Top 10 Most Annoying Types of People that Comment on YouTube Videos
This is my idea of the most annoying types of people that comment on YouTube videos. I don't mean to offend anyone, that's just for fun. I hope you like it.I used to do this a while ago. Now I feel like an absolute idiot. Honestly, back then, I was the biggest noob of my times. But honestly, who gives a crap that you're first? I'll tell you. NO ONE. Now stop making YouTube a worse place. It's annoying.
If you're first, then you have no life. Think about it: if you're first, that means you clicked on it very fast, so your life must be one boring, empty piece of nothing.
Congrats! You're first! Nobody cares! Your prize is... NOTHING! But seriously, nobody cares if you are first. And you don't get anything for being first.
Nobody watches a video after a certain year that it was posted, right?
Oh, wait. You mean there are videos that came out pre-YouTube days that are on YouTube that people watch? Shocking!
Comments like these make my blood boil because it's not that they care or it's a joke, but rather it's for attention to get those sweet, sweet upvotes. Upvotes are the bane of comment sections, in my opinion.
I made one of these comments, and it is my most popular one. Come on, I put actual effort into most of my comments, and this is the one that gets 600 likes?
This happens whenever I post an opinion in the comments on any type of video (doesn't matter if it's FNAF or Christianity). I really love how YouTube allows people to get away with this behavior in the comments.
This is often seen after fans go rabid over a kid hating on their favorite famous YouTuber. When this happens, I want to tear the famous YouTuber down by posting a video about them, but I'm not taking a risk.
That's just mean. Most of the time, the victims of death threats are innocent. Why would people treat them like that?
People hate all over you, then when you fight back, they say, "It's called an opinion." I understand if someone insults you for stating your opinion, then you can say it's your opinion. But don't hide behind it every time you get into an argument.
Everyone's allowed to have an opinion. The problem comes when others won't ever accept anyone else's opinion if it conflicts with theirs.
Oh, here come the people who think this site and YouTube are full of people with "bad tastes" in stuff. Get a life and respect differences.
I saw a Christian vs. Atheist argument before. The Christian just kept being edgy and insulting gays (saying they would get their stomachs ripped open), and the Atheist was actually making good points.
Sometimes religion deserves some criticism, but don't shove things down people's throats.
People, get it through your heads that some people just have different beliefs.
I would do that here because I like doing these to be annoying, but this is my favorite list of all time, so I would never do that.
Justin Bieber haters in a nutshell! I hate Justin Bieber too, but disliking and spamming bad comments on his songs only gives him more attention.
I agree. What's the point in watching it if you know you're going to hate it? Keep your rude thoughts to yourself.
On the internet, there are going to be people who have English as their second language and are not good at it. Also, people become grammar Nazis only to change the subject.
They may have good grammar, but aside from that, most of them are idiots who target little kids or people whose first language is something other than English.
To all the Grammar Nazis (but not the ones who understand what I'm talking about), get this through your head: it's YouTube, not school!
I was watching the Wake Me Up music video, and it ended strangely, so I looked in the comments to see people's ideas on that. Here is what I saw:
40% RIP Avicii
50% 2019? 2019?
9% Nobody cares what year you're watching in
1% Other stuff
I never found one comment that had to do with the actual video.
It's just so annoying! I've seen like a billion of them, and it's just giving me a damn headache. This thing is getting old now.
And those stupid comments are usually the top comments. I don't know why people keep liking those.
I was watching TheOdd1sOut's Movie Sequels and noticed someone made a comment criticizing James because he said Kronk's New Groove wasn't movie material. I said it wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. Then some kid named ShootShifts started arguing with me and wouldn't stop until I said it was good. He hoped I enjoyed the 'silent treatment.' I told him how annoyed I was, and he accused me of being "offensive." He told me to stop responding so he could stop "feeding facts into my baby brain." As a sixteen-year-old genius, I was just appalled at how rude this kid was. So I just left. This is the kind of person YouTube seems to focus on more than actual content. I saw ShootShift's videos - they're terrible!
Their names are just so they can comment, "Who wants to drink me?" Bleach jokes aren't funny. These jokes led to the death of an innocent teen.
I hate these accounts with "clorox bleach." It's my mission to kill every single one of them!
I see them everywhere! It's always "DRINK ME" or "Don't worry everyone, I'm here!"
The Newcomers
Out of all the YouTube comments, these seem to get the least criticism compared to others. I've seen people complain about comments like "I was born in the wrong generation," but I barely even see those anymore.
Why aren't more people complaining about the sheer amount of "girls (room) boys (room)" comments? They get tons of worthless likes and are becoming more annoying than ever. YouTube is full of idiots!
This is a very serious problem, which I see not only on YouTube or the internet in general but also in real life. This has GOT to stop!
If you're going to tell people online to do something that is actually a real issue in the world, at least write it out. Thanks!
These are the kinds of people that should be banned from YouTube, not the people who 'violate' copyright laws.
Honestly, that's one of the most annoying comments. I honestly do not know how that type of comment gets a lot of likes. Laziness is a sin. Don't be lazy. Otherwise, you might end up in hell. Also, people who like or YouTubers who pin these types of comments are the most gullible people who fall for that stuff.
You were right, they won't pin a comment like that!
Straight like begging. I made a comment on a video saying, "Me: not singing. My brain: having a whole concert." That's got like 6k likes. But somehow those comments get like 100k. Seriously, people, don't be gullible. They don't even work for those likes. Don't like it or you're really gullible.
People who are jealous because they can't get enough likes.
These comments are really annoying. Like if you agree!
Honestly, begging for fame. If I see anyone I subscribed to doing this, I'm immediately unsubscribing. It's annoying. I don't understand how that actually works. People might be like, "Let them dream." No! He or she needs to work instead of being lazy.
The funny thing is, I refuse to make people famous, even on command. I think that it should be earned, not spammed on every other channel or other people's profiles.
Wanna be famous? Work on your channel and videos. Put out new kinds of videos (like unpopular or not overdone games).
You can be famous without forcing the hand of a community. Let them come by themselves. Simple.
I absolutely loathe those people who treat you like you murdered five billion people just because of an opinion! I watched a video once called "Kids react to Queen," and one idiot commenter said, "Lucas (one of the kids) should be shot." It was all over an opinion. You seriously want to murder a kid who is nine or something over an opinion! I can't believe how brutally people roast each other over opinions on YouTube. Whenever people do that, I just roast them back to see how they like it. They totally deserve it for being stupid buttheads over an opinion. I hate the YouTube comment section, yet I always have the urge to read them, and I do it anyway.
"Modern TV sucks! I'd rather watch Wander Over Yonder and Mixels than that live-action crap!"
Guess what? The majority of those people are on DeviantArt. No wonder they are fandom cancer. I watch a lot of live-action TV. I like a few of the Nick and Disney sitcoms, to be honest, and Adventure Time and Steven Universe are the only cartoons worth watching.
"Modern TV sucks! I'd rather watch Bunnicula and Wander Over Yonder than all that real people crap!"
And guess what? Those people are also on DeviantArt. Talk about fandom cancer.
I think some of the worst comments are from people who call other people retards and maybe people who call kids stupid. Retards can't help it, and kids can't help being stupid. Just leave everyone alone. The only person we should hate on is Justin Bieber!
And yet why do these horrendously spelled comments get so many likes? That's what really bugs me. I'm losing faith in humanity over here.
As someone who would travel the web as a ten-year-old, I often found that some people my age were exceedingly immature.
How are YouTube users still doing this? It doesn't make any sense to me. They're even mentioning years that haven't come yet or years that didn't have YouTube (90s, 80s, etc).
This was a very common type of spam commentary back in 2012-2013. They would often get a lot of unnecessary thumbs-ups.
I still see it occasionally in 2016.
Writing in all caps makes you seem like you're shouting, and nobody likes being yelled at.
It's just unprofessional and makes it seem like you're angry.
I know, right? Especially when they express their hatred towards certain things.
The very first comment ever posted was on Jawed's "Me at the Zoo." It simply said, "Interesting." Nowadays, hipsters comment, "Who's watching in May 19, 2017?" Really, no one cares.
People copy and paste something that someone else has said from another video, and then they get acknowledged by heaps of people!
It's just an attempt to get likes in the laziest way possible. Isn't this happening in 2019 Rewind?
They are asking for the song title, but the YouTube user isn't giving the answer. They think that comment will convince the user to provide the song title. Not funny at all.
You: Hey, this song is awesome! Can anyone tell me what it's called?
Annoying commenter: Darude-Sandstorm.
Give it up. Your 2007 joke was never funny.
Whenever I see these, I think of Sandstorm from Warrior Cats.
Just look at the comment section of Sunday Morning lyrics and you'll find a lot.
Beliebers are cute kittens compared to Beatles fans in this aspect. Remember, how bad a fanbase is does not depend on the music's quality. A lot of Beatles fans, unlike most fanbases of modern pop artists, not only cannot accept any negative comment but are also outraged even when you call The Beatles the second-best band of all time.
How about just butthurt people in general? Lots of fanbases are like this. Just look at I Hate Everything's Comment Comeback videos.
And they're usually too stupid to defend themselves like sane people.
I used to do this when I was 12, but I still get offended when people harass them for doing it. They're just trying to be perfectionists. Leave them alone.
I can't believe I did this less than a year ago. Seeing it like that is just so unsatisfying and obnoxious.
Seriously, that's stupid. I hate it when people do that.