Top Ten Types of Supplies that are Hoarded During the Covid-19 Outbreak
Thanks to a list I made as well as Randomator's follow-up list, it's time for yet another one. Let's see which supplies are hoarded the most.
I don't understand why everyone goes crazy for this. This doesn't fill people or prevent dehydration. It's for cleaning, but it doesn't run out super fast like food. So buying gallons of this is just, what?
There is enough toilet paper for everyone, so why is it important during the coronavirus crisis? It just doesn't make sense at all. I have toilet paper in stock at home, so why the stockpiling and hoarding?
But why though? Do they think that the virus actively causes diarrhea? Are these people literally full of crap?

Some people buy baby wipes as a toilet paper alternative, but it's messed up that a lot of mothers are looking for wipes for their babies as an essential item for them, but it's all out of stock.
This one is a bit odd, to say the least.

I actually want to know why bleach, of all things, is being taken off the shelves so quickly.

Don't you already have this at your home? And doesn't it already last for months to begin with?
I mean, it's the on-the-go alternative for regular soap, so it makes sense.
Sure, get some hand sanitizer. But you don't have to buy like 50! It's much better to wash your hands.

They buy it because it's cheap. What happens if they end up raising the price?

This is probably the most absurd item people are currently hoarding. What is it with waffles, I wonder?
They're simple to make. Just put them in a toaster. So I guess that's a reason why.

Eggs are important and used in a lot of foods, so I can see why they are flying off the shelves.

It's essential for people's hygiene during the coronavirus, hand soap in particular. You don't need to hoard tons of it though.
The Newcomers

I will confirm that this is actually happening, and the frozen pizza shelves have been bare for a full month. I'm unsure what the real cause is, but since we're still in pandemic mode, let's say that.
I don't remember this happening. At least not in my old and new Walmart.

It's useful for making sandwiches, so I can see why it is selling like crazy.

I will admit most of my workplaces have been hoarding these recently.

In my area, there's barely any milk left at all. I wonder what it is with milk. Kids maybe?

Paint was hoarded by people who couldn't go to work, so they thought of other things to do. My dad reported that one store was even closed because it had simply run out of paint.