Top 10 Users TheTopTens Wouldn't Be the Same Without
Have you ever asked yourself, if this site would'nt be the same without YOU! Yes, it would'nt be the same! Every user on here made his or her own contributions to the best site in history and is in his or her own right someone truly special!That's why I decided to count down TopTenners we truly could'nt imagine the site without! I count everything from users, who contributed a ton to Tens to users, who make the site with their appearance better!
To make things clear, I mean users, who should never leave and/or made the site what it is now!
Him and Britgirl were the first two users to bring loads of personality to this site. Also include PetSounds, Cazaam, and HezarioSeth in that time frame (thoug it was way before I was here).
What would we do without his Sarcasm series?
Well believe me the top tens would be very different if weren't for him
Thank you! Although the site didn't crumble without me. Which is a good thing since I'm able to be here again.
Without Britgirl, I don't think I would have been as drawn to stay here as I am today.
Who else would I have to talk about my problems to?
Well, duh, then our stuff wouldn't get approved.
Well many great teners are here,but there would be any use of having teners without this tenner,the supreme commander of tener's,the tenner who knows admin we are thankful to you!
The Newcomers
He is a really nice and kind user,fun to talk...I mean message with (well because we all applied for the top tens postal service )
Would be quite wrong without him. Just wouldn't feel right.
If Pet left.. And now with SHD gone... There might be literally no reason to continue!
I feel so empty on this website without Boris...
I love him so ridiculously much!
Instead of picking one of the obvious choices, I'll give my vote to this brainy fellow--much like Britgirl, Positron, and BKAllmighty, he provides both quality and quantity.
Nah. TheTopTens would be the same even if I wasn't here.
Well I agree my experience on the site wouldn't have been the same...
Without this awesome inspiration together with EvilAngel, I wonder how incomplete our community is especially if you're talking about music!
He's so nice. I'm just glad he decided to come back!