Top Ten Tips On How to Be a Good TopTenner
Want to be a good TopTenner? Well then, I will give you some helpful tips on your journey to become a great TopTenner like Kiteretsunu, Britgirl, and PositronWildhawk.Exactly. If someone doesn't even like what I like, what I would do is respect their opinion. What I wouldn't do is defend my favorite movie, song, etc. Why? Because why do I care? I didn't make it, I'm not friends with the person who made it, and he/she has never done anything for me.
A better saying would be respect the person's right to having an opinion.
"You gotta respect my opinion or else I'll get mad! "
At first, I sucked at this, but now, I'm pretty good.
I try, but at least half of my lists were made to be spin-off lists of other lists, though.
(This was true at the time. Now? Not so much.)
It can be hard sometimes but trust me being original gets you a lot more respect as long as your content is good and original
I wish I could do this! I really want to be a good user!
I am not very original, I just run out of ideas.
I guess people like me here, so kindness doesn't really matter at this point.
I am not that much of the comedian on this site.
Learn to take a joke
Constructive criticism is pretty much the key to make yourself better.
Criticism is a good thing, but most people just take it as a bad thing.
Indeed criticism can help you improve it's not meant to cause harm.
I can't help it but I look everyday to my followers
Followers are pretty pointless anyway.
I'm actually way more honest online than in real life.
I try to be honest most of the time.
Trolls in a nutshell
Looking at you Disney 1994
"stay positive! "
I would no way never want to bully anyone.
That is saying a lot.
Ignoring haters can be worth it.
Making lists have always been a weakness of mine.
being yourself helps you get through life it also helps you gain your own Identity
I may have been a bit rude at first, but overall, I wouldn't say I'm mean.
What I do, even if they are users I do not get along with that well.
I be kind to people if they are being kind to me.
Well, duh, obviously.
How would this kind of list even get approved?
These lists are nothing but mean-spirited!
These are just mean-spirited and unnecessary. Just because someone makes bad music, doesn’t mean they deserve the death penalty.
Try to have some variety
The Justin Bieber hate for example.
All it does is add fuel to the fire and causes pointless drama
Quite important thing. I'll reveal more about it in a post.
I do not troll, but I do sarcasm.
Some trolls are okay though
Trolls are great people.
Sarcasm "IS" trolling.