Top 10 Things That Should Happen to the Teen Titans

The toddler titans. WARNING: This list may contain some harsh thoughts. Please go onto another list if you find this creepy or scary.
The Top Ten
1 The toddler titans are thrown in jail forever

I though the Titans were supposed to be "Heroes"
In the original, they did their job.
In TTG, they do more crime than being a hero.

2 MLP characters kill Raven

I hated Raven from the start. I agree so darn much

That is plain MEAN

3 Robin looses his voice

So mean... but I think this should happen to Robin... I’m just picturing the titans dancing because of this... I really like this show... YOU GUYS ARE SO MEAN!

4 Beast Boy gets beaten up by Peter Griffin and then he farts on him
5 Robin gets thrown down the stairs
6 Starfire gets her head shaved
7 Cyborg gets run over by a truck
8 Beast Boy gets kicked in the head multiple times until he bleeds from everywhere

That is just mean!

9 The Avengers Take Them Down

Cap slices Robin to bits with his shield
Iron Man launches his rocket fists at Starfire's face
Black Widow kicks Beast Boy's butt multiple times
Hawkeye shoots arrows into Raven's eyeballs
Hulk smashes Cyborg's body to a pancake
Spiderman traps Terra in his web

I want to see this happen because the avengers are real superhero’s Toddler titans are just dumb jerks.

10 Robin gets eaten by a bear
The Contenders
11 Ed, Edd n' Eddy attack them
12 Original Teen Titans Kill them
13 Thanos Snaps His Fingers in Front of Them

I want to this happen to the stupid toddler titans because they deserve it not the avengers because the Avengers are real superhero’s.

14 They Go to Hell

Teen titans go: ah man I can't believe we're in hell. Suction Cup Man 3: first time?

15 Raven gets hit by a big rock by Terra
16 Get headbutted by Jasper

I want to see this happen in an episode

17 Spot the Jaguar kills them all
18 Everyone dies
19 Peridot smashes them with robot
20 Eren Yeager (From Attack on Titan) Commands Every Titan (Including the Beast Titan) to Slaughter the Toddler Titans.
21 Painbot spills the titans' blood by killing them with his powers
22 Ryder hits Robin with his ATV
23 Robin walks the street and Ryder hits him with his ATV
24 Use the Armageddon spell from the Ultima series to wipe out Teen Titans Go
25 Summon Kazuma Kiryu to destroy Robin
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