Best Reaction Channels On YouTube
This is a list of the best YouTube channels that primarily make reaction videos. Remember, they must PRIMARILY make reaction videos. If they only sometimes make reaction videos, it doesn't count.
Been watching Maurice's videos for a long time now. Gotta say the guy is awesome and super funny (especially on the jump scare compilations). Plus, I love his vlogs, story times, and let's plays.
I support BHD, and I watched his videos before he reached 1,000,000 subs. I will never let other reaction channels become my favorite.
Dude tells it like it is, especially when people do stupid stuff.

First of all, he's my favorite YouTuber by far! He's hilarious and always makes me smile. I have a huge crush on him, and he has the greatest smile ever. When he's with his friends Anthony and Michael, I never stop laughing!
He's the best reaction channel I've ever come across, and I'm so glad he has two other channels (Game Time and Free Time). He makes content that everyone can relate to and enjoy. I'm so glad he has over 6 million subscribers!
Tal Fishman's Reaction Time is, by far, my favorite reaction channel. His crude-ish language and jokes make me laugh so much! Wish his videos were a little longer, though.

The difference between FBE and other reaction channels is that they are diverse! Kids react, teens react, college kids react, adults react, elders react, YouTubers react! It's different people giving their reaction, and it's not the same generation every time! They even do generations react!
Their videos are amazing, and for those that are really big fans like myself, you know about the live streams and the vlogs. You connect with the reactors on a bigger level compared to those who only watch them once in a while! This channel is the best react channel because let's be honest, they made reaction videos popular. And I'm so glad they did. They made the path for other react channels, but they will always be number one, at least in my heart.

Whenever I feel stressed or sad, I always look at their videos, and my whole attitude changes into happiness. They are really my favorite channel to watch.
They're so hilarious to watch! Especially when they react to Flipagram Roast Compilations - they have me in tears of laughter.
They're literally so real and the best!

YouTube has really tainted his video production and style. But he miraculously stays amazing for a reaction channel, one of the most despised video formats on YouTube. He's interactive with his fans, is just hilarious, sweet, and needs the revenue so he can live the life he wants.
The perfect reactor. He is very talented, funny, cool, and has a long life in front of him. Sadly, he doesn't have his 800K subs anymore, but I hope he will get them back!
No need to explain, just look him up, and you'll see why he's so entertaining and deserves to be in the Top 5.
A league above any of the other channels. This is their job and their lives. They go to an office, they sit down at a desk, and they work through things they enjoy and that their fans enjoy. They offer varying and intelligent insight and clearly care about the material. They aren't above admitting when they don't like something, don't pander, and actively engage with content.
They are professional about their reactions. They don't just sit on a couch and react but also take notes, recap the previous episodes, discuss plot lines, predict outcomes, ramble about nonsense, and occasionally slap each other. Best guys out there.
They're funny and really energetic, plus they have bars too. 1-2 minutes in, I already love these guys!
The Newcomers
Shaq was the first "rock music reactor" that I thought was genuine in his unfiltered reactions. His rap music reactions are incredibly funny at times, even when he is serious.
He is so honest and funny! He loves everyone, and he is so funny and fair that everyone loves him back!

H3H3 at 11?! Chadtronic at 17?! They are the only good reaction channels on YouTube! They both put editing and effort into their videos. They are relatable and likable people, and they put on skits that they put effort into. They're both funny. Why aren't they at the top?!
And for H3H3, Ethan and Hila are the perfect couple on YouTube! Their chemistry with comedy and context works so well!
What the heck...
We have Jinx, Rushed, and a bunch of other "reactionists" that do nothing but sit there, while we have the god over here at only 12, and Chadtronic at 22. These people actually try, actually edit, and are hilarious. It's sad that Jinx is above him.

Funniest laugh, very good impressions of voices and sounds.
These guys (and gals) would be in the top five on a more well-known site if ranked by actual popularity (subscribers, viewership, etc.). A lot of other reactors may be more animated or goofy, but they don't have the chops Reel Rejects do to comment knowledgeably on the finer aspects, notice Easter eggs, or articulate their thoughts.
Reel Rejects has the goods to be both entertaining and informative in their reactions. Check them out.
They show real passion for movies, and their reviews, thoughts, and reactions are absolutely brilliant.
Humble guy who seems to love listening to music. Can cheer you up when he reacts to Dio or Iron Maiden. Plus, the videos are well put together, and he speaks some good truths.
His reactions to Iron Maiden, Dio, Metallica, Pink Floyd, etc., are amazing. He is really passionate about their songs, and he doesn't pretend.
Understands that Tool are four minor deities that got together and make the most exquisite sounds.

He was amazing. Wish he would come back!
He is the most genuine "reactor" and gives a more comprehensive opinion about the particular video he just watched. Moreover, he tries his level best to not make it a copyright issue out of the reaction video, which is quite unlikely in most channels. That's what I think.
I love these guys! They can be both serious and funny in the same video. Give them a watch, and you will be hooked! They react to a wide variety of different videos, and they take suggestions.
Love you Nate, Ben, Micah, Elena, Caleb, Wyndem, Colton, and Beau!
P.S. Not everybody is in all of their videos.
These guys are very funny, and they actually react to and talk about the videos.

I've seen reaction videos from those placed higher on this list. All I can say is that, at least to me, Lia puts in a lot of effort to upload almost daily compared to some of the others, and it shows. Some reactors, I feel, just pull a Jimmy Stewart-Alfred Hitchcock and barely do any sort of outward reaction, forcing the fans to guess, unlike with Lia.
SSSniperwolf is currently bigger than Reaction Time, which is crazy! SSSniperwolf always makes me laugh. She is one of my favorite YouTubers. Her videos are great content. Back then, she used bad language in her videos, but now her videos are definitely family-friendly. I would call her an influencer.
He actually takes time to edit his videos. At least he's adding something, unlike Jinx's never-changing face and the occasional laugh.

Probably my favorite YouTuber of all time. Also, if you like Chadtronic, watch some of his friends' channels like Peanut Butter Gamer and Brutalmoose.
He can make good jokes and sometimes does random stuff.
This guy is the funniest YouTuber, period!