Top 10 Best Headings for TheTopTens 404 Error Page
404 is the HTTP standard response code returned by a web server when it cannot find the requested content so as you would expect, a 404 error page is a web page you see when the page you were looking for couldn't be found. Typical causes for a 404 error are things like if the page you are looking for has been moved or deleted, or if the address you are using includes a typo.As is standard practice, TheTopTens has a 404 page (located here) with a little information about why the page is being displayed and some next steps people can take to find the content they are looking for. What makes our 404 page a little different is that we're going letting you decide what it says at the top of the page. We'll randomly select the top three headings from this list and display them on our 404 page.
Vote on the heading below you most want to see us use or add a new heading that others will be able to vote one once it has been approved by our staff.
I just got this, and I really thought I broke the internet or something. Now that I'm on this page, I think it's really funny.
If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything. Speech is silver, but silence is golden.
Don't "stupid" and "moron" mean the same thing? That's like calling someone a stupid stupid.

Make it a chocolate-vanilla twist with whipped cream on top, with rainbow sprinkles, chocolate and strawberry sauce. Ooh, and add chocolate chips, Dove chocolate (dark and milk), and some Hershey Kisses with pieces of Snickers, Twix, Three Musketeers, and Milky Way.
Oh, by the way, I have a sweet tooth, so okay!
EDIT: And some SKY BAR candy.
Only if you give me seven scoops with rainbow sprinkles, vanilla, and chocolate. Also, strawberry and chocolate sauce. Ooh, can I add another thing too? Because if I can, it would be either another scoop or the intimate promise not to do it in the future. Depends.

My list got approved, and Admin gives me a link to go to it. And I'm greeted with this message as if I'm stupid for going there.
Can we get this to #1? I thought we were trying to get people to join the site, not make them go away.
This was so funny to me! I love how it's just straightforward with you!
I got this error screen before coming here. Haha, it's nice and friendly.
This is the first error headline I have ever gotten, leading to here.
At least this one actually sounds friendly!
All of the top tens are super awesome. I found this page by accident.
It's like when you get that A+ and you say, Thank you, sir, to your female band teacher.
I suppose this is a South Park reference.
Honestly, this is pretty funny, and I would say the exact same thing.
Either this one, the 10th one, or There is no spoon.
Yes. Star Wars is better than everything else on this list.
This is not the page I am looking for.
I'm kinda attracted by the "awesome" part.
Gotta vote for the gaming references.
The Newcomers
More trust issues are pushing on my anxiety.
This is a Mario reference. How can no one get this? Am I the only gamer here?
This is a reference to the endings of 1-4, 2-4, 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, and 7-4 from Super Mario Bros.
Mario needs to save the site from the evil 404 page!
I like this one because it reminds you that there is much worse out there than a 404 error.
I don't even know what Rule 34 is, but I have a funny feeling that it's bad.
Yup. Infinitely better than that.

Gandalf, why are you still in Middle Earth?
Pretty decent, if you ask me.
Ugh! We are, that's why we landed here!
There is no spoon. There is one spoon. There are two spoons.
And there is no war in Ba Sing Se.
I don't really think this one will make it, but I appreciate the Silver the Hedgehog reference. Nice job.
I have 404 reasons why the number 404 is terrible!
I don't know. I just really like this one.