Most Noble Warrior Cats
A list about the most Noble warriors THAT NEED a PRIZE AND EVERYTHING!
He was true to his clan. He helped exile Tigerstar. He gave all of his nine lives for the four clans. He defeated Scourge and BloodClan. He was a noble, brave, and true leader, no matter what Darkstripe and Tigerstar said about Firestar being a kittypet. He was a noble cat until his last breath when the tree fell on him. He deserved to be Number 1.
Why isn't he first? He has been in a million prophecies, spared all the clans 25 billion times, and done the best things any cat could ever dream of! Spottedleaf? Sure, she is a good med cat but... Really? She is NOT the noblest cat there is! I mean, come on! MORE VOTES

Lionheart was Bluestar's deputy and Graypaw/Graystripe's mentor. He was killed by a ShadowClan cat, I think. He was such a nice cat, and I wish he hadn't died.
Lionheart is the most noble because he left Heathertail so he could be a good warrior and support his clan.
He was so noble, brave, and caring. I just love him so much.
- Littlecloud of ThunderClan

I love Bluestar! She truly deserves to retire as the most noble cat ever.
How is Bluestar not in the top ten?!
My absolute favorite character.

Seriously, why isn't she on here?! She is brave, kind, loyal, firm, courageous, clever, quick-witted, and amazing.

She went through so much, but instead of giving up and feeling sorry for herself, she worked hard to find ways to be useful to her clan. This is why she is my favorite character, along with Ravenpaw.
Briarlight is stronger than every cat listed, even Firestar. She might not have saved the world, but she fought through her sickness and saved herself.
Briarlight got sick but thought Jayfeather should just leave her be and tend to the sick. She eventually died from the illness.

He lived so long and should've been an elder by the time Firestar picked him as deputy, but he still kept serving his clan until the end.
I hate that his death's only purpose was to open the spot of deputy for Graystripe, who Firestar already wanted as deputy. Firestar only chose Whitestorm because he didn't think the clan trusted Graystripe yet. He used Whitestorm as a placeholder for Graystripe, even though he knew Whitestorm should've been an elder already.
He welcomed Firestar and was so loving and loyal to Bluestar. It broke my heart when he died.

A great mother, she may have broken the medicine and warrior code, but it was a good thing. If she hadn't, the Dark Forest would have destroyed the clans by now! Leafpool is kind, smart, thoughtful, and she was a courageous warrior when she was banned from being a medicine cat. I love Leafpool so much!
(TBH, I actually skipped a few chapters just to read Leafpool's side of the stories.) Hope you can give Leafpool a vote!
Wow! A noble father and a noble daughter (laugh out loud, it rhymes). She is a loyal and noble medicine cat. I bet she could help anyone.
I can actually prove it... Look in Chapter 5 of The New Prophecy: Dawn.

Bruh, the picture above says it all. While Firestar and all the cats above are noble, Stonefur is probably the noblest. This is just my opinion though. Here's why I think that.
He is noble because he refused to listen to Tigerstar since Tigerstar was not his leader. He took orders from Leopardstar. He wasn't afraid to challenge her and tell her that what she was doing was wrong. His death is the most noble one in the series.
Tigerstar ordered him to kill Featherpaw and Stormpaw to prove his loyalty to TigerClan. Stonefur refused and told Tigerstar he would have to kill him first. Tigerstar ordered Darkstripe to kill him, but Darkstripe was too weak. Sadly, Tigerstar then ordered Blackfoot to join in, and they killed him. Really sad.
It's even sadder because, in Mistystar's Omen (spoiler alert), when Leopardstar dies, Mistyfoot says that it should have been Stonefur leading, not her. Almost made me cry. Stonefur is awesome.

The most noble of them all! She had such a painful life, watching her love (Firestar) become the mate of Sandstorm - not like Spottedleaf, who flirted with Firestar.
She went through so much! And she stuck through it to the bitter end! Even though she made some mistakes as a medicine cat, she tried so hard!
The Newcomers

All right, I had to add her because she wasn't on here. >:( She is THE MOST noble. She risked her life! Read Vision of Shadows and finish the series to see her awesomeness. She is THE STAR of The Broken Code.

It was so sad when she was killed first by Clawface while trying to protect kits in the first series, and then again by Mapleshade when she saved Sandstorm in the last book. To me, she is the most noble cat that ever lived. I love you, Spottedleaf!

ThunderClan owes Dovewing so much, but when she says goodbye to them, they act as if she were just a normal warrior.
Stupid ThunderClan.
She brought the lake back and saved many cats.
Dovewing is SO cool! She saved the clans from dying of thirst, is part of a prophecy, and, most importantly, she is so loyal! Also, she is a beautiful she-cat with pretty blue eyes, a big heart for her entire clan, and beautiful light gray fur. More votes for her!
- Shaded Moss

Brambleclaw: "Hi, Savageheart, looking for a mate?"
Me: "If Lionblaze says no that he does not want to be with-" stops and looks at Brambleclaw. "I love you... but we cannot be together since I have Scourge blood, and you have Tigerstar... Wait! We are both inherited by bad guys!"
They kiss, just as Lionblaze walks up. "S... Savageheart... You are with him! Your parents are enemies!" Runs away, and the Savage/Bramble lovers go and run from the clans together.
Brambleclaw should trade rankings with Leafpool! He was so loyal he killed his own brother, Hawkfrost, to save Firestar! Geez.

Squirrelflight is a noble, brave, and adventurous cat. When she went on the quest, every cat doubted her because:
1. She wasn't chosen to go on the quest.
2. She was an apprentice.
She later proved them all wrong by saving Brambleclaw's life. She does only what she believes to be right. When she does something that probably isn't wise, almost every time it's to protect her family, friends, clanmates, and all the clans. She never gives up, no matter what. Because of all this, she is my favorite character.

Without Ivypool, there would be no clans. Every night, she fought for her clan. She did more than Dovewing and Lionblaze in the prophecy. Job done.
She fought in the Dark Forest every night just to protect her clan!

Her birth broke the warrior code, and she killed Ashfur in fear of him revealing the truth over her family. She lived in the tunnels for a while, before rejoining ThunderClan. Hollyleaf was slain by Hawkfrost and spent her last... read more
I love Hollyleaf. She is my favorite. I wish I had voted for her in the top 10 prettiest warriors!
Hollyleaf is such a good character, and she does everything for her clan!
Hollyleaf is the best cat ever. I love Hollyleaf SO much.

Not only is Mothy my #RiverClanAtheistBuddy, but she also had to go through so much! Being a rogue, deception from Hawkfrost, and keeping her disbelief in StarClan secret... Wow.
To be honest, I wasn't sure why I voted for Mothwing, but she helped defeat Hawkfrost. She lies, even though she hates it, to protect her clan.
Mothwing is awesome, but not really a hero. Sorry. She doesn't do anything to save the world like the others. Still love her!

Graystripe is awesome. I mean it. No kidding. He was the first cat to trust Firestar, he is kindhearted, and if that's not good enough, he is also loyal and a great friend. Who could be better? (Besides Dovewing.)
And, he even became deputy for a while, until he was captured by Twolegs or something. He went missing for a while, then found a cat who helped him return to the clans. This cat who helped him was Millie, his future mate.
- Shaded Moss
Graystripe is awesome. He deserves to be much higher on the list.

Cody is noble because she helps other cats, and she is so kind.

Squirrelflight was amazing. She kept Leafpool's secret for so long - I'm assuming about a year or something. She is noble, kind, brave, and so much more! (I can't remember it all.)
Please give Squirrelflight a vote!

I was so sad when Feathertail died!

I don't need to explain. If you were a Warrior Cats fan, then you would know why he's on the list.