Rosalina barely was around when this game came out, and Daisy has never appeared in a mains series game since Super Mario Land and probably never will. The graphics are pretty good for 2008, and I think you Peach haters have to take a chill pill and calm your balls down.

There is nothing new in this game, the plot is horrible, the levels were annoying, no hard, but annoying, the graphics are nothing exceptional, and the final boss/ending is horrible. (Spoiler Alert) you go through another one of those annoying levels and Bowser falls in lava. Big surprise. Mario and Peach get together and they leave Luigi behind. I don't know if there is anything that I can praise about this game.

New Super Luigi U

When I heard this was going to be an extra feature, I was thrilled. We all know the dread of deciding who has to be Mario. Everyone is tired of being Mario. Can we be Luigi or a Toad? Nintendo screwed up with a time limit for another character. Why don't we just have a character selection in the title screen? You could be anyone you wanted to, and not just Mario or Luigi. You would get to choose from the original 4, no matter how many players.

They should've actually TRIED to make this different. It's Bowser and the Krapalings again. You're still saving Peach. This is the only time I agree that you should be saving either Mario, Daisy, or Rosalina. In any other game, I disagree. Peach is SO UNDERRATED. everyone hates her and Daisy and Rosalina will not replace her!

Luigi's Mansion

Let's review this horribly tricky video game.

Graphics: 4/10.
Story: 4/10.
Music: 6/10.
Gameplay: 3/10.
Sound: 4/10.
Voice acting: 4/10.
Difficulty: 10+/10.
Creativity: 3/10.
Nostalgia level: 1/10.
Humor level: 5/10.
Controls: 8/10.

This game gets 3/10 stars. Who wants to play this repetitive, slow game? Play the sequel instead.

The best video game of all time is Super Mario 64 on the N64.

Why is this on the list? I love this game except that when you get game over you don't start with full health, instead you start with however much health you had when you last saved.

Why is this underrated gem on the list? The only thing I don't like, is if only the final game could've been scarier like the beta.

Mario Party: Island Tour

I am so surprised so many people hate this game. I honestly love it and consider it my favorite Mario Party ever due to its creativity and extremly fun maps and minigames. And I don't care what anyone says, I thought Bowsers tower was awesome

Why does Princess Peach appear in every Mario Party game? She doesn't even bother to compete for stars since Mario Party 3.

I knew this game would actually suck. I have a horrible feeling that Princess Daisy & Rosalina will not be in Mario Party 10...

Mario's Early Years: Fun With Numbers
Super Mario Bros. 2

I remember when I got this game. It was fun, but it was very odd and didn't feel like a Mario game. After SMB 3 came out, it felt like SMB 2 was the awkward kid who sits at the back of the classroom because he didn't fit in. It wasn't until years later when I learned it was ported from Doki Doki Panic that I realized why it was so weird and different from the others. Still a fun game, but still not a true Mario title in my opinion.

When I first played this game, I thought it was a joke. But then after reading up a bit, I realized that this was supposed to be The Lost Levels, but Nintendo of America thought it was too hard. So they took Doki Doki panic and made it into a Mario-skinned game.

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