Top Ten Ludicrous New Policies Admin Could Implement
There are plenty of terms and conditions in TheTopTens' Terms of Use Agreement. Policies such as not plagiarizing content from other sites, not bullying others on the site, and keeping content appropriate are not only common sense but also a matter of law in most countries/states.Because of these rules (the policy), a lot of users feel like they are not allowed to have an opinion on the site or that they are being censored. They are upset, but the admins say they created the policy because people were complaining and because it is better for the site. But what if the admins really went insane and started creating a whole bunch of new asinine rules?
Below are some new policies the admin could implement on the site. These are crazy policies based on what users complain about on the site or based on other problems people see.
Rules: The punishment should fit the crime in such a way that they need to be somehow related. They should also be somehow physically possible to accomplish. Also, no terminal or inappropriate policies such as those involving death or other crimes.
If anyone doesn't know, I still have "Baby" in my playlist. So if anybody needs help in that matter, I'm all ready.
Though if visitors add this item, what will we do?
This could be interesting but I've listened to so much worse music that I'm practically immune to Baby by Justin Bieber.
There should be a similar punishment for any other internet meme or running joke.
Best thing about being anonymous is that you won't have to deal with Captain Crunch being forced as your profile picture m8.
Looks like my profile picture will forever be Captain Crunch m8s
What an nightmare... O_O
Captain Crunch is a mascot for Cap N' Crunch and my name contains cereal and I always say m8...that's me probably
M8 Confirmed?!
I absolutely love this item. It would really help get rid of some attention seekers on those lists.
I'll confess: I've been guilty of doing this when I was a new user.
What if they have no followers?
Baby by Justin Bieber
Nothing happened
This one seem pretty straight forward. If the show Arthur is intended for children aged 4 to 8, then nobody over the age of 8 should really have anything to say about it. If you think it's a stupid show, it probably is...if you're 10. Or you're stupid for still having to watch a show meant for 4-8 year olds.
I know South Park should be fine, but what about Total Drama?
Damn. What about SpongeBob and Gravity Falls?!
This is somewhat amusing to think about.
Well, if I edit my comments back to the correct ones, will I get the score back?
Same with "your" and "you're". This needs to happen.
Are u serous there carazy m8 they need to sort they're issues before going out their hey
I was just about to do that *cries*
Ooh, I'd love for ThatVeganTeacher, PETA, etc. get an account and watch their madness. Who's got the popcorn?
Actual definition: "have a higher opinion of (someone or something) than is deserved"
Urban Dictionary definition: "A word which recently has been used liberally as a way of discrediting something without having to give a proper justification, most often when someone finds they have a disliking for a popular phenomenom and is resentful of those who embrace it. Often used by anti-trendies."
So basically, it has little to do with popularity. A movie can have one review saying it is great (it's rating) and a second person can disagree and say that it is not great (meaning that the first review was overrated) but the meaning is purely subjective either way. Likewise, if a person is only referencing their own opinion and not taking the opinions of others into account, a thing CANNOT be overrated. There needs to be two opinions and they need to differ. The person thinking something is better than the other person rated it can call that thing "underrated" and the other person will call it "overrated" based on the other assessment.
You can choose to dislike something BECAUSE you think it has been overrated but that's your own choice... In that instance you are basically saying that you choose to dislike the thing because other people like it more than you do. Pretty shallow reasoning really.
The Newcomers
I honestly wouldn’t mind this so people realize what the First Amendment is actually for.
Apostrophe's must be used correctly.
It isn't that users only knock-off Positron's lists only. There are many other users too like Turkey's, Puga's, booklover's, Britgirl's and other notable users., whose lists are knocked off also.
I love how everyone obsesses over using you're and your correctly but no one cares about using too and to correctly
If that happens I'm ruined. I need comparison lists!
What about an incorrect grammar?
Isn't that real censorship of opinions?