Top 10 Worst Deeds Done by Warrior Cats

The Top Ten
Mapleshade: starting the Evil Chain

I mean, seriously! You could have just fought with RiverClan, and it wouldn't be as bad. You made Thistleclaw evil, who kills cats, which makes Tigerstar/Claw/Paw evil, who kills so many cats, and turns Darkstripe and Hawkfrost evil.

Darkstripe kills one or two cats and tries to kill Sorreltail (a kit at the time). Well-planned evil chain... Well planned. You're still worse than Tigerstar! You made him this way!

It was not a smart act, but she is pretty cool as a villain. Without her starting it, we would never have Tigerstar plus a lot of other bad guys.

Therefore, the Warriors books would never be this wonderful to read!

Dark Forest cats: training lake cats to kill the four clans

I am on the book where they started doing this. This battle caused the deaths of cats that I am both sad for (Firestar, Mousefur, Hollyleaf, Ferncloud) and cats that I am not sad for (Spottedleaf). This was the cause of my favorite character's death, and I did not like that they started doing it. During Ivypaw's chapters, we see Hawkfrost train her to become a better warrior. I hated the cats who started doing it. Helping them become better warriors to help their Clans is one thing, but manipulating them to fight against their own Clans is another thing. Ivypaw remains my favorite Dark Forest trainee, but I just don't like it.

- Moonstar of ThunderClan

Darkstripe: feeding Sorrelkit deathberries

That was horrible. Poor Sorrelkit was so young; she only wanted to show off her tracking skills. She probably wouldn't have said anything anyway, but Darkstripe didn't care. He ruthlessly attempted to murder one of his own young Clanmates. Sorrelkit didn't even know who Blackfoot was. Later, she said he was a "big white cat with black paws." She probably thought he was from ThunderClan. She smelled ShadowClan scent but didn't recognize it. Darkstripe deserves to be exiled for this terrible crime.

Tigerstar: killing Redtail

Tigerstar killed Redtail just because he really wanted to be Deputy. It was so vicious and cruel!

Redtail is my number one favorite cat. If you read Redtail's Debt, you'd understand.

He should have been leader instead of Firestar. Firestar was trash.

Tigerstar: leading the dogs into the forest

Most hated part! This piece of fox dung and his flea-pelted dogs killed my favorite character, Bluestar! I hope the falling cat is Tigerstar, not Bluestar!

Bluestar used to be my second favorite character, but then she turned insane, and I didn't like her then. However, I will still fight for my former second favorite!

I also didn't like this because it almost killed off ThunderClan, which is my favorite Clan and is the best Clan of all time and always will be. Though if you read Leopardstar's Honor, ThunderClan cats seem like the antagonists.

- Moonstar of ThunderClan

Tigerstar: telling Stonefur to kill Graystripe's kits

Tigerstar is my least favorite character EVER. I mean, he killed Stonefur BECAUSE Stonefur wouldn't break the code that everyone has to follow. Tigerstar is a selfish brat who has no life, for real.

I HATE TIGERSTAR FOR THIS! This was my least favorite part of The Darkest Hour. I loved Stonefur, then Tigerstar had Blackstar and Darkstripe kill him.

And Leopardstar was watching?! Then she chose his sister to be the new deputy?! I hate Tigerstar and Darkstripe, but I also hate Blackstar and Leopardstar too. They shouldn't be leaders if you ask me. Sorry if you like them.

Tigerstar: leading Bloodclan to the forest

He made the biggest mistake of his life with this. I wonder if he recognized Scourge from when they were younger.

Well, it was a good bad thing. It killed lots of cats, but you met Scourge, the most awesome cat besides Firestar. Scourge is a good bad cat because the only really bad thing he did was kill Tigerstar, but that would have happened anyway.

In The Darkest Hour, Tigerstar led BloodClan to the forest, causing his and Whitestorm's deaths.

Tigerstar: plotting to kill Ravenpaw

On the 11th day of Leaf-bare, my mate gave to me: 11 evil Tigerstar deeds, 10...

Ugh, Ravenpaw should have lived to fight for the clans in the Great Battle. If I could, I would make one of these top tens and write: Saberfang wrecks Tigerstar in front of all the clans (just for fun XD).

- Saberfang (an ancient Clouded Leopard who joined LeopardClan out of thankfulness)

All ancient clans: driving SkyClan out

This one is complicated. None of the Clans were able to give away territory; there was very little prey that leaf-bare. SkyClan wouldn't be able to hunt on most of their territories. The only Clan that was a possibility at the time was ThunderClan, but they wouldn't be able to give up as much territory as SkyClan needed to survive without being killed themselves. So, I think it was necessary for SkyClan to leave, but the consequences of that were not very good.

SkyClan is my favorite clan too, and what the other clans did was ridiculous and inhumane. I'm even more disappointed because StarClan didn't have the sense to step in. They're the ones who are supposed to know better.

Thistleclaw: telling Tigerpaw to kill Tiny

HORRIBLE. Tiny doesn't deserve it because he was exploring and running away, and because he was a kittypet. He didn't want to get thrown in the river (as told by his sister, Ruby), so he ran away! But then Tigerpaw/claw/star and Thistleclaw had to ruin it. If only they had listened to Bluefur/star: "There is no need for this!" Since Thistleclaw told young Tigerpaw/claw/star to kill small little Tiny/Scourge, Tiny wanted to get revenge and turned into the most evil cat in the books. Oh, god...

At least Scourge killed Tigerstar.

The Newcomers

? Willie: killing innocent baby chicks

Willie was the main villain in Ravenpaw's Path. At first, he asked Ravenpaw and Barley for shelter because his mate was expecting kits.

He, along with Pounce and Snapper, tried to kill all the barn animals in sight. Luckily, the two dogs from Ravenpaw's barn chased them off, thanks to ThunderClan too.

? Stormtail: mating with a cat he didn't like

It's stupid. Moonflower could have gotten another mate who loved her. Instead, he mated with her and basically didn't care about what happened.

That is just stupid. Other cats could have wanted Moonflower.

The Contenders
Hawkfrost: leading Firestar into a fox trap

(Spoiler) Actually, Hawkfrost set up the plan, and Ashfur led Firestar into the fox trap. But I still hate Hawkfrost for setting it up and trying to make Brambleclaw kill him. (I'm happy Brambleclaw killed Hawkfrost instead.)

I mean, it did make Brambleclaw realize that he was loyal to his leader more than his father, but still!

But I thought (spoiler alert) Ashfur led him into the fox trap... Hawkfrost just created the plan... I could be wrong, though...

Clawface: killing Spottedleaf

I kinda like Clawface, apart from killing my favorite cat. That was a terrible thing he did, but at least Spottedleaf was happy in StarClan until Mapleshade had to ruin it all.

Spottedleaf was an amazing medicine cat, not to mention perfect for Firestar! (Even if they didn't have a future.) Stupid Clawface deserves to rot in The Dark Forest.

I mean, COME ON! Then everyone who loved her had to say goodbye forever. Clawface should be killed ten times for his wrongdoing!

Hawkheart: killing Moonflower

I understand that sometimes Warriors kill other Warriors in battle by accident, but you should never kill a Warrior purposely. It's even worse if you're a medicine cat.

I know there will be people out there who have their reasons for still liking Hawkheart, and I respect that, but I could never like him. He didn't even seem to feel bad about it. But you don't kill Warriors in battle.

Lionblaze killed Russetfur by accident. Firestar killed Scourge because he needed to, and Scourge wasn't a Warrior. You only kill in defense. The WindClan Warriors could have chased Moonflower away. The WindClan medicine cat, a former Warrior, had no right to do that. Chase them away, don't kill! Don't be fox hearts!

- Wolfspirit

Tigerstar: murdering Brindleface

Brindleface was my favorite character before she was killed by Tigerstar to give the pack a taste for cat blood.

I feel so bad for Cloudtail because Brindleface was his adoptive mother, and he actually thought that was his mother until Firestar told him it wasn't.

Now this was just a worthless kill. Why? Just WHY? There is literally no reason!

Rainflower: treating Crookedstar so badly

Why isn't this higher on the list? She pretty much emotionally abused Crookedstar. Even though I hate her, I have a few questions: Why did she treat him badly, other than his crooked jaw? Was it because she was a Karen or was she taking out her anger on him?

Before we can fully assume she's evil (which is highly doubtful) or anything, we need to know WHY she treated him the way she did.

- Birdcreek's Opinion

Rainflower was not evil, just overcome by grief.

But still, most mother cats support their kits to recover from an injury, but Rainflower didn't.

Tigerstar: killing Gorsepaw

Totally horrible! I felt so bad for Gorsepaw, who didn't even do anything wrong! It's all Tigerstar's fault.

One of the most horrifying Warriors moments of all time!

Horrible thing he did. Gorsepaw was completely innocent. Morningflower was very upset.

- Jayfeather_lover

Brokenstar: killing kits

Why is this not number one? He killed innocent kits, then he threw the blame on Yellowfang and exiled her! That is just lower than low.

How is this not number one?! Seriously, little innocent kits being killed by this tyrant?! Worst ShadowClan leader unless you count Tigerstar.

How is this lower than Sedgekit talking about tunnels and Leopardfoot giving birth? Many, many kits died, and the blood is on his paws.

Hawkfrost: killing Hollyleaf

I love Hawkfrost. I hate any of you who hate him. He just wants to be loved. If any of you are at the book where Ivypool meets Hawkfrost, you'll see he just wants someone to love him. So just give him a break!

And Hollyleaf was no smarter than his brothers.

(SPOILERS) Hawkfrost didn't really kill Hollyleaf; she kind of killed herself. Yeah, sure, he was the one who made Hollyleaf kill herself (sorry, way past that book), but also Hawkfrost was turned evil because of Tigerstar. You shouldn't blame him. Tigerstar made him feel guilty and want to be normal like all of the Clan cats. He respected the warrior code but broke it. Tigerstar wiped his brain.

Hollyleaf had a dream about flying and then walked into the caves, wracked with guilt. She reveals the secret at a Gathering, then threatens to kill Leafpool with deathberries but is convinced not to. Pursued by her brothers, she runs into the tunnels, which collapse behind her. Hollyleaf wakes up after passing out to find another cat, Fallen Leaves, caring for her. He provides her with food and herbs to help her heal. She didn't fall off a cliff; the tunnels collapsed on her, killing her, where Fallen Leaves found her and became her mate.

Appledusk: making Mapleshade evil, thus making her start the Evil Chain

I mean, heck, Mapleshade was admired by her Clanmates, who said she could become a leader. Then Appledusk came along, got Mapleshade pregnant, which led to her banishment from ThunderClan and then from RiverClan. This made her evil just because she couldn't swim well enough to save her kits. She's a ThunderClan cat; do you expect her to be better than the fish you catch at swimming?

Then Mapleshade started killing cats, one act of which was because of Appledusk. This act was her killing three cats, one for each of her drowned kits. I think her drowned kits started a bad Creepypasta somewhere, and if there's not one, then I'll probably write one.

Just think, Thistleclaw and Tigerstar could've turned into fine warriors, deputies, or even leaders if Appledusk had never existed.

I don't care what you pieces of foxdung think, Appledusk, go die in a hole. *Picks up Mapleshade and carries her to StarClan, tossing Appledusk into the oblivion that is The Place of No Stars.*

- Howl of Furious Wolf (Howl)

Sedgekit: boasting about the tunnels

In Dark River, Sedgekit and his siblings got lost in the underground tunnels, and five apprentices had to rescue them. Then in Eclipse, he bragged to the WindClan leaders about going in the tunnels, which caused the battle in ThunderClan territory, where all four clans were involved.

He is just an innocent kit! He has no idea of the damage he caused! It's not his fault. He is just being a kit, for goodness' sake! There are so many worse deeds lower than this!

Ha! Now Lionblaze blames Heathertail and dreams of killing her. Heathertail even has a chance of being killed by Lionblaze, all thanks to Sedgekit.

Ashfur: threatening to burn Squirrelflight in the forest fire

Squirrelflight was the one who made him evil. She didn't want to be with him, which broke his heart. She is a fox-dung mouse-brain to do it so harshly. Ashfur already suffered a lot, so how do you know he wouldn't be a good mate, Squirrelflight, HUH?!?!

So what if he was dumped? Get a life, Ashfur! Stop trying to kill Squirrelflight's loved ones and stop being a jerk! Holly is epic. I'm glad she killed him. I laughed at his death.

He was an adorable apprentice, but it's such a shame he was corrupted by jealousy. I want him to pay for his crimes, but at the same time, he did go to StarClan.

Tigerstar: killing Firestar

In The Last Hope, Firestar died trying to kill Tigerstar! Bad kitty, bad!

Tigerclaw doesn't deserve the name of a leader!

He died from the wounds inflicted in the fight.

Tigerstar: killing Runningwind

In Rising Storm, when Tigerstar is a rogue, he attacked a border patrol and killed Runningwind. He told Fireheart he would pick off ThunderClan warriors one by one.

Oh, well. He lives in the paws of StarClan. But he was very young!

Mapleshade: tricking Crookedstar

Whoever has read Crookedstar's Promise will know how that evil Mapleshade destroyed his life by making him promise to put his clan in front of everything. Mapleshade made sure that every cat that mattered to him was killed.

She didn't kill his family. She just gave him an impossible promise and manipulated him so that Crookedstar and all of RiverClan and ThunderClan would suffer. She is insane. And StarClan are mouse-brains for not curing her!

Technically, she didn't make his family die. She tricked him using his own future. She knew his family would die, so she used that to trick him into training with her.

Leapardfoot: giving birth to Tigerkit

Moonlight: Seriously, guys, she can't help who her son is! But there was a cat who could have stopped Tigerkit: Pinestar. He could have done what StarClan told him to!

Cedarfang: But Moonlight, tell me, would you kill your own kit?

Moonlight: *Sighs* No. But he could have helped that he ran away from the Clans forever.

Maplestar: Okay then, now you don't have to argue about it. Pinestar ran away because StarClan was becoming too much. Sunstar did a bad job with choosing a mentor, and Mapleshade should have just kept away.

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