Things That Should Happen to Caillou

The Top Ten
1 Make him grow hair

No killing Caillou that's disrespect to the dead.
The reason he doesn't have hair is because he is a toddler in the books.
We all know books are better than what you see on the screen.

Damn I messed up, we gotta go hairy.

2 He stops whining, grows hair, gets different clothes, goes to high school, gets a girlfriend and stops being annoying

It will solve all our problems, and the show won't get cancelled.

Yes, Caillou should get a new name too, and it will be Ratty Fly!

He should do that and behave.

3 Get Mario to jump on his head

And he will kill the Goomba Caillou

4 Goes to St Judes
5 Make a fat guy sit on him

And fart on him

6 Cancel the show

I want this to happen so bad. I'm really need for pbs kids to do it. And by cancel, I mean no more Caillou series forever.

Remove his name from my memory. Because I had never heard of it when I was a kid possibly the Generation Z television.

I hate this show like cancel I mean no more caillou series forever

7 Play loud music to him
8 Make him be called Pebble
9 Get rid of his voice
10 Babysat by Vicky
The Contenders
11 No one wants to be his friend anymore
12 His parents start to hate him
13 Make him see the logos he is scared of
14 He gets injured

That's the only thing that will happen.

15 Caillou gets grounded
16 Miss Martin starts to hate him
17 We come into the world and kill him and the others as well
18 Caillou in Jersey Shore

Everyone hates Jersey Shore, even Caillou

19 Rosie kicks his butt

Or kick him in the nuts.

20 Dawn kicks his butt

dawn from total drama just like how she kick the door

21 Spanking
22 Caillou goes to jail
23 He become the dumbest person in the world

That already happened in 1997

24 Make Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, & Dawn Kill Him

Yes, that would be so awesome

25 Caillou should be put in Supernanny and Nanny 911
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