Tips for Writing Minority Characters

Whether they are POC, women, or LGBTQ, characters shouldn't be bland and unrelatable. All deserve to be equal. It frustrates me to see all these characters who feel like stereotypes and caricatures.
The Top Ten
1 Don't make it their only trait
2 Give them a backstory
3 Don't make them the only cast
4 Let them develop and grow
5 Give them weaknesses

It's bad writing a minority who is 'perfect' (as in no weaknesses, I think everyone is perfect in their own way) because it perpetuates harmful expectations. Don't listen to SJWs who demand this.

6 Let them have emotions

We're not robots.

7 Keep their personality as consistent as possible
8 Unless it's in such a society against it, don't make the story revolve around whether they're of a different race, sex, or sexuality

Irritates me when this doesn't happen. (Doesn't count subplots where the character thinks they're better because of this.)

9 Make them work for respect
10 Consult a minority
The Contenders
11 Realize not everyone will like them
12 Don't base their character off stereotypes
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