Top Ten Things You May Not Have Known You Can Do On TheTopTens

On the surface, TheTopTens is a fairly straight forward voting site. But once you create an account and really dig into it, you may find there is a lot more you can do.
The Top Ten
Turn off third-party advertising Looking to speed up your browsing or simply don't like seeing banner advertising on TheTopTens? Go to your profile page, go to the manage account section, and remove the check next to Allow third-party advertising.

I actually did know about this and actually allowed third-party advertising for a time. However, in recent times the ads started slowing down my browser so I turned it off now.

I surprise they even let you do this I though that's a way how to get money on websites

I'm surprised that a website would allow such an option like this

Edit your comments We all make mistakes whether they be spelling, grammar, or just that you meant to say something else. Fortunately, if you were logged in when you submitted a comment, you can edit that comment.

All of us sometimes make comments we later regret making or contains stuff we want to get rid of. But as long as you have an account, then be free to clean yourself, the easiest being on your profile, changing the Sort section from "List" to "Comments", and go through all of them on what you want to edit or delete.

But the sad part is that we make some comments we regret before making an account. We can't delete it, it's anonymous. It can expose things about us if we used other similar usernames. It's embarrassing. All you can do is suggest a new edit and hope it's done for.

Moderate comments on your posts

Yeah and I disable my comments because I don't want to deal with anyone giving out negative comments.

I know how to do that but I found out about 3 months ago.

Didn't know how to do this until a couple months ago...

Edit your remixes Times change, tastes change. If you discovered a new song or artist, you can go back and revise your remixes. If a new game was released, you can update your remix to include it.

I find it very useful. I do this all the time especially on my lists. When I have a new item better than some old one, I immediately include the new one in my remix. Or, sometimes I see that more popular items get too overrated and I edit my remix to give a chance to less popular but better items.

During most of our early times hanging out in TheTopTens, we add overrated items, and want to re-edit their remixes after we see something new and interesting. We can also add things that recently came out.

Sure. Example, I want my favorite music artist is Metallica and in my profile is Guns and Roses. So, I can edit my remixes to make Metallica my favorite.

Block senders Is there another user you're not interested in receiving message from any more? Someone who keeps bugging you to follow them or vote on their lists? You can block them from sending you messages and if you decide to reverse your decision in the future, you can just as easily unblock them.

There was a user called TheRealMrBeast, who impersonates as MrBeast, and is a fake. He messaged me a full address and I blocked him from messaging immediately

Before I even knew this list existed, I knew how to block a sender.

Delete your comments Decide a comment isn't worth keeping on the site? Add something you later regret? Feel free to delete it.

I delete my comments all the time because I realize they sound really stupid.

Is there a way to delete lists too? Because I want to delete some of mine.

How do you delete your comments? Can someone teach me?

Receive message notifications by email Don't worry about logging into TheTopTens throughout the day just to check on your messages. You can have message notifications sent to you directly via e-mail so you know if you have new messages and who sent them to you.
Make lists

WHAT? Like, you can't do this. Huh, what, someone teach me right now. This isn't even top 10, you can't do this, I'm so excited to do this, and to be the first one to do it because every list I saw here was fake or made by a non-human alien or something. (everything I just said is total sarcasm)

Umm... well thank you for reminding me what the point of the website is!

Thanks for the tip! This will definitely help me in the future.

Save list drafts Have an idea for a list but haven't completely fleshed it out? Can only think of a few items but want to keep working on it? When adding a list, we'll automatically save a draft of your list that you can keep returning to until you are ready to submit it for inclusion on the site. Plus, because your draft is saved on our servers, you can start your list on one device and continue editing on any other device with a modern browser.

It was just a simple tip I learned right when I created my account. Want to take a break from creating a list and move to another without being automatically deleted? Yes! It will automatically save, unless you have an option to delete it forever.

I've got quite literally 30+ drafts for lists and a couple blogs too. Thank goodness, its very useful for storing my ideas and sorting out my thoughts.

I mean, I sometimes get bomb-ass ideas for lists in the middle of the night and I just quickly open TTT and put the titke in add list and save draft. It's a very useful feature

Open multiple messaging windows at the same time You don't have to keep going back to the messages page to bounce between different conversations. You can use the pop-out link at the bottom of the messages (depending on device size) to move your conversations to a separate windows so you can have multiple conversations active at the same time.

The Newcomers

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The Contenders
Ask the admin to follow you

Challenge accepted. Admin, not to be that guy, but can you follow me? I'm a good boy and I'll take the land mines from your doorstep to a different place.

I've seen a couple of lists that aren't that flattering towards admin, but as of now, I have no problem with admin and vice versa.

Admin, I am your biggest fan, please follow me!

Follow your own account

This is a glitch that happens quite rarely, if you get the chance and succesfully follow yourself, you mostly won't be able to unfollow yourself.

My other account follows me so that it's easier for me to find it.

Question, when you follow someone, what basically happens?

Choose who can send you messages

Explains why ModernSpongBobSucks doesn't send me any PMs. I've been wanting to have a chat with the guy.

Get suspended

I heard it's more like you get a warning and if you continue to screw up you get a final warning and then you basically become a thing of the past.

Have your lists removed

As much as I wanna delete my cringeworthy comments and lists, I have a feeling it would only cause damage as people would not know about the mistakes I made so they would prevent themselves from making any more.

I just sent a message to delete an original list that I had due to a careless error. I don't know if they'll do it or not.

You just gotta ask admin to remove an offensive list you've made.

Report items that shouldn't be on a list

At some times, it doesn't work. For example, when I find an item that says "Tiny Tim", it has that disturbing and cursed image of him that should be removed immediately and be replaced with a good picture. I tried this, but it has not been removed yet. I'm so disappointed.

I never report anything but I think someone has reported some because on my list on 10 Things you wouldn't want to see when you break into someone's house some visitor put AlphaQ pole dancing, then the same guy wrote AlphaQ wearing a bra, then AlphaQ wearing a thong (I don't even know what that is! ), AlphaQ showing of his bra collection and Naked AlphaQ. Ok Mr Troll that's enough jokes.

Read lists

Ah well thank you very much kind sir no one could ever read lists but reading this list now I know how to read lists!

Why heavens! it never occurred to me! Thank you kind sir for enlightening me, I am forever changed and I offer unto you a thousand thanks

OMG how do I do this please tell me someone my heart is beating so fast this is unbelievable

Post images in private messages
Vote on a list

! You mean I have the ability to vote on a Top 10 list?!

I pressed the +, and this typing thing came up. Is this voting?

Wow! I did not know this! This site is amazing (sarcasm)

Earn more list submissions by writing high quality lists

Admin will only give you more list submissions as long as the lists you submit are high quality enough (by that I mean lists with helpful descriptions and comments).

Add an item

Its at the bottom of some lists

Make an account

I have an account. I just never log out because I forgot my password AGAIN and I can't log in without my password.

Oh, really? I guess I should make one right now.

Oh really? I didn't know that was possible!

Follow other users

Gee, I never would've thought of that! How? (Sarcasm. The rest of my comments are genuine, though.)

Add comments

I never knew that you can add comments on this site. This is so fascinating. Does anyone know how to comment?

Wait, what? You can comment? Oh my gosh! How do you do this?!

No kidding! Please explain how! My mind is blown!

Report irrelevant comments on an item

Because when I was scrolling down the comments for Top 10 Worst Anime Characters at Sugou Nobuyuki from Sword Art Online, someone posted a comment not EVEN related to Sugou. In this case, it was a hate comment against Kirito. TYPE THE CORRECT COMMENTS FOR THE CORRECT ITEMS, IDIOTS!

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