Top Ten Biggest Problems With Vlogging

Vlogs can be interesting, as they share their personal life to others and make quality videos, but there are certainly problems with it, like with many other things.

It's one of those things that started out good, but then went downhill.
The Top Ten
1 Lack of Originality

Sites like YouTube were once great and even original. Vlogging was useful as well, but then it started to focus mainly on people telling weird stories about their lives. They talk about their sexualities, make videos about weird foods, and treat serious issues as jokes. They even make up these "challenges" that hardly make any sense and are more like weird "jokes" rather than actual challenges.

If you look up each person's vlog, it's practically the same thing no matter who it is. This is an example of no originality. Where's the originality videos once had?

Sites like YouTube used to have originality, with awesome shows, music, documentaries, movies, and other content. People even created characters and entertained audiences with their true talent.

Now, all we get are videos about people telling others weird parts about their lives, sexual stories, and crazy "challenges" to draw more viewers and make money.

What has happened to the internet?

2 Relying on Shock Value

People are just making vlogs that only rely on shock value. When someone talks about certain stuff or uses certain language, it's usually done for shock value, as well as for more views and money. It might work the first time, but when it's done over and over again, the shock value fades away.

3 Weird Topics

When people discuss topics with others, they should be interactive. Most of the modern topics on vlogs nowadays are just "weird" and not worth getting into.

It's the truth that people do those kinds of things just to bring attention and other things. They don't necessarily work.

4 Weird Stories

People were once sharing fun parts of their lives with others, but now they're just making up weird stories about things such as food, issues, and their lives.

It's unsettling that people behave that way now because they think they're trying to get more views and money by doing that stuff, but it doesn't work.

5 Challenges

Believe it or not, that's what videos are about these days: challenges.

People are making up "challenges" because their "fans" think it's funny and cool. But it's really not, to be honest with you.

They do stuff like Charlie Charlie, Eat It, Condoms, Sex Position, and other things.

Why would people do that kind of stuff? Views and money.

There are honestly better ways to get more views by doing something more original, like making awesome shows that are actually funny and entertaining and contain storylines.

Challenges are none of that, to be honest.

6 Fighting

Vlogs can sometimes have fighting, and that's a big issue with them these days.

Lots of people are fighting and doing the most insensible things toward others and in the vlogs. When someone says mean things to others and others struggle to ignore them, they usually get into a fight and try to hurt the others' feelings and even themselves.

It's very shameful that people do those kinds of things.

7 Swearing

Swearing is a big problem with videos these days. People like to swear in them. We know that there's a chance to swear and that almost everybody says a bad word at least once in their lifetime.

But swearing, especially too much, is a big problem with videos. Even those watching them with headphones can be negatively influenced by the language and get into swearing too much as well.

People need to be nicer and talk more positively, with respect and friendship. Swearing just makes people, including me, want to go away from them.

8 Sexual Revelations

Every once in a while, during a vlog, someone will reveal his/her sexuality to others. While that's something to be somewhat proud of, as we get to know more about a big part of their life, it can be a problem, especially with what's done afterwards.

9 Copyright Infringement
10 Misleading Thumbnails

When you go on a vlog channel nowadays, you'll find videos with weird-looking and misleading thumbnails. They look so annoying and inaccurate, and so are the titles. When you find a video with a good title, it's worse than you think, and when you look at a video with an offensive or gross title, it's not as bad as you expect.

People need to make videos, including vlogs, more accurate, especially like they were back then.

The Contenders
11 Misleading titles
12 Shaky Videos

Probably the most common problem with vlogging.

13 Greed

This is a serious problem with vlogging, and pretty much everything.

Many people, including vloggers, are just doing crazy stuff for money. They are desperate and being enslaved by the now evil groups we call Google and YouTube.

14 Fakeness
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